Na Meadhanan Gàidhlig air an aithneachadh air Geàrr-liosta Fèis nam Meadhanan Ceilteach

Issued by Electrify Marketing & Communications on behalf of BBC ALBA

Tha na meadhanan Gàidhlig air aithne fhaighinn le 14 ainmeachaidhean airson duaisean Fèis nam Meadhanan Ceilteach 2021, nam measg prògraman bho BhBC ALBA, Radio nan Gàidheal agus Thèatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba

Chaidh dà phrògram mu Peat & Diesel ainmeachadh; an prògram aithriseach That's the Way We Do It! agus an cuirm-ciùil aca à Glaschu From the Barrow to the Barrowlands agus bha ainmeachadh eile ann do na riochdairean MacTV airson a’ phrògraim sònraichte aca, An Lot, a’ leantainn beatha a’ chroitear Dòmhnall ‘Sweeny’ MacSuain tro àm Covid.

Bha fòcas cuideachd air prògraman aithriseach BBC ALBA le ainmeachaidhean airson Curaidh na Coille, Crodh Gàidhealach an Àird Bhàin agus sealladh de Margaret Fay Shaw a choisinn dà ainmeachadh, nam measg airson an sàr-dhuais Spiorad na Fèise.

Chaidh BBC Radio nan Gàidheal ainmeachadh cuideachd airson stèisean na bliadhna còmhla ri ainmeachadh airson a’ chraoladair cliùiteach Cathy NicDhòmhnaill mar Preseantair Rèidio na Bliadhna.

Thog Danni the Champion, film dà-chànanach Gàidhlig agus Beurla le Thèatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba ainmeachadh anns an roinn Cruth Goirid. 

Thuirt Mairead Chamshron, Deasaiche Coimiseanaidh & Ceannard Co-bhanntachdan Cruthachail aig MG ALBA: “Tha na prògraman seo air còrdadh gu mòr ri ar luchd-amhairc agus tha an aithne seo cho cudromach dhuinn. Tha Fèis nam Meadhanan Ceilteach na deagh thaisbeanadh airson susbaint ioma-chruth agus tha e math a bhith a’ faicinn a leithid de shusbaint tarraingeach bho BhBC ALBA aithneachadh leis an Fhèis. Meal-a-naidheachd chun a h-uile duine.”

Thèid Fèis nam Meadhanan Ceilteach a chumail am-bliadhna air-loidhne eadar 7-9 Sultain. 

Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh an seo.

Prògraman BBC ALBA a th’ air geàrr-liosta na bliadhna-sa:


Peat & Diesel: That's the Way We Do It! (Riochdaichte le MacTV)

Dibhearsan Fìrinneach

An Lot: An Glasadh (Riochdaichte le MacTV)

Prògram aithriseach (barrachd na 60 mionaidean):

Crodh Gàidhealach an Àird Bhàin (Riochdaichte le TrixPixMedia)


Solas – Margaret Fay Shaw of Canna (Riochdaichte le National Trust for Scotland)

Prògram Ciùil Beò: Peat & Diesel

From the Barrow to the Barrowlands (Riochdaichte le MacTV)

Prògram aithriseach Singilte

Curaidh na Coille / The Birdman of Pollok (Riochdaichte le BBC Gàidhlig)

Spiorad na Fèise

Margaret Fay Shaw of Canna (Riochdaichte le National Trust of Scotland)

A thuilleadh air a bhith ainmichte airson duais Stèisean Rèidio na Bliadhna, tha BBC Radio nan Gàidheal a’ nochdadh air iomadach geàrr-liosta eile:

Prògram-aithris Rèidio


Prògram Iriseach Rèidio


Prògram Ciùil Rèidio (Beò)

Mac IlleMhìcheil

Prògram Spòrs Rèidio

Spòrs na Seachdain

Preseantair Rèidio na Bliadhna 

Cathy MacDonald

Gaelic Media recognised as Celtic Media Festival Announces Shortlists 

Gaelic media has been recognised with 14 nominations for the 2021 Celtic Media Festival awards, including programmes from BBC ALBA and Radio nan Gàidheal, and the National Theatre of Scotland.

Two Peat & Diesel programmes were nominated; the documentary That's the Way We Do It! and their Glasgow concert From the Barrow to the Barrowlands and producers MacTV also picked up a third nod for their Covid-special of An Lot, following the life of crofter Donald “Sweeny” MacSween. 

BBC ALBA’s biographical documentaries were also in focus with nominations for Curaidh na Coille (Birdman of Pollok), Crodh Gàidhealach an Àird Bhàin (The Highland Cattle of Ardbhan) and a profile of Margaret Fay Shaw which earned two nominations, including one for the prestigious Spirit of the Festival award.

BBC Radio nan Gàidheal has also been nominated for station of the year alongside a nomination for the popular broadcaster Cathy MacDonald as Presenter of the Year.

Danni the Champion, a bilingual Gaelic and English film by the National Theatre of Scotland picked up a nomination in the Short Form category.

Margaret Cameron, Commissioning Editor & Head of Creative Collaborations at MG ALBA, said: “It’s great to see such distinctive Gaelic content being recognised. We know our audiences have loved these programmes and this recognition is hugely valuable. The Celtic Media Festival is a great showcase for multiplatform content and it is great to see such a range of diverse and exciting content from BBC ALBA being recognised by the festival. Congratulations to all.”

The Celtic Media Festival this year takes place online from 7-9 September.

More information here.

The BBC ALBA programmes which have been shortlisted in 2021 are:


Peat & Diesel: That's the Way We Do It! (Produced by MacTV)

Factual Entertainment

An Lot: An Glasadh (Produced by MacTV)

Feature Documentary (over 60 mins):

Crodh Gàidhealach an Àird Bhàin (Produced by TrixPixMedia)


Solas – Margaret Fay Shaw of Canna (Produced by National Trust for Scotland)

Live Music Programme: Peat & Diesel

From the Barrow to the Barrowlands (Produced by MacTV)

Single Documentary

Curaidh na Coille / The Birdman of Pollok (Produced by BBC Gàidhlig)

Spirit of the Festival

Margaret Fay Shaw of Canna (Produced by National Trust of Scotland)

In addition to its nomination in the category for Radio Station of the Year, BBC Radio nan Gàidheal also has several nominations across radio categories:

Radio Documentary


Radio Magazine Show


Radio Music Programme (Live)

Mac IlleMhìcheil

Radio Sports

Spòrs na Seachdain

Radio Presenter of the Year

Cathy MacDonald

More information here.

17 Jun 2021