Climate Change and The Highlands: ‘Think Global – Act Local’

The challenge of tackling the impacts of climate change in the Highlands can best be met if public, private and voluntary organisations work together on plans to conserve energy and protect the public and habitats from the threat of flooding.

Councillor Sandy Park, Convener of The Highland Council, stressed the importance of joint working in opening a conference on climate change at Inverness entitled ‘Think Global – Act Local’.

Councillor Park said: “The variety of impacts expected help to further reinforce that climate change is a challenge that transcends all traditional boundaries and sectors.  It affects a range of services offered not just by The Highland Council but other public, private and voluntary organisations.  It can only be addressed if concerted effort is made by such relevant bodies, organisations and groups to work together. 

“By developing a coherent approach to climate change, organisations can benefit in terms of saving energy and money, improving environmental performance, enhancing the living conditions of local residents and protecting local people and habitats from the threats posed by our changing climate.

“We also want to promote and encourage good working relations and networking between organisations and highlight areas where collaborative gain can be achieved.”

The Scottish Government, he said, wanted Scotland to show leadership in tackling climate change and for Scotland’s efforts to inspire others. Legislative developments throughout the coming months, such as the Scottish Climate Change Bill, would set major targets.

Councillor Park added: “Meeting the targets in the Bill, along with other national, international and local targets, is going to be extremely challenging for all sectors. But with events such as our conference,  we can show that by working together we can achieve our targets, ensure that such targets are appropriate for the Highlands and demonstrate ambition and leadership as an exemplar both nationally and internationally.”

25 Jun 2008