Agendas, reports and minutes

Black Isle, Dingwall and Seaforth Committee

Date: Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Minutes: Read the Minutes


Minutes of Meeting of the Black Isle, Dingwall and Seaforth Committee held in the Chamber, Council Offices, High Street, Dingwall on 25 February 2020 at 10.30 am.


Mr G Adam, Mrs J Barclay, Mr C Fraser, Mr G MacKenzie, Mr A MacKinnon, Mrs A MacLean and Mrs M Paterson.

In attendance:

Mrs D Ferguson, Senior Ward Manager, Chief Executive’s Office
Ms D Agnew, Ward Manager (Black Isle, Dingwall and Seaforth), Chief Executive’s Office
Mr I Moncrieff, Roads Operations Manager (Skye, Ross and Cromarty), Community Services
Mr J Holden, Housing Manager (North), Community Services
Ms S Murdoch, Common Good Funds Officer
Mrs A MacArthur, Administrative Assistant, Chief Executive’s Office

Also in attendance:

Chief Inspector J Wilson, Area Commander (North), Police Scotland
Mr M Rogers, Executive Chief Officer - Housing and Property

An asterisk in the margin denotes a recommendation to the Council.  All decisions with no marking in the margin are delegated to the Committee.


The Senior Ward Manager took the Chair pending the appointment of the Chair of the Committee at item 3 below.


1.  Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

2.  Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Items 5 and 7:  Mrs A MacLean (non-financial and financial respectively).

3.  Appointment of Chair
Cur Cathraiche an Dreuchd

The Senior Ward Manager invited nominations for the Chair.

Mrs M Paterson seconded by Mr C Fraser, nominated Mr G MacKenzie as Chair of the Committee.

Mrs A MacLean, seconded by Mrs J Barclay, nominated Mr G Adams as Chair of the Committee.

Following a vote by roll call the votes were cast as follows:

Mr G MacKenzie

Mr C Fraser, Mr G MacKenzie and Mrs M Paterson.

Mr G Adam

Mrs J Barclay, Mr G Adam, Mrs A MacLean and Mr MacKinnon. 

The Committee therefore AGREED to appoint Mr Gordon Adam as Chair of the Black Isle, Dingwall and Seaforth Committee and Mr Adam took the Chair.

The Chair thanked Members for the privilege of Chairing this new area committee.  The communities of this area are closely linked and there are exciting opportunities for this Committee to tackle issues which are local priorities.  The Highland Council is committed to more locally based decision making, as well as developing budgets so that some spending decisions are genuinely influenced by local concerns.  He looked forward to moving ahead with innovative ideas in the interests of strengthening local democracy when difficult funding decisions had to be made. 

4.  Appointment of Vice Chair
Cur Iar-Chathraiche an Dreuchd

The Senior Ward Manager invited nominations for the Vice Chair.

Mr G Adam, seconded by Mrs M Paterson nominated Mr G MacKenzie as Vice-Chair of the Committee.Mr G MacKenzie declined the appointment of Vice-Chair of the Committee.

Mr G MacKenzie, seconded by Mrs A MacLean nominated Mrs M Paterson as Vice-Chair of the Committee.

The Committee therefore AGREED to appoint Mrs M Paterson as Vice-Chair of the Black Isle, Dingwall and Seaforth Committee.

Mr A MacKinnon congratulated Mr Gordon Adam on his appointment and expressed his shock and sadness at the tragic death of Mr Adam Reid on Friday, 25 February, a young man in his prime and a respected member of Frank Nicol’s Farm and Garden Machinery company.  The Committee expressed their condolences to the family, friends and work colleagues of Mr Reid. 

Condolences were also extended to the family and friends of the four people who had died in a car crash in Lochaber on the 20 February. 

The police and emergency services had a harrowing time and their professionalism was to be commended.

5.  Police – Area Performance Summary
Geàrr-chunntas Dèanadais Sgìreil

Declaration of Interest – Mrs A MacLean declared a non-financial interest with a reference in the report to Women’s Aid as she was a Director of the Dingwall Women’s Aid.  Having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that her interest did not preclude her from taking part in the discussion.

There had been circulated Report No BIDS/001/20 dated 13 February 2020 by the North Area Commander, who expressed his sadness at the loss of Mr Craig Reid.  The tragedy had tested the ability of the Police and emergency services to self-manage and continue to deal with the incident during the eight hour road closure.

He highlighted the following points:

  • in relation to the first priority, Road Safety and Road Crime, Mr Wilson had been appointed as Chair of the Highlands and Islands Road Casualty Reduction Group with a priority to reduce the number of accidents and in particular fatalities.  At the fortnightly meetings he would connect with Murray Blair, Road Safety Scotland and then he would engage with the Area Commanders in each of the different sub-divisions in Highlands and Islands;
  • a keep left scheme in relation to the NC500 and Highland roads provided reminders that we drive on the left, a wristband was provided and a flag for the windscreen.  Flags would also be posted along the NC500 and other routes on the left-hand side to remind drivers to drive on the left;
  • Driver Engagement North – there was a driving simulator which monitored driving participants reactions.  He looked to improve the reporting process undertaken by doctors, families and concerned people around individuals and their ability to drive; and
  • anti-social behaviour monitoring with checks on licensed premises and engagement with people within licensed premises.

During discussion, the following main points were raised:-

  • there was a continued number of very large heavy goods vehicles using Old Evanton Road in Dingwall to travel to Evanton and this was a major concern as the road had both a height and weight limit that was being ignored;
  • the large number of missing people was a concern, Members were pleased at the involvement of football teams in helping to locate these people; and
  • it was requested and confirmed that the figures for the festive drink driving campaign would be broken down into age groups.

The Committee NOTED the progress made against the objectives set within the Highland and Islands Local Policing Plan 2017-2020 Year 3, attached as Annex A to this report, for the period covering 1 April 2019 - 31 December 2019.

6.  Roads Maintenance Programme 2020/21
Prògram Càradh Rathaidean 2020/21

There had been circulated Report No BIDS/002/20 dated 13 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer – Infrastructure and Environment.  Prior to the replacement of the Ross and Cromarty Committee with the three new area committees, a draft capital budget for 2020/21 had been drawn up, based on the 2019/20 Ross and Cromarty budget allocation.  As the Black Isle, Dingwall and Seaforth area had a total of 28% of the road length in the former Ross and Cromarty area, the proposed capital programme is based on 28% of the 2019/20 Ross and Cromarty Area Capital budget and equates to an allocation of £306,125.  Should this figure be amended the programme would be reviewed as appropriate. #

During discussion, the following main points were raised:-

  • in response to a question on timings, members were advised that it depended on various things including the road, whether a Roads Order was required and when the technical drawing could be undertaken; and
  • there was a need to look at innovative methods of repairing roads.

The Committee APPROVED the proposed 2020/21 Roads Maintenance Programme for Black Isle, Dingwall and Seaforth.

7.  Housing Revenue Account: Garage Rents 2020/21
Cunntas Teachd-a-steach Taigheadais: Màil Gharaidsean 2020/21

Declarations of Interest – Mrs A MacLean declared a financial interest as her husband rented a Council garage but having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that her interest did not preclude her from taking part in the discussion.

There is circulated Report No BIDS/002/20 dated 13 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer – Housing and Property.

The Committee is invited to agree a level of rent increase to apply to Black Isle, Dingwall and Seaforth garages and garage sites.

The Committee also discussed the condition and usage of Council garages within the Ward acknowledging the run-down condition of garages and the investment required to re-condition them. Members have asked officers for a detailed report to come to a future committee providing options surrounding the future of Council garages in Wards 8 and 9.

The Committee APPROVED:

  1. a level of rent increase to garages and garage sites in Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh of 3%; and
  2. that a detailed report come to a future committee providing options surrounding the future of Council garages in Wards 8 and 9.

8.  Common Good Funds                                                                                                  
Maoin Maith Choitchinn

There had been circulated Report Nos BIDS/004/20 – RC/006/20 dated 13 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer – Community and Place and the Executive Chief Officer – Resources and Finance on the following Common Good Funds:-

  1. Dingwall Common Good Fund BIDS/004/20
  2. Fortrose and Rosemarkie Common Good Fund BIDS/005/20
  3. Cromarty Common Good Fund BIDS/006/20

The Committee:

  1. NOTED the updated information provided in relation to each Fund.
  2. APPROVED the proposed 2020/21 budget for the Fund;
  3. AGREED the Dingwall Common Good Fund contribute £8,000 towards the Town Centre Fund Property Project.

9.  Fortrose and Rosemarkie Common Good Fund: Proposed lease of Fortrose camp site to existing tenants
ath Coitcheann na Cananaich agus Ros Maircnidh: Aonta màil ga mholadh airson làrach campachaidh na Cananaich dhan luchd-màil làithreach

There had been circulated Report No BIDS/007/20 dated 13 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer - Communities and Place and the Executive Chief Officer - Resources and Finance.

The Fortrose and Rosemarkie Community Council had requested that the decision on the lease be deferred, but as their concerns had been addressed in the report Members saw no reason to defer to the next meeting.

The tenants required a long lease to give them confidence to develop the site and their investment.

The lease could be surrendered at any time during the lease but it would be in the tenants best interests to assign the lease to another party and the Council had the ability to approve the new assignee.   Should the assignee wish to carry out work of any significance, the assignee would require permission. 

Members requested that the lease commence immediately following Sheriff Court consent.

Mr G Adam, seconded by Mr C Fraser, moved that the application be approved. 

The Committee therefore:

  1. NOTED the outcome of the consultation process undertaken; and
  2. AGREED the proposal to grant a 30 year lease of Fortrose Camp Site (which is located on Common Good land) to the existing tenants subject to the consent of the Sheriff Court being obtained; and
  3. AGREED that the 30 year lease would commence once the consent of the Sheriff Court is obtained.

Mr G Mackenzie indicated that he wished his abstention to be recorded.

The meeting closed at 12.30 pm.