Agendas, reports and minutes

Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee

Date: Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Wednesday, 3 June 2015 at 10.30am.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Morris
Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Development  

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Presentation – Community Broadband Scotland
Taisbeanadh – Bann-leathann Coimhearsnachd Alba

A presentation will be given by Mr Mark Tate of Community Broadband Scotland, providing information on Community Broadband Scotland’s activities in the Highlands.

4. Housing Development Investment
Tasgadh ann an Leasachadh Taigheadais

There is circulated Report No. PDI-25/15 dated 22 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure seeking consent to offer a loan to Lochaber Housing Association which would allow a site in Lochaber to be secured for development of affordable homes.  

The Committee is asked to agree that a loan of up to £300,000 be offered to Lochaber Housing Association to assist in funding an affordable housing project at Heathercroft Drive, Fort William, on terms and conditions to be agreed by the Director of Development and Infrastructure, to include a condition that the loan is repaid on or before completion of the housing project.

5. Draft Service Pan 2015/17 – Development and Infrastructure Service
Dreachd Phlana Seirbheis 2015/17 – Seirbheis Leasachaidh is Bun-structair

There is circulated Report No. PDI-26/15 dated 14 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure outlining how the Service will lead and support commitments which will deliver ‘Working together for the Highlands’, the Programme of the Highland Council. The draft Plan, circulated at Booklet A, also details how the Service will operate, its approach and priorities. 

The Committee is asked to:

i. consider the draft Development and Infrastructure Service - Service Plan 2015/17; and;
ii. approve the draft Plan subject to any alterations agreed by Committee.

6. Trading Standards 2015-16 Operational Plan
Plana Obrachaidh Inbhean Malairt 2015/16 

There is circulated Report No. PDI-27/15 dated 17 April 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure setting out the factors that have been taken into account in setting the priorities for Trading Standards in the year ahead and placing before Members for approval the Trading Standards Operational Plan for 2015/16.

The Committee is asked to approve the Trading Standards 2015/16 Operational Plan.  

7. Planning Performance Framework and Quarter 4 Performance Review
Frèam Dèanadas Dealbhaidh agus Ath-bhreithneachadh Dèanadais Ràith 4

There is circulated Report No. PDI-28/15 dated 20 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure providing an update on performance against the actions set out within the Planning Service Improvement Plan. The report also advises Members on the delivery of the Development Management, Building Standards and the Development Plan services for the last Quarter of 2014/15.

The Committee is asked to:

i. note the progress made against the Planning Service Improvement Plan actions, and the performance updates for the Development Management, Building Standards and the Development Plans teams; and
ii. agree the service improvement priorities for the year ahead.

8. Business Gateway Annual Performance Report 2014/15
Aithisg Dèanadais Bhliadhnail na Slighe Gnothachais 2014/15

There is circulated Report No PDI-29/15 dated 12 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure updating Members on performance with the Business Gateway contract for 2014/15. It also provides an update on the progress of an application for ERDF support that aims to add value to the Business Gateway service, and to the business support activity funded by the Council. 

The Committee is asked to note: 

i. performance for the financial year 2014/15;
ii. performance for the 4th Quarter of the Operational Year 2014/15; and
iii. progress towards the securing of 2014-2020 ERDF Programme finance for the establishment of a Business Gateway Local Growth Accelerator Programme in the Highlands and Moray.

9. Scotland’s 8th City - the Smart City – Implications for Inverness and the Highlands
8mh Cathair-bhaile na h-Alba – am Baile Smiorail – Buaidhean airson Inbhir Nis agus airson na Gàidhealtachd

There is circulated Report No. PDI-30/15 dated 20 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure highlighting the opportunities arising from a European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Strategic Intervention to invest in ‘smart cities’ projects.

The Committee is invited to:

i. note that an application for ERDF resources to support ‘Scotland’s 8th City – the Smart City’ Strategic Intervention has been submitted on behalf of Scotland’s cities by Glasgow City Council; and
ii. approve, in principle, continued engagement with Scottish Cities Alliance and Highland partners to progress the projects outlined in this report and that a further report is prepared for a future meeting of this Committee.

10. Capital Programme Allocation of Generic Lines – Roads, Bridges and Flooding
Riarachadh Prògram Calpa a thaobh Loidhnichean Coitcheann – Rathaidean, Drochaidean agus Tuiltean

There is circulated Report No. PDI-31/15 dated 15 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure making recommendations for the allocation of generic line funding, in relation to roads, bridges and flooding, forming part of the Development and Infrastructure element of the Council’s Capital Programme. It seeks approval of the proposed allocations.

Members are asked to note the list of major bridges for which there is no current allocation, and also the consultation exercise ongoing in relation to flooding issues.

The Committee is asked to approve the:

i. proposed allocation of the major road improvements budget for the next three years;
ii. proposed allocation of the minor road improvements budget for the next three years;
iii. proposals for capital expenditure, on bridges and road structures schemes; and 
iv. proposed allocation of the flood prevention schemes, minor flood works, and potentially vulnerable area mitigation budgets for the next three years.

The Committee is also asked to note the major bridges needs which cannot be met from current funding allocations up to 2023/24.

11. Stromeferry Bypass Route Option Appraisal and External Funding Update
Measadh Roghainnean Slighe Seach-rathad Port an t-Sròim agus Cunntas às Ùr mu Mhaoineachadh bhon Taobh A-muigh

There is circulated Report No. PDI-32/15 dated 3 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure summarising the progress since publication, in November 2014, of Part 2 of the STAG appraisal carried out for the Stromeferry Bypass.

The Committee is asked to agree that:

i. officers should continue their efforts to seek external funding;
ii. the Online Option be rejected from further consideration; and
iii. through consultation with the communities, consideration be given to modifications to the two remaining routes/phasing to aid funding issues.

12. Planning Enforcement Charter
Cairt Cur-an-sàs Dealbhaidh

There is circulated Report No. PDI-33/15 dated 24 April 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure advising that under the terms of Section 27 of the Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006, the Council is required to have in place a Planning Enforcement Charter, to advise its customers of the powers available to the Planning Service when dealing with planning enforcement matters, its service standards, contact points, and how to make a complaint. The Charter requires to be regularly reviewed, at least every two years. 

The Committee is asked to agree:

i. to adopt the Charter as set out in Appendix 1 to the report as the Council’s statement of planning enforcement policy and procedure; and
ii. that any minor variations or amendments required are delegated to the Director of Development and Infrastructure in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee.

13. Housing Extensions and Other Residential Alterations: Supplementary Guidance
Leudachaidhean Thaighean agus Atharrachaidhean Còmhnaidheach Eile: Stiùireadh Leasachail

There is circulated Report No. PDI-34/15 dated 8 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure seeking Committee approval of Supplementary Planning Guidance for housing extensions and small-scale householder developments. The Guidance is aimed at both applicants and agents, and is intended to help speed up dealing with householder applications by setting out clear advice on layout and design.

The Committee is asked to approve the supplementary guidance for publication and use by the Council.

14. High Hedges (Scotland) Act 2013
Achd nan Callaidean Àrda (Alba) 2013

There is circulated Report No. PDI-35/15 dated 12 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure reminding Members that on 1 April 2014, the High Hedges (Scotland) Act 2013 came into force, and introduced new powers for Councils in Scotland to take action against high hedges which form a barrier to light and adversely affect the enjoyment of residential properties. 

At its meeting in May 2014 the Planning, Development & Infrastructure Committee agreed the guidance and fees associated with high hedge notice applications subject to a review being undertaken within 12 months of implementation with any proposed changes reported back to the Committee.

The Committee is asked to agree:

i. to the revision to the guidance to include a pre-application stage that will determine whether a hedge is a high hedge and offer advice on making a valid application; and
ii. that the fee remain at £450 but that a staged payment be introduced as set out in Appendix A to the report.

15. Outdoor Access Strategy 2015-18
Ro-innleachd Cothruim air a’ Bhlàr A-muigh 2015-18

There is circulated Report No. PDI-36/15 dated 18 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure summarising the process the Council has undertaken to produce the current Outdoor Access Strategy and highlighting some of its achievements. Work is currently underway to develop a new strategy and the attached paper represents a draft for consultation.

The Committee is asked to:

i. note the report and comment on its content; and
ii. consider and approve the proposed limited consultation, following which an amended paper will be presented for approval at a future Committee.

16. Highland Biodiversity Action Plan: Progress Update and Launch of New Plan
Plana-gnìomh Bith-iomadachd na Gàidhealtachd: Cunntas às Ùr mu Adhartas agus Cur air Bhog a’ Phlana Ùir

There is circulated Report No. PDI-37/15 dated 15 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure advising that the Highland Environment Forum has reviewed and updated the Highland Biodiversity Action Plan. The Plan will be launched following the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee, and Community Planning Partnership meetings on 3 June.

The report provides an update on progress made by the partners to deliver the Highland Biodiversity Action Plan (2010-2013), and a summary of the new Highland BAP (2015-2020).

The Committee is asked to:

i. note progress made by the Highland Environment Forum partners towards delivering the last Highland Biodiversity Action Plan (2010-2013) and in producing the next Highland BAP (2015-2020); and
ii. comment and agree priority projects contained within the new Highland BAP, with specific relevance to those projects where Highland Council is identified as a lead partner.

17. Home Energy Efficiency Programmes for Scotland – Area Based Scheme
Prògraman Èifeachdais Lùtha Dachaigh airson Alba – Sgeama Stèidhichte air Sgìre

There is circulated Report No. PDI-38/15 dated 14 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure confirming the updated position on the Home Energy Efficiency Programme for Scotland – Area Based Scheme (HEEP-ABS) and the implications for the Council in its delivery and programming in Highland and details the programme of works.

The Committee is asked to:

i. note the  progress  and  implications  of  the  scheme  and promote any suggested areas for inclusion in future years’ planning; and
ii. approve a study on Highland housing that will inform  the Scottish Government on opportunity for further programmes.

18. Highland LEADER Programme
Prògram LEADER na Gàidhealtachd

There is circulated Report No. PDI-39/15 dated 14 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure providing an update on the emerging LEADER Programme 2014-2020, and outlining Member involvement in the Programme at a strategic and local level.

The Committee is asked to:

i. note progress with preparation for the 2014-2020 Highland LEADER Programme;
ii. agree to appoint Councillor David Alston as named representative and Councillor George Farlow as substitute to represent Highland Council on the Highland strategic LAG; and
iii. note the process of establishing Local Area Partnerships (LAPs) and the potential for Member involvement in the Programme at a local level.

19. Nominations to Event Innovation Challenge Fund Assessment Panel
Ainmeachaidhean do Phannal Measaidh na Maoin Dùbhlain Innleachdais Tachartais 

At the meeting of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee on 18 February 2015, Members approved the setting up of an Event Innovation Challenge Fund at times when the full value of the Major Events fund was not required for the major events that year. To consider applications it was agreed that an assessment panel be set up that included two Members drawn from this committee and that these be nominated when a fund is established. A challenge fund round has been set up for the year 2015-16 and the Committee is therefore invited to nominate two members to sit on the assessment panel.

20. Amendment to Transport Planning Team Structure
Atharrachadh do Structar Sgioba Dealbhaidh na Còmhdhalach 

There is circulated Report No. PDI-40/15 dated 20 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure setting out a proposal to carry out a small scale restructuring of the Transport Planning team as a result of a review of management structures and an assessment of the requirements of the Development & Infrastructure Service and Community Services.

The Committee is asked to approve the restructuring proposals for the Transport Planning team contained in Appendix 2 to the report.

21. Minutes of Meetings
Geàrr-chunntasan Choinneamhan

There following Minutes of the Meetings are circulated for noting:-

i. Highland Economic Forum held on 25 September 2014
ii. Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership Advisory Board held on 10 December 2014
iii. Highland Environment Forum held on 17 March 2015

22. Planning Applications Committee Minutes
Geàrr-chunntas - Comataidh nan larrtasan Dealbhaidh

There are circulated separately in Booklet B for noting Minutes of the Planning Applications Committees (PAC) for:-

i. North PAC, 16 December 2014
ii. South PAC, 20 January 2015
iii. North PAC, 17 February 2015
iv. South PAC, 24 Feb 2015
v. South PAC, 19 March 2015
vi. North PAC, 23/24 March 2015
vii. South PAC, 1 April 2015

26. Shared Highland Apprenticeship Company Ltd

There is circulated Report No. PDI-43/15 dated 29 May 2015 advising that Shared Highlands Apprenticeship Company Ltd has requested that the Chair of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee become a member of their Board.

The Committee is asked to approve the Chair of Planning, Development and Infrastructure becoming a member of the SHAC board.

23. Exclusion of the Public
Às-dùnadh a’ Phobaill

The Committee is asked to resolve that, under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act, the relevant Paragraphs being shown below.

24. Property Transactions Monitoring Report
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Ghnothachasan Seilbhe

Paragraphs 6 and 9

There is circulated to Members only Report No. PDI-41/15 dated 19 May 2015 by the Director of Planning and Infrastructure providing Members with details of the General Fund and Property Account transactions approved by the Head of Property Partnerships and Corporate Property Asset Manager under delegated authority. The report also advises Members on sales concluded in 2014/15, and sales targeted for completion within the financial year 2015/16 and future years.

The Committee is asked to approve the recommendations set out in the report.

25. Inverness Airport Business Park Ltd: Outstanding Loan Stock
Pàirc Gnothachais Port-adhair Inbhir Nis Eta: Stoc Iasaid ri Phàigheadh

Paragraph 6

There is circulated to Members only Report No. PDI-42/15 dated 25 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure updating Members on the position of Inverness Airport Business Park Ltd. loan stock and the company.