Schools - Arisaig Primary
Arisaig -
Arisaig -
PH39 4NH -
01687 450282 -
School email address
Head Teacher
Pamela Watt (Acting) -
School description
Arisaig Primary School provides its pupils with a stimulating learning environment which is supported by an ethos of encouraging achievement and celebrating success. We actively promote partnership between home, school and the wider community. The school has the support of a Parent Council.There are two full time teaching staff in the school at present and several support staff and specialist teachers. The school uses brain based learning and has a very positive attitude towards music education. -
School day for pupils
P1, 2 and 3 - Monday to Friday 09.00 to 14.30P4, 5, 6 and 7 - Monday to Friday 09.00 to 15.15 -
Associated Secondary
Mallaig -
School website
Pupil roll (from September census)
29 -
Pre-school education?
Yes -
School facilities for hire
This School does not hire facilities to the public. -
Further information