Agendas, reports and minutes

Ross and Cromarty Committee

Date: Monday, 19 June 2017

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of the Ross and Cromarty Committee held in the Chamber, Council Offices, Dingwall on Thursday, 19 June 2017 at 10.30am.


Mrs J Barclay, Ms I Campbell, Dr I Cockburn, Mr M Finlayson, Mr C Fraser, Mr D Louden, Mr G MacKenzie, Mr A MacKinnon, Mrs A MacLean, Mr D MacLeod, Ms P Munro, Mrs M Paterson, Mrs F Robertson, Ms K Stephen, Mr J Stone and Mrs C Wilson. 

Officials in Attendance:

Mr D Goldie, Head of Housing and Building Maintenance
Mr C Sharp, Repairs Manager (North), Community Services
Mr J Holden, Housing Manager (North), Community Services
Mrs H Ross, Senior Ward Manager, Chief Executive’s Office
Ms D Agnew, Ward Manager, Chief Executive’s Office
Mr P Waite, Countryside Team Leader
Mrs A MacArthur, Administrative Assistant, Corporate Development Service

Also in Attendance:

Group Manager M Loynd, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Station Manager, G Inkster, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

An asterisk in the margin denotes a recommendation to the Council.  All decisions with no marking in the margin are delegated to the Committee.

1.  Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr G Adam and Ms M Smith.

2.  Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Item 5 - Mrs A MacLean (non-financial)

3.  Appointment of Chair
Suidheachadh de Chathraiche

The Senior Ward Manager invited nominations for the position of Chair of the Committee.

The Committee AGREED to appoint Mrs F Robertson to the position of Chair.

(Mrs Robertson then took the Chair for the remainder of the meeting).

4.  Appointment of Civic Leader to Ross and Cromarty Area
Cur Ceannard Catharra an Dreuchd airson Rois agus Cromba

The Chair invited nominations for the position of Civic Leader and asked the Committee to agree to the inclusion of a Vice Chair of the Committee.

At this point, Mrs A MacLean, whilst agreeing to the need for a Vice Chair, intimated that she did not see the need for a Civic Leader for the Ross and Cromarty Area and would prefer that Local Members, as in the past, agree who would attend events in their own area.

Thereafter, the Chair, seconded by Mrs I Campbell, MOVED that the appointment for Civic Leader should also include the position of Vice Chair.

Mrs A MacLean, seconded by Mr G MacKenzie, moved as an AMENDMENT, that the appointment be for a Vice Chair and not include the appointment of a Civic Leader.

On a vote being taken by roll call, the MOTION received 9 votes and the AMENDMENT received 7 votes, the votes cast having been as follows:

For the Motion:

Mrs J Barclay, Mrs I Campbell, Mr M Finlayson, Mr D MacLeod, Mr A MacKinnon, Mrs M Paterson, Mrs F Robertson, Mr J Stone and Mrs C Wilson.

For the Amendment:

Dr I Cockburn, Mr C Fraser, Mr D Louden, Mrs A MacLean, Mr G MacKenzie, Ms P Munro, Ms K Stephen.

At this point, Mrs A MacLean and Dr I Cockburn asked that their dissent be recorded in relation to this decision.

Thereafter, it was AGREED to appoint Mrs M Paterson as Civic Leader of the Ross and Cromarty Area and Vice Chair of the Committee.

5.  Appointments
Cur an Dreuchd

Ross and Cromarty Citizens’ Advice Bureau

The Committee was asked to appoint one Member to serve as a Director of the Ross and Cromarty Citizens’ Advice Bureau.

It was AGREED to appoint Mrs A MacLean to the Ross and Cromarty Citizens’ Advice Bureau.

Poolewe Swimming Pool Association

The Committee was invited to appoint one Member to the Poolewe Swimming Pool Association.

It was AGREED to appoint Mr D MacLeod to the Poolewe Swimming Pool Association. 

Ross and Cromarty and Skye and Lochalsh Local Access Fora

The Committee was asked to appoint two Members to the Ross and Cromarty Local Access Forum and one Member to represent the Lochalsh area of the Skye and Lochalsh Local Access Forum.

It was AGREED to appoint Dr I Cockburn and Mrs A MacLean to the Ross and Cromarty Local Access Forum and Mrs I Campbell to the Lochalsh Local Access Forum.

During item 6, the Committee observed a one minute’s silence in tribute to the victims of the fire at Grenfell Tower, London.

6.  Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Seirbheis Smàlaidh is Teasairginn

There had been circulated Report No RC/012/17 dated 19 June 2017 together with the Ross and Cromarty Performance Report by the Local Senior Officer for Scottish Fire and Rescue. 

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • clarification was sought and received on the high level of false alarms in the area and the measures taken to address these alarms;
  • clarification was sought and received over concerns expressed in relation to the cover in rural areas and Members were reassured that there was no delay in sending an alternative fire appliance;
  • an indication of the vacancies and recruitment required for each station would be useful;
  • with the introduction of the NC500, there was a need for further information on whether there had been any reports of difficulties responding to fires due to issues on the roads; and
  • Members were reminded that an invitation had been received from the Fire Service to view appliances in the Inverness Fire Station on 27 June 2017.

Members expressed their appreciation of the fire service and the courage demonstrated by firefighters involved in the fire at the Grenfell Tower in London.  In response to concerns, the Group Manager advised that high rise buildings referred to at least seven storeys and there was only one building in Highland at that height (Raigmore Hospital). The risk in Highland was therefore much less.  The fire service response to high-rise incidents had recently been revised and they had looked at buildings of five storeys and over and reviewed the risk. All new buildings had to comply with current building standards. For existing buildings the construction would have to be looked at by the Council and Building Control. A press release had been issued by the Highland Council in the previous week and the Fire Service was always able to be involved in any way with any future press releases in relation to fire safety.

Thereafter, the Committee NOTED the Performance Report for Quarters 3 and 4 and AGREED that further details should be provided of the recruitment levels for specific areas within Ross and Cromarty.

7.  Housing Performance Report
Aithisg Dèanadais a thaobh Taigheadais

There had been circulated Report No RC/013/17 dated 19 June 2017 by the Director of Community Services.

During discussion, Members raised the following issues:

  • clarification was sought and received on the materials used for all buildings built by Highland Council and assurances given that they were up to standard;
  • a fire safety check at the start of a tenancy should be made compulsory for all Council house tenancies;
  • as the landlord, Highland Council should visit all properties on a yearly basis and ensure that the property was in good repair, highlight any vulnerable people and ensure that the tenant was aware of their responsibilities when they signed up for a tenancy;
  • a request had been made at the last meeting for photographs of some Council properties requiring repairs to see the scope of work required before properties could be re-let and this was still awaited;
  • tenants should be advised of the timings when contractors and maintenance officers visited their properties, either by email or letter;
  • further clarity was needed on the tenancy agreement; and
  • Capital Plan spending, with a detailed spreadsheet outlining the proposed work, money allocated and timetable, should also include details of environmental works to improve scrutiny.

The Committee:

  1. NOTED the information provided on housing performance in the period 1 April 2016 to 30 September 2016.
  2. AGREED that the following should be circulated to Members:
    a. pictures of the condition of some Council properties requiring repairs to see the scope of work the Council had to undertake before a re-let;
    b. information on telephone surveys completed following maintenance work to Council houses carried out by contractors;
    c. the Council housing tenancy agreement; and
    d. consideration to be given as to how best to provide more detailed information for Members in relation to the Capital Plan, including information on funding allocated, spend and timescales and details of capital environmental works.

8.  Street Naming – New Housing Developments
Ainmeachadh Sràide - Leasachaidhean Ùra Taigheadais

There had been circulated Report No RC/014/17 dated 16 June 2017 by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Development.

The Committee HOMOLOGATED the naming of:-

  1. the Rosemarkie apartments as Marine House;
  2. the Ness Gap Housing site Phase H, Fortrose as Dolphin Drive; and
  3. the land at Bellfield and Lettoch Farms, North Kessock as Barclay Gardens.

9.  Minutes

The Committee, following discussion:-

  1. NOTED the Minutes of the Ross and Cromarty Committee which had been held on 12 January 2017, which had been approved by the Highland Council on 9 March 2017.
  2. AGREED that the minutes be included at the start of the agenda in future and that the Chair would work with the Senior Ward Manager to provide a structure to better track requests agreed at meetings and that this be recorded in the Minutes. 

The Committee resolved that, under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the following Item on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 6 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.

10.  Tain Common Good Fund – Tain Mussels
Maoin Math Coitcheann Bhaile Dhubhthaich – Feusgain Bhaile Dhubhthaich

There had been circulated to Members only Report No RC/015/17 dated 13 June 2017 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure.

*  The Committee AGREED that the mussel boat “Gizzen Briggs” be sold as detailed in the report and that the endorsement of the Full Council be sought.

The meeting ended at 12.25 pm.