Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Council

Date: Thursday, 8 May 2014

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Highland Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Thursday, 8 May 2014 at 10.35am.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully,

Michelle Morris
Depute Chief Executive/
Director of Corporate Development


1.  Calling of the Roll and Apologies for Absence
A’ Gairm a’ Chlàir agus Leisgeulan

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pairt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Presentation – Gaelic Language Plan
Taisbeanadh – Plana na Gàidhlig

Members will be aware that the Council agreed its second generation Gaelic Language Plan 2012-2016 on 5 April 2012 and that this was followed by statutory approval by Bord na Gaidhlig on 18 September. In this regard, the Council provides an annual update on the progress and implementation of the Gaelic Language Plan.  

Mr John Angus MacKay, Chief Executive of Bòrd na Gàidhlig, will give a presentation on the Bord’s assessment of the Council’s progress as set out in the first annual review.

In connection with the Presentation on the Gaelic Language Plan, the Annual Implementation Report (127kb pdf) is circulated for information.

4. By-Election – Ward 12 (Caol and Mallaig)
Fo-thaghadh – Uàrd 12 (An Caol agus Malaig)

The Council is advised that, at the By-Election held on 1 May 2014, Mr Ben Thompson, 2 Erracht, Banavie, Fort William was elected as the Member for Ward 12 (Caol and Mallaig).

5. Confirmation of Minutes
Daingneachadh a’ Ghearr-chunntais

There are submitted for confirmation as a correct record the Minutes of Meeting of the Council held on 13 March 2014 as contained in the Volume which has been circulated separately.

6. Minutes of Meetings of Committees
Gearr-chunntasan Choinneamhan Chomataidhean

There are submitted for confirmation as correct records, for information as regards delegated business and for approval as appropriate, the Minutes of Meetings of Committees contained in Volume circulated separately as undernoted:-

|Link to Minutes Index|
•    Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey Area Committee, 19 March
•    Community Safety, Public Engagement and Equalities Committee, 26 March
•    Audit & Scrutiny Committee, 27 March
•    Skye, Ross & Cromarty Area Committee, 30 April

7. Highland and Western Isles Valuation Joint Board
Bord Lucachaidh na Gaidhealtachd is nan Eilean Siar

There will follow for information Minutes of Meeting of the Valuation Joint Board held on 23 January 2014 (approved by the Board on 1 May 2014).

8. Customer Services Board
Bòrd Sheirbheisean Luchd-ceannaich

There are circulated for information Minutes of Meeting of the Customer Services Board held on 24 April 2014.

9. Membership of Committees, etc
Ballrachd air Comataidhean, msaa

Members are advised that, following the result of the By-Election for Ward 12, the political make-up of the Council is now:-

Independent – 34/SNP – 21/Liberal Democrat – 14/Labour – 8/Independent Nationalist – 1/Non Aligned – 2

The formula in respect of the number of places on Strategic Committees remains as 10/6/4/2.

In this regard, there are circulated revised Committee memberships (65kb pdf) tables for approval.

Members are also asked to agree the following changes to membership of Committees:-
•    Community Services Committee – Mr G MacKenzie to replace Ms M Smith
•    Community Services Committee – Mr D Fallows to replace Dr I Cockburn
•    Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee – Mr G Phillips to replace Ms G Ross
•    Resources Committee – Dr I Cockburn to replace Mr G Phillips
•    Resources Committee – Ms M Smith to replace Mr B Gormley
•    Audit & Scrutiny Committee – Mr A Duffy to replace Ms G Ross
•    Audit & Scrutiny Committee (Substitute) – Ms G Ross to replace Mr A Duffy  
Thereafter, the Administration will move the following –

(i) Chair of the Resources Committee – Ms M Smith to be appointed
(ii) Chair of the Community Services Committee – Mr G MacKenzie to be appointed
(iii) Vice Chair of the Education, Children and Adult Services Committee – Ms G Ross
     to be appointed

10.  Question Time
Àm Ceiste

The following Questions have been received by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Development in terms of Standing Order 42 –

(i) Mrs M Davidson (475kb pdf)

To the Chair of the Resources Committee

“When will Highland Council have a clear asset disposal policy to use when communities approach the Council to lease or buy a building?”

The response is circulated.

Mrs Davidson will be entitled to ask a supplementary question which will be answered by the Chair of the Resources Committee.

(ii) Mrs M Davidson (486kb pdf)

To the Leader of the Council

“My supplementary question to you at the last Highland Council was ‘whether you would circulate to all Members a list of what campaigning issues the Council was currently working on’. Can we have a list of current priority campaigning issues and regular updates on progress?”

The response is circulated.

Mrs Davidson will be entitled to ask a supplementary question which will be answered by the Leader of the Council.

(iii) Mr A Baxter (455kb pdf)

To the Leader of the Council

“What meetings have you had with Scottish or UK Government Ministers to discuss Highland Council issues since 1st November 2013 and will you outline the substantive issues covered?”

The response is circulated.

Mr Baxter will be entitled to ask a supplementary question which will be answered by the Leader of the Council.

(iv) Mr A Baxter (454kb pdf)

To the Chair of the Resources Committee

“What meetings have you had with Scottish or UK Government Ministers to discuss Highland Council issues since 1st November 2013 and will you outline the substantive issues covered?”

The response is circulated.

Mr Baxter will be entitled to ask a supplementary question which will be answered by the Chair of the Resources Committee.

(v) Mr A Baxter (454kb pdf)

To the Chair of the Community Services Committee

“What meetings have you had with Scottish or UK Government Ministers to discuss Highland Council issues since 1st November 2013 and will you outline the substantive issues covered?”

The response is circulated.

Mr Baxter will be entitled to ask a supplementary question which will be answered by the Chair of the Community Services Committee.

(vi) Mr A Baxter (454kb pdf)

To the Chair of the Education, Children and Adult Services Committee

“What meetings have you had with Scottish or UK Government Ministers to discuss Highland Council issues since 1st November 2013 and will you outline the substantive issues covered?”

The response is circulated.

Mr Baxter will be entitled to ask a supplementary question which will be answered by the Chair of the Education, Children and Adult Services Committee.

(vii)Mr A Baxter (454kb pdf)

To the Chair of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee

“What meetings have you had with Scottish or UK Government Ministers to discuss Highland Council issues since 1st November 2013 and will you outline the substantive issues covered?”

The response is circulated.

Mr Baxter will be entitled to ask a supplementary question which will be answered by the Chair of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee.

(viii) Mr A Baxter (455kb pdf)

To the Chair of the Community Services Committee

“At the Special Meeting of Highland Council on 7th February 2013, Members agreed that the Strategic Change and Development Fund would welcome bids up to a total of £1 million for road maintenance and repairs.  Can you confirm and explain the subsequent decision to instruct each Area Roads and Community Works Manager to hold back £200k each from their overall Roads Maintenance allocation in 2013/14?”

The response is circulated.

Mr Baxter will be entitled to ask a supplementary question which will be answered by the Chair of the Community Services Committee.

11.  Notice of Motion
Brath Glusaid

The following Notice of Motion has been received in accordance with Standing Order 10.1 –

“Highland Council condemns the recent illegal killing of fourteen red kites and six buzzards on the Black Isle both as wrong in itself and as an act with potential to reduce the economic benefits that wildlife tourism brings to the Highlands.

The Council urges anyone with relevant information to contact Police Scotland; welcomes the actions of Scottish Land & Estates and of NFU Scotland in supporting attempts to identify the culprit(s); and commits itself to continuing to work with Community Planning Partners, through the Highland Environment Forum, to reinvigorate the fight against all wildlife crime in the Highlands.”

Signed: David Alston (Leader, Lib Dem Group), Alasdair Christie (Deputy Leader Lib Dem Group), Drew Hendry (Leader, SNP Group), Richard Laird (Deputy Leader, SNP Group), Jimmy Gray (Leader, Labour Group), Deirdre Mackay (Deputy Leader, Labour Group), Carolyn Wilson (Leader, Independent Group), Jaci Douglas (Deputy Leader, Independent Group), Carolyn Caddick (Highland Council Red Kite Champion)

12.  An Overview of Local Government in Scotland 2014
A’ Freagairt ri Dùbhlain agus Atharrachaidhean: Sealladh Coitcheann air Riaghaltas Ionadail ann an Alba 2014

There is circulated Report No. HC-1-14 (511kb pdf) dated 23 April 2014 by the Chief Executive which confirms that each year Audit Scotland produces a report to provide an overview of Local Government in Scotland. In this regard, the report highlights the main themes of the Audit Scotland report and suggests action points for Elected Members.

Members are asked to consider the Audit Scotland report, including the actions and challenges, and note the Council’s response.

Members are also asked to agree that the action points should be used for self- assessment as part of personal development planning and to highlight priorities for Officers.

13.  External Scrutiny: Assurance and Improvement Plan Update 2014-17
Sgrùdadh bhon Taobh A-muigh: Fios Às Ùr mu Phlana Barantais agus Leasachaidh 2014-17

There is circulated Report No. HC-2-14 (800kb pdf) dated 11 April 2014 by the Chief Executive which confirms that the annual update of the Assurance and Improvement Plan 2014-17 for the Council has been produced by Audit Scotland, drawing on the assessment by four external scrutiny bodies, and shows that no additional scrutiny is required.

Members are asked to note:-

(i) the Assurance and Improvement Plan attached as Appendix 1 to the report which
    highlights that no additional scrutiny of the Council is required for 2014-17;
(ii) the positive comments made about the Council’s Single Outcome Agreement
    development, scrutiny arrangements, children’s services, corporate improvement
    programme, financial planning, performance results and public performance
    reporting; and
(iii) the areas where monitoring is planned (homelessness, criminal justice services,
   self-evaluation in primary and secondary schools and community learning and
   development) and that there are five areas of scheduled audit and inspection
   activity identified for 2014, including those contributing to national audit reports).

14.  Budget Consultation
Co-chomhairleachadh Buidseit

There is circulated Report No. HC-3-14 (41kb pdf) dated 29 April 2014 by the Chief Executive which sets out a proposed approach to consulting on budget savings proposals.

Members are asked to:-

(i) agree the two stage approach in 2014 for consulting on the budget from 2015
(ii) note that the consultation in Stage 1 is more about transforming services rather
    than reducing services with the consultation themes as described in Paragraph
    2.2, enabling the consultation also to gather views on the Customer Services
    Review (Service Points) and to raise awareness of the Community Challenge Fund;
(iii) agree that a range of methods is used across both stages, as in earlier
    consultations, with an additional method devised by creating a Communities’ Panel
    comprised of representative community groups to respond to surveys sent also to
    the Citizens’ Panel and for Stage 2 beginning in mid-September 2014.

15.  Review of the Performance Framework for the Council Programme Working Together for the Highlands 2012-17
Ath-sgrùdadh air Frèam Coileanaidh Chorporra

There is circulated Report No. HC-4-14 (600kb pdf) dated 18 April 2014 by the Chief Executive which proposes amendments to the high level actions and indicators for measuring progress with delivering the Council’s Programme “Working Together for the Highlands 2012-17. This work follows amendments to the Programme agreed by the Council on 19 December 2013.

Members are asked to consider and agree the amended performance framework for the Programme and the amended partner name for Commitment 1.19.

Members are also asked to note that the performance framework will be used to update Service Plans and that these will be brought to Strategic Committees for consideration in Spring/Summer 2014 and that progress with delivering the Programme will be reported in the year through Strategic Committees and annually to the Council.

16.  Integrating Care in the Highlands – Property Arrangements
Ag Amalachadh Cùram sa Ghàidhealtachd – Ullachaidhean Aonta Màil airson Dachannan Cùraim, Ionadan Cùram Latha agus Oifisean anns a Bheil NHS na Gàidhealtachd

There is circulated Joint Report No. HC-5-14 (941kb pdf) dated 28 April 2014 by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Development, Director of Finance and Director of Development and Infrastructure which advises the Council of steps taken by Officers to progress the property arrangements made between the Council and NHS Highland as part of the Integrating Care in the Highlands (ICH) Programme.

Members are asked to:-

(i) note the lease arrangements which were agreed by the ICH Programme Board;    
(ii) homologate the decision of the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate
    Development, Director of Finance and the Director of Development and
    Infrastructure, in consultation with the Chairs of the relevant Committees, to
    enter into a binding agreement to lease to NHS Highland the Care Homes, Day
    Centres and Offices occupied by NHS Highland under the Partnership Agreement;
(iii) delegate authority to the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate
    Development and the Director of Development and Infrastructure to negotiate
    and finalise arrangements with NHS Highland for the remaining term of the
    Partnership Agreement for the accommodation occupied under shared occupancy
    arrangements and for the NHS property occupied by Highland Council.

17.  Timetable of Meetings
Clàr-ama Choinneamhan

Members are asked to agree the following change to the Timetable of Meetings
in the current year –

Highland Council – to move from 11 September to 4 September

18.  Member Attendance at Meetings
Làthaireachd Bhall aig Coinneamhan

The Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 requires that if a Member of a Local Authority fails, throughout a period of 6 consecutive months, to attend any meeting of the Authority, they shall, unless the failure was due to some reason approved by the Authority, cease to be a Member of that Authority.

Mr Neil MacDonald has, because of illness, been unable to attend meetings of the Council since 20 November 2013. As this may continue beyond the 6 months stipulated in the Act, the Council is required to approve his absence because of illness to enable him to continue as a Member of the Authority.

The Council is therefore asked to approve Mr MacDonald’s absence as a result of illness on the basis that the position will be reviewed following a further 3 month period and an update provided for the September meeting if necessary.

19.  Deeds Executed
Sgriobhainnean Lagha a Bhuilicheadh

Members are asked to note that a list of Deeds (20kb pdf) and other documents executed on behalf of the Council since the meeting held on 13 March 2014 is available in the Members’ Library and on the Council’s Website.

Meeting Downloads