Apply for a licence - Gambling
Guidance & Forms
Please ensure that you read the Privacy Notice here before applying for a licence or registration
Gambling Policy Statement 2022-25
The Highland Licensing Board (HLB) has now finalised its Statement of Policy under the Gambling Act 2005 which will become its policy statement for the period 2022-2025. This will come into force on 1 January 2022.
Gambling application forms
Privacy statement - How we use your informationSmall society lotteries
- Small society lottery guidance notes
- Small society lottery application form
- Small society lottery return form
Licensed premises gaming application forms
- Gaming machines on alcohol licensed premises notification form
- Licensed premises gaming permit application
Club premises
Application fees
There is a single regulator for gambling in Great Britain, the Gambling Commission have responsibility for granting gaming and betting permissions. We have responsibility for:
- Premises licences
- Gaming centres
- Licensed family entertainment centres
- Bingo premises
- Betting premises
- Track licences
- Travelling fairs
- Temporary and occasional permits
- Licensed premises, gaming machine permits
- Prize gaming permits
- Club, gaming and club machine permits
- Small lotteries
- Unlicensed family entertainment centres
Public bodies notified of applications
Responsible authorities are notified of applications for premises licences and are allowed to make feedback to the Licensing Board.
Our responsibilities
- Our powers and responsibilities are detailed in our scheme of delegation
- Our policy statement 2022-25 details the principles we apply
- Supplementary guidance note on risk assessments
Downloadable files
- Phone: 01349 886609