Agendas, reports and minutes

Ross and Cromarty Committee

Date: Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of the Ross and Cromarty Committee held in the Chamber, Council Offices, Dingwall on Wednesday, 15 August 2018 at 10.30 am.


Mr G Adam, Mrs J Barclay, Ms I Campbell, Dr I Cockburn, Mr M Finlayson, Mr C Fraser, Mr D Louden, Mr G MacKenzie, Mrs A MacLean, Mr D MacLeod, Ms P Munro, Mrs F Robertson (Chair) and Ms M Smith. 

Officials in Attendance:

Mr R Gerring, Transport Planning Manager
Mr J Holden, Housing Manager (North)
Mr R MacLeod, Housing Manager (North)
Mr D Martin, Care and Learning Manager
Mr I Moncrieff, Roads Operations Manager, Skye, Ross and Cromarty
Mr R McNab, Service Support Officer, Community Services
Mr P Waite, Countryside Team Leader, Development and Infrastructure
Mr N Brett-Young, Youth Work Manager, High Life Highland
Ms W Kelt, Area Youth Officer – North, High Life Highland
Ms H Ross, Senior Ward Manager, Chief Executive’s Office
Mr R Bain, Ward Manager, Chief Executive’s Office
Ms D Agnew, Ward Manager, Chief Executive’s Office
Ms S Tarrant, Public Relations Officer
Miss F Povlsen, Youth Trainee, Public Relations Office
Mrs A MacArthur, Administrative Assistant, Chief Executive’s Office

Also in Attendance:

Chief Inspector I MacLelland, North Area Commander, Police Scotland
Mr I Matheson, Blythswood
Mr W MacKintosh, Blythswood
Miss M McGorran, Youth Ambassador
Miss R Hussain, Youth Ambassador

An asterisk in the margin denotes a recommendation to the Council.  All decisions with no marking in the margin are delegated to the Committee.


1.  Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr A MacKinnon, Mrs M Paterson and Mrs K Stephen.

2.  Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

There were no declarations of interest. 

3.  Minutes

The Committee NOTED the Minutes of the last meeting which had been held on 2 May 2018 and had been approved by The Highland Council on 10 May 2018.

4.  The Year of Young People
Bliadhna na h-Òigridh

There had been circulated Report No RC/020/18 by the Director of Care and Learning. 

Miss M McGorran and Miss R Hussain, Youth Ambassadors and pupils at Alness Academy gave a presentation on the Year of Young People highlighting meetings and events they had attended. 

Mr Derek Martin thanked Miss McGorran and Miss Hussain for their presentation and the work they undertake that makes a huge difference to the young people in the area.  Mr Martin highlighted mental health awareness and the importance of this in children’s planning.  Mental health awareness was important and merited a project by itself. 

One of the highlights of the Year of Young People had been the Rock Challenge where four out of five competing Ross and Cromarty schools had reached the final. 

Members discussed the participation of young people at Community Council meetings where their voices were important and should be heard.  The possibility of a sub-group of young people, meeting during school hours, and feeding into Community Council meetings was thought to be advantageous.

The Chair thanked Miss McGorran and Miss Hussain for their informative presentation and wished them well in their chosen careers.    

Thereafter, the Committee NOTED the presentation and the report. 

5.  Blythswood Presentation
Taisbeanadh Blythswood

A presentation was given by Mr Ian Matheson from Blythswood, he outlined the work of Blythswood, the number of shops and employment in Highland and specifically Ross and Cromarty.  Mr Matheson further outlined the varied and diverse work undertaken by Blythswood and their commitment to zero waste. 

The Chair and Members thanked Mr Matheson for his informative presentation.

The Committee NOTED the presentation.

6.  Police – Area Performance Summary
Geàrr-chunntas Dèanadais Sgìreil

There had been circulated Report No RC/021/18 by the North Area Commander.  The Area Commander amended his report at page 23 where it stated “Reduce the number of Breach of the Peace/Threatening, Abusive behaviour Crimes” +14, it should read -14.

During discussion, Members raised several issues including the following:-

  • Members had been interested in the banking protocol and asked that information be brought back to Committee on the reporting of hate incidents to Third party Reporting Centres;
  • following an incident in Alness, Members asked that younger officers attend a local community centre in Alness to meet with local young people; and
  • in answer to a question, breach of the peace was defined as causing fear and alarm or threatening behaviour.

The Committee NOTED progress made against the objectives set within the Highland and Islands Local Policing Plan 2017 – 2020:-

  1. Year 1, attached as Appendix A to this report, for the period covering 1 April 2017 - 31 March 2018;
  2. Year 2, attached as Appendix B to this report, for the period covering 1 April 2018 - 30 June 2018. 

7.  Area Priorities
Prìomhachasan Sgìreil

There had been circulated Report No RC/022/18 by the Head of Policy and Reform, Ward Management.  On a question to the Chair, the Chair advised that she had attended ward business and other meetings to discuss Area Priorities which had been a long process started after the initial setting up of the local committees.

During discussion, Members raised several issues including the following:-

  • the first bullet point should be amended to read “Developing and improving the road and rail network, including working with partners to improve the safety of junctions; and the slipways at Nigg and Cromarty are important and contribute to tourism although it was noted they are privately owned.

The Committee: 

  1. APPROVED the local strategic priorities for Ross and Cromarty subject to the amendment of the first bullet point under Transport and Infrastructure to read: ‘Developing and improving the road and rail network, including working with partners to improve the safety of junctions’;
  2. AGREED to promote these with the wider Council membership and as part of the Council’s Programme 2017-22.
  3. NOTED that there will be opportunity, through the local community partnership and engagement with community bodies and communities to consider wider shared priorities over the Council’s term; and
  4. NOTED that further work will be done to identify how the local priorities agreed can be supported by staff and any other Council resources.  This will include considering how to best measure progress.  Some priorities are already well aligned to the Council’s Programme.

8.  Evanton Railway Station
Stèisean Rèile Bhaile Eòghainn

There had been circulated Report No RC/023/18 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure.

During discussion, Members raised several issues including the following:-

  • disappointed that Local Rail Development funding had not been granted; and
  • a request that officers continue to seek funding from the Local Rail Development Fund when the opportunity to do so arises.

Members thanked Mr R Gerring and Mr F Roach for their extensive work with this project.

The Committee:

  1. NOTED that the Local Rail Development Fund application in respect of the Evanton Railway Station had not been successful;
  2. NOTED the STAG process requirements and in particular the flow diagram at APPENDIX 1;
  3. APPROVED the support/involvement of Highland Council officers with a future Business Case Study co-ordinated by Hitrans; and
  4. AGREED that officers continue to seek funding from the Local Rail Development Fund when the opportunity to do so arises.

9.  Annual Area Capital Update – 2017/18 Project Spend and 2018/19 Project Budgets
Cunntas Bliadhnail Calpa Sgìreil – Cosg Pròiseict 2017/18 agus Buidseatan Pròiseict 2018/19

There had been circulated Report No RC/024/18 by the Director of Finance. 

During discussion, Members raised several issues including the following:-

  • Members were disappointed with the level of information given and requested that future reports should contain sufficient information and detail for individual projects to be identified; and
  • the report at appendix 1 stated that the year was 1819 this should be amended when the report comes back to the Committee.

The Committee:

  1. NOTED the expenditure on each project in this Council area in 2017/18;
  2. NOTED the budget for each project in this Council area in 2018/19; and
  3. AGREED future reports should contain sufficient information and detail for individual projects to be identified.

10.  Housing Performance Report
Aithisg Dèanadais a thaobh Taigheadais

There had been circulated Report No RC/025/18 by the Director of Community Services.  

Mr Holden, Area Housing Manager – North advised that as he had now reduced his working hours to a three-day working week, Mr Rory MacLeod would now be working with him as Area Housing Manager – North and their generic email should now be used to ensure a prompt response. 

During discussion, Members raised several issues including the following:-

  • there was a request for information on the number of properties by size and information on turnover by size  and this to be sent to Members;
  • the factors taken into account when considering the location for building new houses;
  • the link between the Council housing list and the housing association housing list and in response the Area Housing Manager advised that they shared one list which indicated when people had been offered a house;
  • homelessness was at the highest level in three years;
  • whether the housing association have the same onus to provide housing for homeless persons; and
  • thanks to the housing team for the tremendous amount of work undertaken in relation to the Syrian families housed in this area.

The Committee NOTED the information provided on housing performance in the period from 1 April to 30 June 2018.

11.  Educational Trusts
Urrasan Foghlaim

There had been circulated Report No RC/026/18 by the Director of Care and Learning. 

During discussion, Members raised the following:-

  • the bursary awards within Ross and Cromarty should be delegated to an officer in consultation with Ward Members.

The Committee:

  • NOTED the report on awards made by Duncraig Trust, and Ross and Cromarty Educational Trust;
  • AGREED that Duncraig Trust should be referred to the investment subcommittee, in order to maximise income to the trust;
  • NOTED the purposes and priorities of Ross and Cromarty Educational Trust;
  • APPROVED the following annual transfers from Ross and Cromarty Educational Trust funds to Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (subject to sufficient investment income):
  • £670 for prizes
  • £8260 for bursaries
  • 30% of any remaining surplus income (based on population size);
  • AGREED to delegate the decision making and administrative duties of the above portions to the Director of Education of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, with an annual report to the trust;
  • AGREED the bursary awards within Ross and Cromarty be delegated to an officer in consultation with ward members;
  • APPROVED the maximum expenditure of free income as listed in the attached paper “Fifth Schedule- Expenditure of Free Income”;
  • AGREED to seek the approval of the Scottish Government for the above changes, as required under Ross and Cromarty Educational Trust Scheme 1961; and ask the Scottish Government to agree that future approval of the government will not be required for changes to the plan - reflecting modern governance of these types of trusts.

12.  Grounds Maintenance Performance Monitoring Report for 2017/18 and Priorities for 2018/19 – Q1
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh mu Choileanadh a thaobh Cumail Suas Raointean airson 2017/18 agus Prìomhachasan airson 2018/19 – C1

There had been circulated Report No RC/27/18 by the Director of Community Services.

During discussion, Members raised several issues including the following:-

  • a request that a list of all public conveniences in Highland be distributed to Members;
  • the road sign between Ardullie and Dingwall was covered by overgrowth, could the overgrowth be cut back; and
  • in relation to litter on the A9 was it possible to have some costs and possible examples of different forms of sign and have this taken back to the relative ward business meetings;

The Committee NOTED the information provided on performance for the period 1 April 2018 to 30 June 2018.

13.  Deletion of Adopted Roads
Leasachadh Gnothachais: Cunntas às Ùr Rois agus Chromba

There had been circulated Report No RC/028/18 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure.

The Committee APPROVED the deletion of a redundant section of the U4636 Wester Greengates Road, Fortrose from The List of Adopted Roads.

14.  Common Good Funds
Maoin Maith Choitchinn

There had been circulated Reports Nos RC/029/18 – RC/033/18 by the Head of Policy and Reform which provide information on the following Common Good Funds:-

  1. Cromarty Common Good Fund RC/029/18
  2. Dingwall Common Good Fund RC/030/18
  3. Fortrose and Rosemarkie Common Good Fund RC/031/18
  4. Invergordon Common Good Fund RC/032/18
  5. Tain Common Good Fund RC/033/18

The Committee:

  1. NOTED the position of the Common Good Funds, as shown in the Quarter One Monitoring Statement against budget; and
  2. APPROVED a proposed underspend of £4,000 on the Fortrose and Rosemarkie Common Good Fund Special Grants budget in the current year to partly mitigate the impact on reserves.

15. Street Naming – New Housing Developments
Ainmeachadh Sràide - Leasachaidhean Ùra Taigheadais

There had been circulated Report No RC/034/18 by the Head of Policy and Reform.

The Committee HOMOLOGATED the following names for new developments:-

  • Green Lady Court for a new development on land West of Tulloch Square, Dingwall;
  • Achany Court for a new housing development on the former Area Education office site, Dingwall; and
  • Greenside Street for a new development at Greenside Farm, Rosemarkie.

16.  The Committee resolved that, under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the following Items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.

17.  Ross and Cromarty Local Access Forum Appointments
Luchd-dreuchd Fòram Inntrigeadh Ionadail Rois agus Chromba

There had been circulated to Members only Report No RC/035/18 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure. 

Members asked that the appointment of an applicant for the land management vacancy for Ross and Cromarty Local Access Forum be delegated to the Forum itself. 

Members AGREED to delegate the appointment of an applicant for the land management vacancy for Ross and Cromarty Local Access Forum to the Ross and Cromarty Local Access Forum.

The meeting ended at 1.05 pm.