Agendas, reports and minutes

Redesign of The Highland Council Board

Date: Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Re-Design Board of the Highland Council will take place on Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 3.00pm in Committee Room 2, Highland Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Morris
Depute Chief Executive/
Director of Corporate Development


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting                                                                                                                                                  

There are circulated Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Tuesday, 10 May 2016 for approval.

4. Developing a Staff Panel                                                                      

There is circulated Report No. RDB/7/16 dated 19 May 2016 by the Acting Head of Policy which sets out the background and options for developing a Staff Panel.

The Board is asked to agree to adopt Option 3 as outlined in the report at Paragraph 3.4 on which to create and develop the Staff Panel.

5. Proposed Communications Strategy                                                   

There is circulated Report No. RDB/8/16 dated 20 May 2016 by the Corporate Communications Manager which invites consideration of the draft Redesign Communications Strategy. In this regard, it is confirmed that this aims to manage effective internal and external communications with a wide range of stakeholders during the redesign project and subsequent decision making and implementation phases in order to maximise the Council’s ability to meet corporate objectives and reduce associated risks.

The Board is asked to consider the draft Communications Strategy and propose any changes to agree the strategy.

6. Exclusion of the Public

The Board is asked to resolve that, under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public should be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.

7. External Input to the Board – Follow Up                                                                                                                                           

There is circulated to Members only Report No. RDB/9/16 dated 17 May 2016 by the Chief Executive which proposes that the Board accesses external input through Workshop Sessions with experienced Chief Officers from Scottish and Local Government and develops other options, including consultancy and attendance at relevant Conferences.

In this regard, there are also circulated to Members only specific details in regard to Consultancy Services.

The Board is asked to agree the recommendations as detailed in the report.