Agendas, reports and minutes

Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee

Date: Monday, 11 September 2017

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of the Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee (Comataidh an Eilein Sgitheanaich agus Ratharsair) held in the Chamber, Tigh na Sgire, Park Lane, Portree on Monday, 11 September, 2017 at 10.30 am.


Mr J Finlayson, Mr J Gordon, Mr R MacDonald, Mr C MacLeod

Non Member in attendance:-

Mrs M Davidson

In attendance:

Mr W MacKinnon, Ward Manager

Ms K Lackie, Business Manager, Chief Executive’s Office

Inspector L Allan, Police Scotland

Superintendent, A Wright, Police Scotland 

Ms N Young, Area Care & Learning Manager, West, Care and Learning Service

Mr D Esson, Quality Improvement Manager, West, Care and Learning Service

Mr G MacDonald, Senior Engineer, Community Services

Mr R Gerring, Transport Planning Manager, Community Services

Mr S Manning, Principal Traffic Officer, Community Services (by Video Conference)

Mr A MacInnes, Administrative Assistant, Corporate Development Service

An asterisk in the margin denotes a recommendation to the Council.  All decisions with no marking in the margin are delegated to the Committee.

Mr J Gordon – Cathraiche (Chair)


1. Apologies for Absence/ Leisgeulan

There were no apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest/ Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

There were no declarations of interest.

3. Minutes/ Geàrr-chunntas

There had been circulated for information the Minutes of Meeting of the Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee (Comataidh an Eilein Sgitheanaich agus Ratharsair) held on 19 June, 2017, which had been approved by the Highland Council at their meeting held on 29 June, 2017 – the terms of which were NOTED.  

In accordance with Standing Order 18, with the consent of the meeting, item 11 on the agenda was taken at this point.

11.Skye – Off Street Car Parks/  An t-Eilean Sgitheanach – Pàircean Chàraichean Far Sràide

There was circulated Report No. SR/17/17 by the Director of Community Services in relation to proposals to introduce control of use at the site to be known as Broadford North car park with a charge for use and confirm changes to off-street parking tariffs at two existing car parks on Skye – Somerled Square and The Green.

Reference was made to a minor correction required in Plan 1 relating to the areas marked for Disabled and Loading Bays and these areas required to be changed.

In terms of whether consideration had been given to a parking permit scheme for locals in the Broadford North car park, it was advised that technically this would be very difficult to operate in a short stay car park.  There was not a Council Policy on parking permits and this would require to be addressed prior to next Summer.

It was advised that the amended tariff of charges for off-street parking would be monitored in the first season to see if any changes in tariff were required. 

Parking Enforcement Officers had been in Skye over the summer. Members commended the work of these Officers which had made a significant difference locally.  Parking Enforcement  Officers had discussed with drivers parking issues on the Island, and in particular there was a need for improvements to the control of parking in Bayfield Car Park, Portree.  Officers were working on a scheme to formalise the separation of the two car parks at Bayfield and the proposals would be brought before Members at a future meeting.

The temporary Traffic Order Suspension on Bosville Terrace, Portree had proved to be very successful with traffic management over the summer season and it was requested that this temporary Order be extended to end October, 2017, pending the completion of the Isle of Skye Traffic Regulation Order.

Thereafter, the Committee:-

i.   APPROVED the introduction of control of use and the application of charging Tariffs at the site to be known as Broadford North car park; 

ii.  APPROVED the advertising of amended tariff of charges for off-street parking on Skye shown in Table 1 of the report; and

iii. AGREED that the Temporary Traffic Order Suspension on Bosville Terrace, Portree be extended until the end of October, 2017, pending the completion of the Isle of Skye Traffic Regulation Order.

4. Council Programme/  Prògram na Comhairle

The Leader of the Council was in attendance at the meeting to discuss the Programme for the Council. 

In terms of the priority themes of the Council Programme, the Committee AGREED the following priorities should be reflected in the Council Programme and inform the further development of the local plan for the Isle of Skye and Raasay.

A Place to Live 

• Investment in affordable housing, particularly for older people – it was advised that there was a commitment in the City/Region Deal to fund houses for older people. Ward Members should make a bid for some of this funding and work with the Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association to determine where housing was most needed.  In particular, there was a need for more affordable housing out with Portree, to make smaller communities more sustainable and the need to work with the NHS and businesses to determine housing need for employment purposes.  In this respect, the Head of Development and Regeneration would be invited to meet with Ward Members to discuss the Housing Investment Plan.

• The need for a joined up approach with transport providers to improve public transport and particularly community transport being more commercial and sustainable – Ward Members would meet with the Principal Transport Officer and transport providers to discuss improvements to community transport on the Island.

A Place to Learn

• Investment for maintenance of schools to improve the learning environment – it was a priority of Members to get funding for maintenance of schools in order to improve the learning environment.  The condition of the majority of schools in the area was classed as satisfactory or poor and this had to be addressed.  Members needed to consider if they had enough maintenance staff in the Area and if recruitment was a problem consider apprenticeships and working with local Partners to deliver maintenance services. 

• Governance of Education – Members strongly supported the Girfec Practice model and the need for professionals on the Island who support the holistic approach to education which includes the health and wellbeing of young people.

A Place to Thrive  

• to encourage the continued rollout of superfast Broadband as a matter of urgency and to encourage providers to rollout Wireless Broadband in communities. 

• opportunities to generate renewable hydrogen be explored. 

A Welcoming Place  

• A strategy for tourism infrastructure was being developed.

• Potential for an Island Deal to provide preferential funding to improve infrastructure for tourism.

A Redesigned Council 

• Consider how to support the developing localism agenda.

5. Local Priorities for the Isle of Skye and Raasay/ Prìomhachasan Ionadail airson an Eilein Sgitheanaich agus Ratharsair

There was circulated Report No. SR/11/17 by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Development which set out the local priorities for the Isle of Skye and Raasay as agreed in October 2016 and provided an opportunity for Members to discuss their key issues with the Leader of the Council and whether the Administration could help progress these issues.

The Committee:-

i.  NOTED the current local priorities for the Isle of Skye and Raasay; and

ii. AGREED that the priorities will be further refined and progress reported following discussion at a future meeting.

6. Police – Area Performance Summary/ Poilis – Geàrr-chunntas Dèanadais Sgìre

There was circulated Report No SR/12/17 by the South Area Commander for Police which provided a local summary update to Committee Members on progress with reference to the local priorities within the Highland 2014-2017 Policing Plan.  There was also an update provided on the relocation of control room functions for North Division to Dundee.

It was queried if there was enough support for local Police in dealing with mental health incidents.  It was confirmed that Police Officers dealing with non criminal incidents was an ongoing issue that was being addressed within the Police Service nationally.  There were good relationships with the NHS on the Island and Police Officers were managing to deal with non criminal incidents.

It was advised that the majority of drink/drug driving related incidents were local people and there was an increase in the reporting of such incidents from the local community. 

In relation to a problem with poor visibility on roads due to growth in foliage, for example, at junctions, it was confirmed that the Police did report these concerns to Transport authorities, mainly when the growth had been a contributing cause of an accident.

It was confirmed that local Police Officers and the Road Policing Unit regularly looked at areas on the Island where speeding was an issue, to consider what measures could be put in place to address the problem.

In relation to the relocation of control room functions, it was queried if the training of control room staff in Dundee would be sufficient to deal with the loss of local knowledge. It was advised that staff in Dundee had received training and awareness briefings, for example in mountain rescue, which included a two day visit to the control room in Inverness, with a view to staff maintaining the local knowledge and expertise. The aim of the relocation was to improve service delivery and deliver efficiencies and there were sufficient, well trained staff to provide a quality service. 

Thereafter, having scrutinised the report, the Committee NOTED progress and updates in relation to the 3 Priorities: Road Safety, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Dishonesty.

7. Proposals for Changes to the Governance of Education/ Molaidhean airson Atharrachaidhean do Riaghladh Foghlaim

There was circulated Report No. SR/13/17 by the Director of Care and Learning which outlined the Scottish Government’s recently announced proposals for the reform of education governance and invited Members to seek views on the proposals in their communities and particularly through discussion with their respective Parent Councils.

Members had a number of concerns on the Governance proposals and the impact it would have on individual schools and Head Teachers. It was advised that the feedback from the analysis on the consultation process showed that there was significant disagreement with the proposals, but the changes proposed did not seem to take account of this.  Parental involvement in schools in the Ward was good, and there was no appetite for any more parental involvement.  Also, Head Teachers already had control over the curriculum in schools, so it was unclear what would change under the proposals.  Schools already received good support from the Local Authority, and if this support was taken away, this would have a detrimental impact, particularly for small schools. The impact on Head Teachers in having to deal with all pupil attainment issues was concerning and this could have consequences in making it more difficult to recruit Head Teachers, which was already a problem in some areas.   Education in Highland was delivered in a holistic way and was valued, so the proposals for isolating education was concerning, particularly in small rural schools.   

Continuing, there was no clarity in the proposals for future Elected Member engagement with Head Teachers and Parents.   It was also felt that the centralisation of education would put more pressure on Head Teachers, without the support of the Local Authority or Elected Members. 

Further, small rural schools budgets were not large and therefore there was not a lot of flexibility for unforeseen expenditure.  Under the new proposals they would not have the support of the local authority with budgets as they currently did. It was suggested that an exercise be undertaken to show the budget for a small school under the new governance proposals and the potential implications on resources of that school, if for example, there was a long term staff absence. 

The Committee:-

i.   NOTED that the Council has agreed to seek to work with Government, including through CoSLA, the Northern Alliance and other fora in an endeavour to influence these proposals in a more positive and constructive direction;

ii.  NOTED that Members would seek views on the proposals through discussions in their communities and particularly through discussions with their respective Parent Councils; and

iii. NOTED that an exercise would be undertaken to show the budget for a small school under the new governance proposals and the potential implications on resources of that school if, for example, there was a long term staff absence.

8. Portree Associated School Group Overview/ Sealladh Coitcheann air Buidheann Sgoiltean Co-cheangailte Phort Rìgh

There was circulated Report No. SR/14/17 by the Quality Improvement Manager which provided an update of key information in relation to the schools within the Portree Associated School Group and provided useful updated links to further information in relation to these schools.

It was confirmed that Members would receive pupil attainment data for individual schools when it was published.  Further, the cost per pupil figures for Struan Primary School and Dunvegan English Nursery would be checked, as the figures seemed unusually high for small schools.

It was very encouraging that almost 50% of leavers from Portree High School went into employment in 2015/16.  

It was noted that Gaelic medium and English medium school roll data was available on the Highland Council website. 

The difficulties in recruiting teachers was an ongoing issue and ideally the Council would like to have a sufficient number of permanent supply teachers to call upon when required. 

Having scrutinised the information, the Committee NOTED the content of the report and that the cost per pupil figures for Struan Primary School and Dunvegan English Nursery would be checked.

9. Winter Maintenance Plan/ Plana Obair-gleidhidh Geamhraidh

There was circulated Report No. SR/15/17 by the Director of Community Services which provided information on winter maintenance preparations and arrangements for the 2017/18 winter period and invited the Committee to approve the Winter Maintenance Plans for the Isle of Skye and Raasay.

Members were supportive of the Winter Maintenance Plan and in addition an update was sought on road improvements associated with forestry timber extraction.  It was advised that 50% grant funding had been received towards road improvements at Eynort and funding had also been received at Glenbrittle and Carbost. The exact amount would be provided to Members after the meeting. 

It was advised that the Road Maintenance Programme for 2018/19 would be reported to the next meeting of the Committee.

Thereafter, the Committee:-

i.   APPROVED the Winter Maintenance Plan for the Isle of Skye and Rasaay for 2017/18, which included the priority road lists and maps presented in Appendix B & C;

ii.  NOTED that information on road improvements relating to forestry timber extraction at Glenbrittle and Carbost would be provided to Members; and

iii. NOTED that the Road Maintenance Programme for 2018/19 would be reported to the next meeting of the Committee.

10. Skye Aerodrome Update/  Cunntas às Ùr mu Raon-adhair an Eilein Sgitheanaich

There was circulated Report No. SR/16/17 by the Director of Development & Infrastructure which covered aspects of activities at Skye Aerodrome in relation to Skye Air Services; Infrastructure and Users Update; and Commercial Opportunities and Charging.

In discussion, a concern was raised in relation to the timing of the transport of wind turbine blades to and from the Aerodrome as there had been a couple of instances that had resulted in long queues of traffic being formed as a result of this activity.  An undertaking was given that Members concerns would be raised with Bear Scotland and Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE).

In terms of the ongoing proposals for air services from the Skye Aerodrome, it was advised that all the technical information from Highlands and Islands Airports (HIAL) had now gone back to the Consultant for review.  A revised report would then be produced by the Consultant.  It was expected that the report would conclude that there remained an optimistic business case for air services on Skye.  Thereafter, there was potential for a pilot project or to negotiate with HIAL or Transport Scotland as to how to take the project forward.

In terms of the income from SSE for use of the Aerodrome, it was intended to reinvest this money on infrastructure for the Aerodrome. In terms of timings for when people might see air services from Skye being introduced, it was advised that if all funding and approvals were received air services from Skye could commence in 2018.

Thereafter, the Committee:- 

i.   NOTED the contents of the report;

ii.  APPROVED the proposed development of an on-line Prior Permission Required (PPR) booking system and cessation of the existing honesty payment system; 

iii. APPROVED the proposed new charges set out in Appendix B to be introduced in January 2018; and

iv.  NOTED that the Committee’s concerns relating to the timing of the transport of wind turbine blades would be raised with Bear Scotland and SSE.

12.  Appointments to Local Organisations/  Suidheachadh Dhreuchdan gu Buidhnean Ionadail

There was circulated Report No. SR/18/17 by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Services which set out a request from outside organisations inviting the Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee to appoint 1 Member per organisation.

The Committee AGREED to:-

i.   Homologate the appointment of Councillor R MacDonald to Skye & Lochalsh Citizens’ Advice Bureau.

ii.  Homologate the appointment of Councillor J Gordon to the Skye & Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations.

iii. Homologate the appointment of Councillor J Finlayson to the Skye & Lochalsh Local Sports Council.

13.  Ward Discretionary Funding – Partnership Project/ Maoineachadh fo Ùghdarras Uàird – Pròiseact Com-pàirteach

There was circulated Report No. SR/19/17 by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Development which invited Members to approve an allocation of £20,000 from the Ward Discretionary Budget.

The Committee APPROVED an allocation from the Ward Discretionary Budget of £20,000 towards the cost of a project to improve visitor management at the Quiraing.

14. Street Naming/ Ainmeachadh Sràide

There was circulated Report No. SR/20/17 by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Development which set out a request from the Highland Small Communities Housing Trust for the naming of the development of 2 properties at Kilbeg, Sleat, Isle of Skye.  

The Committee AGREED to homologate the naming of a new 2 property development at Kilbeg, Sleat, Isle of Skye as Rathad MhicGuaire.


The meeting concluded at 1.35 p.m.