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Fort Augustus to Invermoriston

Fort Augustus to Invermoriston

Distance: 7.3 miles / 11.7 km (7.5 miles / 12.2 km by High Route)

Please be aware that the normal GGW route heading north from Fort Augustus will be closed for essential harvesting work over the winter. More information can be found here.

Beyond Fort Augustus the Great Glen Way begins to climb and you come upon a choice – Follow the low route through the forest or take the steep climb out of Fort Augustus onto the high route, which climbs above the tree line and opens up spectacular views along the length of the Great Glen.

Climbing out of Fort Augustus follow the forest track until you come to the information panel about the high route. The High route adds a little over a mile to your walk, and involves a steep climb over about 1 km to get above the tree line. From here on the route rises and falls until a steep descent back down to Invermoriston. The low route is more level, but still has beautiful views of Loch Ness, as well as passing through Acquisition Number 1 – the first site planted by the Forestry Commission in Scotland, where you will walk among enormous examples of Douglas Fir and Sitka Spruce, reminiscent of the forests of the Pacific North-west in America from where these trees originated.

Both route options lead you to Invermoriston, where you can find a small village shop (with post office), accommodation and cafes/restaurants.

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