Care Experienced Children and Young People

Children and Young People in Care

Definition of Children and Young People in Care

  • Provided with accommodation by a local authority under Section 25.
  • Subject to a Supervision Requirement made by a Children’s Hearing.
  • Subject to an Order, Authorisation or Warrant by a Justice of the Peace, Children’s Hearing or Sheriff.
  • Living in Scotland and subject to an order in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  • Subject to a Permanence Order after an application to the Local Authority.

Our Highland Council/NHS Highland Integrated Role includes:

  • Notifying the Chief Social Work Officers/Directors of Health Boards if our Children and/or Young People are placed outwith Highland.
  • Notifying our Chief Social Work Officer/Director of NHSH if other authority Children and/or Young People are placed within Highland.
  • Ensuring, as per the regulations/guidance within the Children’s Act, that the health part of the Child’s Plan is completed as per the subset of data required by the Scottish Government.
  • Ensuring the most appropriate health professional undertakes the statutory health assessments.
  • Improving the health outcomes of Looked After Children and Young People.

Health of Care Experienced Children and Young People

“Looked After Children and Young People share many of the same health risks and problems as those who have not been in care. But in addition, they may have been exposed to additional risks to their well-being including poverty, abuse and neglect. They often experience multiple placements and daunting statutory processes which can be detrimental to their emotional and physical well-being whilst in care.

Good health makes an active and enjoyable life possible, as well as underpinning achievement in school and, in due course, the workplace. It is therefore crucial to identify a Child or Young Person’s health needs early in their care planning in order to ensure as far as possible that the health outcomes of Children and Young People who are, or have been, Looked After will be as good as those who have not.”

More information can be found on For Highland’s Children.

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