
Test and Learn Grant Fund

The purpose of the grant fund is to test a new service delivery model to support unemployed people who require more intensive, longer-term support in their journey towards employment.  The requirement will be to deliver a high quality, end to end, work-focussed employability support offer which is tailored to the needs of the individual.

The aim of this model is to create the right conditions for a high performing (where outputs and outcomes are achieved) and high quality (with high levels of client satisfaction) employability service, which delivers good value for money.

This ‘TEST AND LEARN’ will be delivered through a grant challenge fund where ongoing learning will be used to inform future service delivery requirements.  Flexibility will be offered throughout the grant period to enable continuous improvement developments to the delivery model.

Client Groups

Eligible clients should live in the Highland Council area, be of working age, and unemployed or economically inactive, and possess at least one of the following characteristics:

  • Disability (as defined in the Equality Act 2010)
  • Long-term Health Condition
  • Long-term Unemployment (over 12 months)

Key Dates

  1. Closing date of Applications: 12 noon on 25 September 2023
  2. Implementation Date 1 October 2023
  3. Client registration will commence, at the earliest, from 16 October 2023 until 31 March 2024, unless exceptional circumstances result in an alternative start date being agreed with the Council’s Employability Service
  4. Up to 12 months service offer should be provided for each client within the period up to 31 March 2025
  5. The latest eligible date for Job Entry Outcomes will be 31 March 2025
  6. The latest eligible date for Job Sustainment Outcomes (26 weeks after Job Entry) will be 30 September 2025

Please see the guidance, application and annex’s below.

Test and Learn Guidance and Application