Agendas, reports and minutes

Skye And Lochalsh Local Access Forum

Date: Friday, 20 November 2015

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Minute of the meeting of Skye and Lochalsh Local Access Forum held in the Council Office, Old Corry Industrial Estate, Broadford on Friday 27 February 2015 at 2.00pm.


Mr Peter Elford, Dr Audrey Sinclair, Mr Bruce Taylor, and Mr Robert Ware

Also in attendance:

Mr Alaisdair H Mackenzie, Legal Manager, Highland Council (Clerk)

Mr Donald Kennedy , Access Officer, Highland Council

Mr John Phillips, Senior Countryside Ranger, Highland Council

1. Appointment of Chairman

The Clerk chaired the meeting for this item and invited nominations for Chairman.

There being no nominations it was agreed to continue this item to the next meeting of the Forum.

In the meantime all members should consider the need to appoint a permanent Chair and bring forward nominations to the next meeting.

Mr Peter Elford was unanimously appointed to chair this meeting only.

Action by: All members

2. Apologies for Absence

Mr John Gordon, Mr Ally Macaskill, Ms Nicola Rust and Mr Jim Towers.

3. Confirmation of Minute

The minute of the meeting of the Forum held on 29 August 2014, a copy of which had been circulated, was approved.

4. Highland Core path Implementation Programme Update

The Access Officer reported that most of the HCPIP programme of works reported to the last meeting of the Forum had been completed.

The Access Officer reported as follows:

Beyond HCPIP - Skye and Lochalsh Path Priority Work

As reported to the last meeting of the Forum, the next LEADER progamme is still to be launched and the Highland Council Access Team will put together another core paths improvement funding bid.

In the meantime:-

  • All six access areas will be putting forward projects to be funded by the remaining access revenue budget
  • Preferred projects will be on core paths or linked to core paths but other routes will be considered.

Information on Skye and Lochalsh Core Path Proposals August 2014 given at the last meeting of the Forum had, as agreed, been circulated to members but no other proposals had been sent to the Access Officer.

Of these proposals work to the Lump path, Portree and Tayinloan to Fanks path had been completed.

The Forum noted the position.

5. Capital Projects

The Access Officer gave a presentation on the following capital projects:

Storr Forest

This involved refurbishing the main path and providing a secondary path. Beyond the

land owned by Highland Council the footpath remained in a very poor state of repair

and it was hoped that the Staffin Trust would secure funding to carry out the required


Lealt Gorge

This involved resurfacing and widening the existing footpath. There was a possibility

that the Staffin Trust would take over and manage this footpath.

The Forum noted the position.

6. Local Access Issues

There had been circulated Report No. SLLAF-01-14 by the Access Officer detailing local access issues in Skye and Lochalsh as follows:-

SL24.02/01 Public Access at Ord House


Since buying Ord House in 2011, the current owners have disputed the right of members of the public to be on a short linking path within their grounds with measures to discourage access deployed at various times since then. The owners submitted proposals to the Access Officer involving a different route through their grounds which would afford them more privacy. A meeting of the Forum, following a site visit to look at the proposals, established that the proposed route was too great a diversion and that there would be privacy issues for residents close to the new line just as significant as what was being experienced currently by the owners of Ord House. An alternative route was identified at the site visit. This is close to the existing line but outside the deer fence surrounding the grounds. With steep cross slopes and protruding bedrock, establishing this route requires hand building a benched path into the slope to create walking conditions to a similar standard to the rest of the route.

Current Status

Works were completed in September 2014 and to date there has been no issues associated with it other than a concern that the start of the re-alignment is quite steep for the less able.

The Forum did not consider this to be a major problem which required further consideration and otherwise noted the position.

SL11.01/01 Public Access, Ramasaig to Lorgill


The Access Officer received a complaint from a member of the public regarding unacceptable walking conditions due to deep slurry at the start of the route near the farm steadings.

Current Status

The Access Officer had offered to attend a site meeting with representatives of the Estate to discuss ways of diverting the general public around the farm management areas. Unfortunately the Estate had not responded to this offer.

The Forum noted the position.

Action by: DK

SL04.13/01 Sanitation and Litter Issues, Fairy Pools Car Park


The Access Officer received an enquiry from Minginish Community Council regarding lack of toilet facilities and associated problems at the Fairy Pool car park.

Current Status

The Access Officer is in discussion with other council services to explore measures that might alleviate the problem. Work to repair the path was scheduled to start on 16 February 2015.

The Forum noted the position.

Action by: DK

SL03.23/01 Locked gate at new access tracks to Loch Lonachen


The Access Officer had been alerted by a member of the public that a gate at the start of new access tracks commencing from the Broadford to Heaste road to water supply infrastructure at Loch Lonachen and Loch Buidhe was padlocked.

Current Status

The Access Officer is in discussion with Scottish water regarding the provision of non-vehicular access.

The Forum noted the position.

Action by: DK

7. Core Path Plan Review

The Access Officer reported on the timetable for the Core Path Plan Review (CPPR) as follows:

The review would run in tandem with the Planning Services’ review of the West Highlands and Islands Local Development Plan (WHILD)

Call for Sites and Ideas (WHILD)      In Progress

Major issues report (WHILD)           September 2015

Public events (WHILD & CPPR)       October/November 2015

Staffin, Dunvegan, Portree, Broadford, Kyleakin, East Sleat, Kyle of Lochalsh, Plockton

Consultative Report (CPPR)             Spring 2016

The Caithness Access Officer had produced a format for a Consultative Report which was shown to the Forum. This style would be followed when consulting in Skye and Lochalsh.

Forum members were encouraged to forward ideas or proposals to the Access Officer.

The Forum noted the position.

Action by: DK/ALL


8.1  Minginish Community Council

The Access Officer advised the meeting about issues raised by Jim Towers on behalf of Minginish Community Council.

8.1.1  Fairy Pools Carpark

The Community Council remained of the opinion that problems with access to the Fairy Pools highlighted the need for a Tourism Strategy.

8.1.2  Developments Blocking Access

The Community Council has concerns about new developments in rural crofting areas blocking access to local points of scenic or leisure interest. The Access Officer was aware of this concern which related to a new house development which prevented access to an alternative route to a bay.

Although the Access Officer had access to the weekly list of planning applications including the development in question, he could not be expected to know the details of the site and potential access issues unless brought to his attention by the Community Council.

The Forum noted the position.

8.2 Forestry Operations

Bruce Taylor advised of the following proposed felling operations:

8.2.1 Loch Achnahinich, near Plockton

These would be adjacent to the core path above the Loch. A detour would be provided but unfortunately would not be suitable for disabled access. Signage would be installed. The works would last for 2-3 weeks.

8.2.2  Letterfura

The footpath would not be closed and warning signs would be erected.

The Forum noted the position.

8.3 Glenbracadale

Peter Elford advised that tall deer fencing had been erected stretching over many kilometres with only a very few access gates which could mean that anyonev requiring access may have a detour of some considerable distance.

Bruce Taylor advised that the community Council write to the Forestry Commission requesting additional access points and the Access Officer would also contact Donald MacLeod.

The Forum noted the position.

Action by: DK/PE

9. Date of Next Meeting

The Forum agreed that the next Meeting be held in Broadford on a date to be agreed by the Clerk in consultation with the Access Officer to tie in with the Core Path Plan Review timetable.

Action by: AHM

The meeting closed at 1545 hrs.