Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland and Western Isles Valuation Joint Board

Date: Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of the Highland and Western Isles Valuation Joint Board held in Council Offices, Sandwick Road, Stornoway on Tuesday 27 June 2017 at 10.50 a.m.


Representing The Highland Council:
Ms K Currie (substitute) (by Video Conference), Mr A Graham (substitute) (by Video Conference), Mr J Gray, Mr L Fraser, Mr K Gowans, Mrs P Munro, Mr D MacLeod, Mrs M Paterson

Representing Comhairle nan Eilean Siar:
Mr J Mackay, Mr A MacLeod

In attendance:
Mr W Gillies, Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer
Ms V Macdonald, Accountant, Treasurer’s Office (by Video Conference)
Ms D Sutherland, Corporate Audit Manager, Treasurer’s Office (by Video Conference)
Mr D Mackay, Democratic Services Manager


The Clerk’s representative took the Chair at the start of meeting until the Board elected its Convener, as provided at item 3 below.

1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr W MacLachlan and Ms C Caddick.

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

There were no declarations of interest.

3. Appointment of Convener and Depute Convener
Cur an Dreuchd Neach-gairm agus Iar Neach-gairm

i. Convener

In terms of Paragraph 3(1) of Schedule 2 to the Valuation Joint Boards (Scotland) Order 1995, the Board was required to appoint a Convener.  (The Convener & Depute Convener, would not, at any time, be Members of the same constituent authority).

It was recommended that remuneration for this post should be £21,160, in accordance with the Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004 (Remuneration) Regulations 2007. 

The Board APPROVED the remuneration for the post of Convener of £21,160.

Thereafter, nominations for the position of Convener were sought.

Mr J Mackay, seconded by Mrs P Munro, moved that Mr K Gowans be appointed as Convener.   

Mrs M Paterson, seconded by Mr L Fraser, moved that Mr J Gray be appointed as Convener.

On a vote being taken, Mr K Gowans received 5 votes and Mr J Gray received 5 votes.

The Board AGREED that Mr Gray and Mr Gowans would each serve equal terms  until the Local Government Election on 5 May, 2022 with lots being drawn to decide who would serve for the initial period.

On lots being drawn, Mr J Gray was duly appointed, and took the Chair for the first term until 30 November, 2019.   Mr Gowans would then serve the second term until 5 May, 2022.  

ii. Depute Convener

In terms of Paragraph 3(1) of Schedule 2 to the Valuation Joint Boards (Scotland) Order 1995, the Board was required to appoint a Depute Convener.

It was recommended that remuneration for this post should be £20,102 in accordance with the Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004 (Remuneration) Regulations 2007. 

The Board APPROVED the remuneration for the post of Depute Convener of £20,102.

Nominations were sought for the position of Depute Convener.

Mr J Mackay, seconded by Mr L Fraser, moved that Mr A Macleod be appointed as Depute Convener. There being no other candidates, Mr A Macleod was duly appointed.

4. Minutes of Meeting of 2 February 2017
Geàrr-chunntas Coinneamh 2 Gearran 2017

The Minutes of the Board meeting of 2 February, 2017 had been circulated and were APPROVED, subject to the following amendment – that Councillors J Mackay and A Macleod be listed as representing Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.  

5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
Gnothaichean ag Èirigh bhon Gheàrr-chunntas

There were no matters arising

6. Recess Powers
Cumhachdan Fosaidh

The Board NOTED that Recess powers did not require to be used.

7. Unaudited Accounts 2016/17
Cunntasan Neo-sgrùdaichte 2016/17

There was circulated Report No.VAL/5/17, the Unaudited Statement of Accounts for the financial year 2016/17.

In speaking to the report, the Treasurer’s representative highlighted the Primary Financial Statements and governance framework. It was indicated that the underspend of £179k was attributable to reduced costs due to bulk postage facilities which are now funded as part of the printing contract with Fujitsu. 

Thereafter, the Board AGREED that, once an unqualified report from the Auditor was received, the Audited Accounts would then be incorporated into the Annual Report.

8. Internal Audit Annual Report 2016/17
Aithisg Bhliadhnail In-Sgrùdaidh 2016/17

There was circulated Report No. VAL/6/17 by the Corporate Audit Manager, The Highland Council, which included an assessment of the Board’s framework of governance, risk management and control, and the associated opinion which provided information for the Board’s Annual Governance Statement.

The Board NOTED the content of the report and the audit opinion provided.

9. Annual Audit Plan 2017/18
Plana In-Sgrùdaidh 2017/18

There was circulated Report No VAL/7/17 by the Corporate Audit Manager, The Highland Council, containing details of the audits contained in the 2017/18 Internal Audit Plan.

The Board APPROVED the Annual Audit Plan 2017/18.

10. Departmental Report
Aithisg Roinneil

There was circulated Report No VAL/8/17 by the Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer which outlined the main business of the office of the Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer since the last meeting of the Board.

In discussion, the following points were raised:-

  • The implications of the recent elections on staff resources, particularly the snap General Election.
  • The Board thanked staff for their roles in the elections.
  • Discussions were ongoing in relation to the capacity of servers.

Thereafter, the Board NOTED the recent activities of the Department as set out in the report.

11. Travel and Subsistence Policy
Fios às Ùr mu Phoileasaidh Siubhail is Bith-beò

There was circulated Report No. VAL/9/17 by the Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer comprising a revised Travel and Subsistence Policy.

The Board APPROVED the revised Travel and Subsistence Policy.

12. Equalities Mainstreaming and Equalities Outcomes Report 2017
Aithisg Thoraidhean Àbhaisteachadh Co-ionannachd agus Co-ionnanachd 2017

There was circulated Report No. VAL/10/17 by the Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer comprising the Equalities Mainstreaming and Equalities Outcomes Report 2017.

The Board APPROVED the Equalities Mainstreaming and Equalities Outcomes Report 2017.

13. Equalities Mainstreaming Report 2017-2021
Aithisg Àbhaisteachadh Co-ionannachd 2017-2021

There was circulated Report No. VAL/11/17 by the Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer comprising the Equalities Mainstreaming Report for 2017 – 2021.

The Board APPROVED the Equalities Mainstreaming Report 2017 - 2021.

14. Risk Profile Review
Ath-sgrùdadh air Geàrr-thuairisgeul Cunnairt

The Board had agreed to consider the Risk Profile on an annual basis, or in the event of any update/addition to the Profile.

There was circulated to Members only Report No VAL/12/17 by the Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer comprising updated risk profile that forms part of the governance arrangements. 

The Board NOTED the content of the report. 

The meeting concluded at 12.45pm