Agendas, reports and minutes

City of Inverness Area Committee

Date: Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the City of Inverness Area Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Town House, Inverness on Tuesday, 2 June 2015 at 10.30am.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Morris
Depute Chief Executive/
Director of Corporate Development


1.  Apologies for Absence 

2.  Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.  Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest.  Advice may be sought from officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3.  Inverness and Highland City / Region Deal 
Cunnradh Baile/Roinn Inbhir Nis agus na Gàidhealtachd

There is circulated Report No. CIA/22/15 dated 19 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure which updates Members on progress with the development of a city/region deal for Inverness and the Highlands and recommends to approve two projects to the value of £3m as part of an initial allocation for the city centre by HM Treasury.  The projects are public realm works in proximity to Inverness Castle and a public access Wi-Fi project. The business cases for both these projects will be submitted to HM Treasury for approval.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.   note the progress with developing a City/Region deal for Inverness and the Highlands;
ii.  agree to develop a business case for public realm works in proximity to Inverness Castle at a cost of up to £2m for submission to HM Treasury for approval; and
iii. agree to develop a business case for a city centre public access Wi-Fi project at a cost of up to £1m for submission to HM Treasury for approval.

4.  Deprived Area Fund 2015/16 
Maoin Sgìre Bhochd 2015/16

There is circulated Joint Report No. CIA/23/15 dated 28 April 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure and the Inverness City Area Manager which confirms the decisions taken on the Deprived Area Fund for 2015/16 using the authority delegated to the Inverness City Manager at the City of Inverness Area Committee on 5 March 2015. This fully expends the funding available in 2015/16.

The Committee is invited note the decisions made using delegated powers and the final distribution of the Deprived Area Funds for 2015/16.

5.  Inverness Common Good Fund Scheme for Winter Payments 2015/16 
Sgeama Pàighidhean Geamhraidh Maoin Math Coitcheann Inbhir Nis  2015/16

There is circulated Joint Report No. CIA/24/15 dated 19 May 2015 by the Director of Finance and the Inverness City Area Manager which follows on from the effective revision of the Winter Payment Scheme for 2014/15 and proposes to maintain the similar arrangements for the Winter Payment Scheme for 2015/16.

The Committee is invited to agree:-

i.   that criteria utilised for the 2014/15 scheme as set out in Paragraphs 2.1 to 2.4 in the report shall be used as the basis for the 2015/16 scheme;
ii.  the scheme be made available to residents in the City of Inverness and the Landward areas of the seven City Wards;
iii. a single tier payment of £79 be made to those applicants that satisfy the eligibility criteria for the 2015/16 scheme; and
iv.  an award of £20,000 to Blythswood Care, for the residents of Inverness City, in principle with power to confirm the award being delegated to the Inverness City Area Manager in consultation with the Inverness Common Good Fund Grants Sub-committee

6.  Inverness City Area Secondary Schools’ Attainment 
Aithisg Buileachaidh Sgoiltean Sgìre Baile Inbhir Nis

There is circulated Report No. CIA/25/15 dated 12 May 2015 by the Director of Care and Learning which gives an overview of the Inverness City Area Secondary Schools’ Attainment for Session 2014/15.

The Committee is invited to note the content of the report.

7.  Area Maintenance Programme for Roads and Bridges 
Prògram Cumail Suas Sgìreil airson Rathaidean is Dhrochaidean

There is circulated Report No. CIA/26/15 dated 18 May 2015 by the Director of Community Services which seeks Members approval on the Maintenance Programme for Roads and Bridges for the City of Inverness Area for 2015/16.

The Committee is invited to approve the Maintenance Programmes for Roads and Bridges for the City of Inverness Area for 2015/16.

8.  Ness Islands Management Plan 
Plana Stiùiridh Eileanan Nis

There is circulated Report No. CIA/27/15 dated 18 May 2015 by the Director of Community Services which provides details for the requirement for a Ness Islands Management Plan.  The report also identifies the additional resource implications for the Common Good Fund to support the Management Plan.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.   note the contents of the Management Plan;
ii.  agree the sum of £35,000 from the Common Good Fund for on-going management and maintenance of the Ness Islands; and
iii. note that a further report will be brought back to the Committee should additional resources be required for remedial works to bridges identified by the Inspection Survey.

9.  Inverness Old Town Conservation Area Management Plan 
Plana Stiùiridh Sgìre Glèidhteachais Seann Bhaile Inbhir Nis

Members are advised that following the previously approved public consultation period this report presents the consultation responses and amendments to the Draft Inverness Old Town Conservation Area Management Plan (CAMP) for Members information and consideration. 

In this connection, there is circulated Report No. CIA/28/15 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure which presents the proposed final version of the Inverness Old Town CAMP with a recommendation for Members to approve and adopt it as Supplementary Planning Guidance.

In this regard, the Inverness Old Town Conservation Area Management Plan (CAMP) will follow.

The Committee is invited to approve the Inverness Old Town Conservation Area Management Plan as Supplementary Planning Guidance.

10.  Burial Ground Commutation Fund: Work Programme 2013-16 
Maoin Co-iomlaid nan Cladhan: Prògram Obrach 2013-16

There is circulated Report No. CIA/29/15 dated 18 May 2015 by the Area Community Services Manager which provides an annual progress report on the Burial Ground Commutation Fund Work Programme.  The report also details work done during the second year of the three-year Programme.

The Committee is invited to note the progress made during 2014/15 and to approve the rescheduled Work Programme for 2015/16.

11.  Housing Performance Report – 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 
Aithisg Dèanadais a thaobh Taigheadais – 1 Giblean 2014 gu 31 Màrt 2015

There is circulated Report No. CIA/30/15 date 18 May 2015 by the Director of Community Services which provides information on how the Housing Section performed in relation to Scottish Social Housing Charter and other performance indicators during 2014/15.

The Committee is invited to scrutinise the information provided on performance in the period from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015.

12.  Street Naming – New Development at Kirkhill, Kiltarlity and Milton of Leys, Inverness 
Ainmeachadh-Sràide – Leasachadh Ùr aig Cnoc Mhoire, Cill Taraglain agus Baile Mhuilinn an Leighis, Inbhir Nis

There is circulated Report No. CIA/31/15 dated 8 April 2015 by the Inverness Ward Manager which asks Members to homologate decisions by the Community Councils, supported by the local Members, to name: two distributor roads and two residential streets at Milton of Leys, one street in Kiltarlity that currently has built units and two streets in Kirkhill that currently have built units.

The Committee is invited to homologate the naming of the streets as follows:-

1. two distributor roads at Milton of Leys:

  • Milton of Leys Road (Rathad Bhaile Mhuilinn an Leigheis)
  • Braes of Balvonie Road (Rathad Bràigh Bhaile a’ Mhonaidh)

2. two residential streets at Milton of Leys:

  • Silver Birches (Beithean Geala)
  • Copperwood Drive (Dràibh na Coille Copair)

3. one street in Kiltarlity that currently has built units:

  • Old Mill Road (Rathad an t-Seann Mhuilinn); and

4. two streets in Kirkhill that currently have built units:

  • Aird View (Sealladh na h-Àirde)
  • Aird Crescent (Corran na h-Àirde)

13.  Inverness Common Good Fund
Maoin Math Coitcheann Inbhir Nis

a) Financial Monitoring
Sgrùdadh Ionmhasail

There is circulated Report No. CIA/32/15 dated 19 May 2015 by the Inverness City Area Manager which presents the expenditure monitoring position for the Inverness Common Good Fund as of 30 April 2015 and the projected year end position.

The Committee is invited to scrutinise the financial monitoring report.

b) Grants and Capital Projects
Pròiseactan Tabhartais agus Calpa

There is circulated Report No. CIA/33/15 dated 18 May 2015 by the Inverness City Area Manager which sets out the current applications for funding to be determined and the current status of capital projects.

In this connection, there is circulated separately a copy of supporting documentation as Booklet A.

The Committee is invited to consider the applications for funding and scrutinise the current status of capital projects.

14.  Minutes  

The following Minutes are circulated for noting or approval as appropriate:-

i.   City of Inverness Area Committee held on 5 March 2015 for noting; 
ii.  Inverness City Arts Working Group held on 23 January and 27 March  2015 for approval;
iii. Inverness Events and Festivals Working Group held on 23 April 2015 for approval; and
iv.  Inverness Common Good Fund Grants Sub-Committee held on 11 May 2015 for approval.

15.  Exclusion of the Public
Às-dùnadh a’ Phobaill

The Committee is asked to resolve that, under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.

16.  Inverness Common Good Account Sites and Premises Transaction Report
Làraich Chunntasan agus Aithisg Gnothachais Maoin Math Choitcheann Inbhir Nis

There is circulated to Members only Report No. CIA/34/15 dated 18 May 2015 by the Head of Property Partnerships which summarises the property transactions recently approved by the Head of Property Partnerships, under the Highland Council’s Scheme of Delegation, after consultation with local Members as appropriate and in accordance with policy, together with a statement on the current position in respect on Inverness Common Good fund rents and tenant arrears, if any.

The Committee is invited to note the recommendations as circulated.

17.  Victorian Market, Inverness – Action Plan  
Am Margadh Bhictòrianach

There is circulated to Members only Joint Report No. CIA/35/15 dated 14 May 2015 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure and the Inverness City Area Manager which confirms the status of the Victorian Market (the Market) as a principal City asset and updates Members on the preparation and initial implementation of an Action Plan focussed on improving trading conditions for the Market and the City centre.

The Committee is invited to note the recommendations as circulated.