Agendas, reports and minutes

Caithness Committee

Date: Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of the Caithness Committee held in Wick Town Hall, Bridge Street, Wick, on Wednesday 19 February 2020 at 10.00am.

Mr D Mackay
Mr M Reiss
Mr K Rosie 
Mr A Sinclair
Ms N Sinclair
Officials in attendance:
Mr A Macmanus, Ward Manager, Chief Executive’s Office
Ms A Donald, Education Quality Improvement Manager, Care and Learning Service
Dr F Grant, Head Teacher, Wick High School, Care and Learning Service
Ms J Jennett, Area Care and Learning Manager, Care and Learning Service (by VC)
Mr D Cowie, Principal Planner, Development and Infrastructure Service (by VC)
Mr D Chisholm, Planner, Development and Infrastructure Service (by VC)
Mr J Holden, Housing Manager (North), Community Services
Ms M Taylor, Housing Management Officer, Community Services
Ms A Macrae, Committee Administrator, Chief Executive’s Office

Also in Attendance:
Inspector A Goskirk, Police Scotland

1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr R Bremner, Mr W Mackay and Mr S Mackie.
2.Declarations of Interest 
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Item 8: Mr K Rosie and Ms N Sinclair (non-financial).

3. Minutes                                                                                                   

There were circulated and NOTED Minutes of the Caithness Committee held on 19 November 2019, which were approved by the Council on 9 December 2019.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes

The Ward Manager provided Members with an update on the status of the individual actions set out in the Committee’s action tracker.

The Chair provided a response to the action that confirmation be sought from the Budget Leader as to whether an impact analysis was carried out in relation to any decision to introduce a recruitment freeze on schools in the area. He reported that the Budget Leader had confirmed there was no absolute freeze on recruitment, and there was flexibility within the system. Specifically, each vacancy was considered by the Area Education Manager in the first instance and thereafter considered by the Weekly Governance Group, which was part of the Corporate Resources Committee.

In discussion, concern was expressed at the number of actions on the action tracker which remained outstanding and the need to follow up with officers to have those actions completed. It was also requested that the action tracker be appended to the minutes of the previous meeting circulated to the Committee.

The Committee AGREED:-

i. the updates to the action tracker from the minutes of previous meetings; and
ii. to follow up with officers on those actions which remained outstanding and that a copy of the action tracker be appended to the minutes of the previous meeting circulated to the Committee.

5. Police – Area Performance Summary                                                    
Poileas – Geàrr-chunntas air Coileanadh Sgìreil

There had been circulated Report No CC/01/20 dated 10 February 2020 by the North Area Commander.

In discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • a reduction in speeding in Thurso had been observed in recent months which was encouraging;
  • confirmation was sought and provided that the public were in the main observing the new 20mph speed limits which had been introduced in Wick and that policing of the limit had been particularly focused on schools;
  • an explanation was sought and provided on the process for testing drivers for drugs;
  • in terms of drugs misuse in the area, this was a complex area and the issues were constantly changing in terms of the types of drugs and how they were being sourced and delivered;
  • the importance of working in partnership and of having a joined up approach to tackle the underlying causes and change the culture around alcohol and drugs misuse and the positive work being undertaken in the area including by Safer Caithness, Caithness Community Partnership, licensees, and the Caithness Drug and Alcohol Forum. There was the potential for the Icelandic Model for preventing adolescent substance use to be piloted in Caithness as an effective approach going forward;
  • concern at ongoing issues of vandalism at the public toilets in Riverside, Wick.  It would be helpful to highlight to the public the resourcing challenges Police Scotland faced in terms of prioritising incidents at the toilets against those involving people’s wellbeing. The Area Inspector advised that he would investigate the potential for a media communication to be issued to the public on this matter;
  • the improved detection rates in relation to shoplifting were exceptional and stores in the area be commended in this regard;
  • concern at the figures in relation to missing persons and at the significant amount of resources Police Scotland had to invest in these cases; and
  •  the number of thefts from motor vehicles was extremely low and was a reminder that Caithness was a safe place in which to live.

The Committee NOTED following scrutiny, progress made against the objectives set within the Highland and Islands Local Policing Plan 2017-2020 Year 3, for the period covering 1 April 2019 - 31 December 2019.

6. Wick Associated School Group Overview                                                      
Sealladh Coitcheann air Buidheann Sgoiltean Co-cheangailte Inbhir Ùige

There had been circulated Report No CC/02/20 dated 7 February 2020 by the Interim Chief Executive Officer Education and Learning.

The Education Quality Improvement Manager provided an update on progress with staffing at Wick High School and Keiss and Bower Primary Schools. She also provided a summary of the HMIe inspection reports in relation to Thrumster Primary School and Noss Primary Schools highlighting the key strengths and areas for improvement which had been identified and confirming that no follow up visits would be undertaken.

Dr F Grant, Head Teacher, Wick High School reported that she was on secondment for a period of six months with the Education Quality Improvement Team. He role was to support schools in the North, including in Caithness, with the main agenda of raising attainment. Her other role was to help develop learning and modern teaching strategies in schools across all areas of the Highlands.

Members congratulated Dr Grant on her secondment and looked forward to her contribution and strong leadership in North schools.

In response to a question, it was confirmed the most recent figures on school leaver destinations at Wick High School were due to be published by the Scottish Government by the end of the month.

The Committee NOTED following scrutiny, the content of the report.

7. Caithness Educational Trusts                                                             
Urrasan Foghlaim Ghallaibh

There had been circulated Report No CC/03/20 dated 7 February 2020 by the Interim Chief Executive Officer Education and Learning.

In discussion, Members welcomed the recommendations set out in the report and the proposals to simplify and streamline what was currently a complex process and minimise officers time in administering the trust funds. The proposals would achieve a fairer outcome and the reallocation of responsibility to the relevant schools was welcomed.

The Committee AGREED:-

i. the funds that are noted in Appendix 1, schedule 3,4 and 5 are allocated to the school and that the head teacher uses this for the benefit of any/all pupils;
ii. that a process is set up to automatically issue these funds in April of each financial year which will provide clarity around the remaining budget for the coming year;
iii. that an application window be applied and that based on available funds and received applications the amount set aside for the year be allocated on that basis. This will require some advertising on the Council website and by other means to encourage applications at a certain time;
iv. the amount set aside for bursary payments be agreed by the Committee at the beginning of the financial year with data available to inform decision making; and
v. the sum allocated in each year provides opportunity and fairness with new applicants receiving priority over returning applicants, with a new maximum being set per person.

8. Caithness and Sutherland Town Centre Strategy                             
Ro-innleachd Meadhan Baile Ghallaibh agus Chataibh

Declaration of Interests – Ms N Sinclair and Mr K Rosie declared non-financial interests in this item as a Director of Wick’s Heart and Board Member of Thurso Community Development Trust respectively but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that their interests did not preclude them from taking part in the discussion.

There had been circulated Report No CC/04/20 dated 4 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Infrastructure and Environment.

In discussion, Members commended the officers on their work in producing the Strategy and raised the following issues:-

  • welcoming that the Strategy reflected the local priorities which had been identified by local Members and the community in relation to Wick Town Centre and that the comments on traffic management aligned with the recent introduction of the 20mph limits and enforcement of the Market Square pedestrian zone;
  • support for the Action Programme on the basis local Members and the community were eager for the Strategy to be more action focused following the extensive consultations which had been carried out;
  • the potential to engage with other parties with a high level of expertise in urban regeneration and regional development. The Principal Planner referred to there being opportunities for other parties to get involved in the actions to be identified in the Action Programme and in the work of local organisations such as the Thurso Community Development Trust. At a wider strategic level, there was the potential for anyone to engage with the Scottish Government’s consultation on the National Planning Framework;
  • clarification was sought and provided that the harbour area was identified in the Strategy as part of Thurso Town Centre and following the consultation feedback had been identified as one of the key opportunities in the Action Programme. It was noted that Thurso Community Development Trust had identified a number of projects in the harbour area; and
  • in terms of the place making priorities for Thurso, the challenges associated with developing the attractive river corridor setting in view of the flood risk in this area and the uncertainty around whether a flood prevention scheme would be progressed.

The Committee:-

i. NOTED the issues raised in consultation responses to the Draft Caithness and Sutherland Town Centre Strategy (Section 5 and Appendix 1) and revisions to the Strategy (Appendix 2);
ii. AGREED that the Strategy, finalised in line with the decisions of the two Area Committees, be submitted to Scottish Ministers for consideration as per the statutory process for adoption of Supplementary Guidance;
iii. NOTED that the Strategy will be a material consideration for development management purposes with immediate effect;
iv. AGREED to the adoption and issuing of the submitted version of the Strategy as statutory Supplementary Guidance to the Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan upon completion of the requisite 28 day period for consideration by Scottish Ministers, subject to any directions from Ministers indicating otherwise; and
v. NOTED that the associated Action Programme will be drawn together by officers in consultation with Ward Members and the parties mentioned in it and subsequently will be published and promoted to those parties and the wider communities.

9. Housing Revenue Account: Garage Rents 2020/21                          
Cunntas Teachd A-steach Taigheadais: Màil Gharaidsean 2020/21

There had been circulated Report No CC/05/20 dated 5 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Housing and Property.

In discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • a written comment received from Mr R Bremner on the need for a discussion on using the income generated from garage rents to demolish and improve areas, including the provision of off street parking for tenants rather than using environmental monies for redevelopment;
  • concern was expressed at the lack of repairs being undertaken to garages in general and a proposal that no rent increase be applied to garage rents in Caithness and consideration given to an overall strategy for garages and garage sites going forward;
  • a 3% rent increase be applied to garages and garage sites in Caithness in 2020/21 given the relatively small increase involved and to ensure there was the income stream officers had anticipated to carry out repairs. This was on the basis that a report be submitted to the Committee in August 2020 providing more detailed information and costings on the potential options for garages and garage sites in Caithness, including a local assessment of demand and condition, to enable decisions on future investment and use; and
  • noting that Mr D Mackay did not support the proposal to apply a rent increase in 2020/21.

The Committee AGREED that :-

i. a 3% rent increase be applied to Garages and Garage Sites in Caithness for 2020/21; and
ii. a report providing more detailed information and costs on the potential options for garages and garage sites in Caithness be submitted to the Committee in August 2020 to enable decisions on future investment and use.

10. Housing Performance Report – 1 April 2019 to 31 December 2019               
Aithisg Coileanaidh Taigheadais – 1 Giblean 2019 to 31 Dùbhlachd 2019  

There had been circulated Report No CC/06/20 dated 4 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Housing and Property.

The Area Housing Manager advised the incorrect version of appendix 2 had been attached to the report and he would arrange for the correct appendix to be circulated to Members.

The Chair reported that a number of written comments on the report had been received from Mr R Bremner, details of which he provided.

In regard to the reduction in arrears since the previous quarter, it was reported this reflected the work undertaken by the Council’s Housing Policy team with the DWP, the Housing Team’s robust approach to rent arrears and the advice and assistance provided to tenants. The fact that tenants had a better understanding of how Universal Credit worked was also a factor.

Thereafter, it was confirmed the figures for homeless presentations did not include any cases as a result of Council evictions due to rent arrears. The Loch Street garages project was being advanced separately to the strategic discussion on the future options for garages. There were complex issues around community asset transfer and access to be resolved. There was an expectation that environmental monies would be committed, however there was a need to ensure the proposals were deliverable and fitted with the overall strategy for garages to be considered by the Committee.

The Area Housing Manager confirmed he would arrange for responses to be provided to Mr Bremner on his other written comments. He would provide a response to all Members on the clarification sought on the environmental budget.

A further point was raised on the importance of external maintenance to improve the appearance of Council properties going forward.

The Committee NOTED following scrutiny, the information provided on housing performance in the period 1 April 2019 to 31 December 2019.

The meeting ended at Noon.