Agendas, reports and minutes

Easter Ross Area Committee

Date: Thursday, 20 February 2020

Minutes: Read the Minutes

The Highland Council

Minutes of Meeting of the Easter Ross Area Committee held in the Tain Council Chamber, Tower Street, Tain on Thursday, 20 February 2020 at 9.30 am.


Mr M Finlayson
Mr D Louden
Ms P Munro
Mr A Rhind

Ms F Robertson
Ms M Smith
Mrs C Wilson

Officials in Attendance:

Mr J Holden, Housing Manager (North)
Ms L Third, Education Quality Improvement Manager
Mr I Moncreiff, Roads Operation Manager
Ms H Ross Senior Ward Manager, CSER
Ms J Maclennan, Principle Administrator

Also in Attendance:

Inspector J Rice, Police Scotland

An asterisk in the margin denotes a recommendation to the Council.  All decisions with no marking in the margin are delegated to Committee.

  1. Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

  1. Declarations of Interest
    Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

There were no declarations of interest.

  1. Appointment of Chair
    Cur Cathraiche an Dreuchd

Having been duly nominated and seconded, Ms F Robertson was unanimously appointed Chair of the Easter Ross Area Committee. The Committee also AGREED to appoint a Vice Chair to which Mr A Rhind was unanimously appointed, again having been duly nominated and seconded.

  1. Police – Area Performance Summary Report 
    Aithisg Phoileis

There had been circulated Report No ERA/01/20 dated 13 February 2020 by the Chief Inspector Jamie Wilson, Area Commander.

During discussion the following main points were raised:-

  • a spate of recent antisocial behaviour in Alness and Invergordon was causing unrest and distress for local residents.  This projected a negative image to visitors to the area and it was essential this was addressed.  Some progress had already been made but co-operation with the local schools, the youth work at the Joss Street Hall and High Life Highland was important.  Attendance at school assemblies by Police Officers was also welcomed and a plea was made for this to continue.  The limited resources at the disposal of the Police were acknowledged but schools were often able to provide local knowledge and information about any family dynamics involved;
  • the recent sizable seizure of drugs and money found in woodland near Fyrish was applauded.  However, there were numerous reports of drug dealing openly taking place in Alness and this was causing frustration in the local community.  Members were assured that cognisance was taken of all information received by the Police and that this helped them to build a picture.  In addition, it was pointed out that the Highland Council could take action against any Council House tenant convicted of drugs offences from their house as this was a contravention their Tenancy Agreement;
  • care experienced children were often purposely recruited by criminals; and
  • it was disappointing that there was a reluctance with some businesses to train staff to spot shoplifters.

The Committee NOTED progress made against the objectives set within the Highland and Islands Local Policing Plan 2017-2020 Year 3, attached as Appendix A to the report, for the period covering 1 April 2019-31 December 2019.

  1. Housing Revenue Account: Garage Rents 2020/2021 
    Cunntas Teachd-a-steach Taigheadais: Màil Gharaidsean 2020/21

There had been circulated Report No ERA/02/20 dated 6 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer, Property and Housing.

During discussion the following main points were raised:-

  • possible options to rationalise garages and garage sites were explored including demolition to create dedicated storage units or house sites.  Prior to a report being brought back to Committee it would be beneficial to explore other possibilities with Members;
  • it was important to maximise income streams and it was confirmed that there was a waiting list for garages.  To date, the process had not been adequately managed but, as it was now properly resourced, these issues would be addressed;
  • the availability of garages for rent from the Council was not widely known and more needed to be done to promote this;
  • a list of garages and garage sites in each Ward was requested; and
  • the Housing Manager was reminded that, in relation to Housing Arrears, that Members had requested, if possible, a breakdown of the proportion that were as a result of Universal Credit.

The Committee AGREED:-

  1. a 3% rent increase to apply to Easter Ross Garages and Garage sites;
  2. a list of garages and garage sites be prepared for both Wards; and
  3. a detailed report be submitted to a future Committee with a range of options as to how best to use garages and garage sites.
  1. Area Roads Capital Programme Report 2020-21 
    Aithisg Prògram Calpa Rathaidean na Sgìre 2020-21

There had been circulated Report No ERA/03/20 dated 21 January 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer, Infrastructure and Environment.

During discussion the following main points were raised:-

  • the 2020/21 capital budget for roads maintenance had not yet been determined so to provide a working budget meantime the allocation for the Easter Ross Area had been based on the 2019/20 budget taking into account that it had 23% of the road length of the former Ross and Cromarty area.  However, Members highlighted that the methodology used in calculating the formula took account of other factors and it was unfair to bases this solely on mileage;
  • the Easter Ross Area had a higher population than many other areas and the heavy traffic using the infrastructure caused more wear on the roads;
  • the poor road conditions caused damage to cars;
  • it was vital that Members highlighted the importance of the Area’s requirements being properly addressed, reference being made to the apportionment of road maintenance staff compared to other areas;
  • clarification was sought, and provided, as to how resources were allocated when emergency situations arose;
  • it was unsatisfactory to leave works unfinished, especially where it tied up equipment;
  • whilst there were benefits to redirecting the workforce to cutting back bushes and drainage the priority had to be making roads as safe as possible and a reappraisal of priorities was called for.  It was felt the general public would be tolerant if they saw resources being directed to filling potholes and ensuring roads were safe to drive on;
  • the maintenance of roads within Council housing schemes fell within the remit of the Housing Service;
  • reference was made to Kiltearn Community Council who had decided to use community benefit funding received from windfarm developments to resurface a stretch of road.  This was a good example of community empowerment; and
  • in future, where appropriate, it would be useful to have officers from Waste Amenities and Roads attend where there were issues around shared services.                                    

The Committee AGREED:-.

  1. to reprioritise the Roads Maintenance Programme for Easter Ross to address patching and potholes in the area; and
  2. to have representatives from Waste, Amenities and Roads attend meetings where there are issues around shared services.
  1. Education Scotland Activity in South Lodge Primary School 
    Com-pàirteachas Foghlaim Alba le Bun-Sgoil na Loidse a Deas

There had been circulated Report No ERA/04/20 dated 7 February 2020 by the Area Education Quality Improvement Manager Mid.

Since the initial inspection it was confirmed that the management team at the school had changed and the enthusiasm and ethos of the staff and pupils was welcomed. 

Referring to discussion earlier in the meeting, the Area Education Quality Improvement Manager undertook to invite representatives of Police Scotland to meetings of the Alness and Invergordon Associated School Groups.

The Committee otherwise NOTED the content of this report.

  1. Invergordon Common Good Fund - Quarter 3 Monitoring and 2020/21 Budget Setting Report  
    Sgrùdadh Cairteal 3 agus Aithisg Suidheachadh Buidseat 2020/21 Inbhir Ghòrdain

There had been circulated Report No ERA/05/20 dated 28 January 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer, Resources and Finance and Executive Chief Officer, Community and Place.

The Committee:-

  1. NOTED the Quarter 3 monitoring statement for the Invergordon Common Good Fund;
  2. APPROVED the proposed 2020/21 budget for the fund; and
  3. AGREED that the Invergordon & District Development Trust’s Business Case for Invergordon Town Hall be submitted to the Committee’s next meeting.
  1. Tain Common Good Fund - Quarter 3 Monitoring and 2020/21 Budget Setting Report
    Sgrùdadh Cairteal 3 gus Aithisg Suidheachadh Buidseat 2020/21 Bhaile Dhubhthaich

There had been circulated Report No ERA/06/20 dated 11 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer, Resources and Finance, and Executive Chief Officer, Communities and Place. 

The Committee:-

  1. NOTED the Quarter 3 monitoring statement for the Tain Common Good Fund; and
  2. APPROVED the proposed 2020/21 budget for the Fund.

The meeting ended at 11.20 am