Agendas, reports and minutes

Sutherland County Committee

Date: Monday, 24 February 2020

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of the Sutherland County Committee held in the Chamber, Council Offices, Drummuie on Monday 24 February 2020 at 10.30am.

Ms K Currie
Mr R Gale
Mr J McGillivray 
Mr H Morrison
Ms L Munro
Officials in attendance: 
Ms H Ross, Senior Ward Manager, Chief Executive’s Office
Mr P Tomalin, Ward Manager, Chief Executive’s Office
Ms A Donald, Education Quality Improvement Manager, Care and Learning Service
Ms K Wood, Head Teacher, North Coast Campus, Care and Learning Service
Mr C Simpson, Principal Tourism and Film Officer, Development & Infrastructure Service
Mr D Cowie, Principal Planner, Development & Infrastructure Service
Mr D Chisholm, Planner, Development & Infrastructure Service
Mr J Holden, Area Housing Manager (North), Community Services
Ms A Macrae, Committee Administrator, Chief Executive’s Office

Also in Attendance:
Chief Inspector J Wilson, Police Scotland

Mr R Gale in the Chair

1. Apologies for Absence

An apology for absence was intimated on behalf of Mrs D Mackay.

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

There were no declarations of interest.

3. Police – Area Performance Summary                                                  
Poileas – Geàrr-chunntas air Coileanadh Sgìreil

There had been circulated Report No SCC/01/20 dated 18 February 2020 by the North Area Commander.

In discussion, Members raised the following main issues:-

  • whether the Police supported a local campaign for the introduction of a 30mph speed limit on the A836 between Ardgay and Bonar Bridge. The Chief Inspector advised that the Council would require to carry out speed measurements and the Police analyse the accident data in this location prior to an assessment being made, and undertook to raise this matter with the Roads Policing Inspector;
  • clarification was sought and provided on the increase in detections of drug driving offences, this being mainly due to the Police having the modern equipment to carry out drug tests;
  • the process for changing /extending speed limits in response to the speeding culture and increased volume of traffic being observed in North West Sutherland. The Chief Inspector advised local Members to convene a case conference involving all the relevant agencies and community councils to develop a problem profile to take this forward;
  • the need for a more informed discussion on how to better manage incidents and adopt a more pragmatic approach to cases of missing persons involving vulnerable young people in care given the significant impact on care staff, allied professionals and Police resources, and the opportunity to raise this with the Community Planning Board and local community partnerships;
  • a proposal by the Sutherland Drug and Alcohol Forum to introduce a Sutherland Pub Watch scheme in the area. The Chief Inspector advised that a data protection issue had arisen in relation to such schemes and he would feedback to the relevant officer once a solution had been confirmed; and
  • additional ‘keep left’ road signage in six different languages had been erected in North and West Sutherland in conjunction with local community councils and had proved to be effective over the past 18 months. The Chief Inspector undertook to investigate potential funding sources to extend this type of signage in the area.

The Committee following scrutiny NOTED the progress made against the objectives set within the Highland and Islands Local Policing Plan 2017-2020 Year 3, for the period covering 1 April 2019- 31 December 2019.

4. Investing in Sutherland Tourism                                                        
A’ Tasgadh ann an Turasachd Chataibh

There had been circulated Report No SCC/02/20 dated 14 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Infrastructure and Environment.

In discussion, regret was expressed at the decision by Scottish Ministers to refuse the planning application for Coul Links Golf Course. Following a short adjournment, the Chair confirmed that with Members agreement he would write to the Scottish Government Minister for Rural Economy and Tourism inviting him to attend a future meeting of the Committee to discuss the future economy of Sutherland in view of the decision to refuse planning permission for Coul Links Golf Course.

Thereafter, Mr J McGillivray confirmed he would be inviting those groups and agencies who had opposed the planning application to meet and discuss with Sutherland Members the future socio-economic opportunities at Coul Links, and the state of the Sutherland economy as a whole.

During further discussion, Members raised the following main issues:-

  • the income generated by the North Coast 500 and benefits to the Highland economy was encouraging, however concern was expressed at the adequacy of the infrastructure along the route to deal with the high volume of visitor numbers;
  • the need to explore in more depth the opportunities from a commercial perspective for the Council and for private operators to better promote the network of facilities already available, specific reference being made to toilets and facilities for the disposal of waste from motorhomes;
  • the transient visitor levy should also apply to motorhomes/camping and the potential to lobby the Scottish Government on this issue, the Council’s having already raised this point in its consultation response to the introduction of the levy;
  • if parking was provided in the centre of communities it was more likely visitors in motorhomes would use the local facilities available. It was confirmed this approach was being progressed through some of the Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund projects, including in Lochinver and Helmsdale and if successful it was likely other communities would follow suit;
  • frustration in communities about motorhomes congregating in areas outwith campsites and the need for the definition of wild camping to be clarified. It was confirmed the Scottish Government was reviewing the advice issued with the Scottish Outdoor Access Code to emphasise the definition did not include motor vehicles. The North Coast 500 Roads Sub Group would be asked to investigate those areas where motorhomes were congregating such as the Kyle of Tongue to ensure they were appropriately managed;
  • the potential to limit the number of parking spaces for motorhomes in some areas and also to consider charging, albeit enforcement could be an issue in this regard;
  • the North Coast 500 Roads Sub Group to be asked to consider the provision of height barriers in off road car parks and those adjacent to cemeteries to prevent parking in some areas;
  • the potential to more accurately record the actual number of motorhomes visiting the area from 1 April 2020 for the following year on the basis it was considered the figures were being underestimated;
  • the lack of engagement with communities or compensation for any disruption from film companies visiting the area, any financial contribution being on a voluntary basis;
  • discussions be held with the Principal Tourism and Film Officer on the opportunities for eco-tourism in relation to Coul Links; and
  • concern the figures in the report produced by the North Coast 500 on the economic impacts of the route on communities may not be robust, no information having been provided on the methodology used, and the opportunities to improve the accuracy of the data to better inform future tourism strategies and investment.

The Committee:-

i. NOTED the current situation regarding tourism in Sutherland; and
ii. AGREED that the Chair write to the Scottish Government Minister for Rural Economy and Tourism inviting him to attend a future meeting of the Committee to discuss the future economy of Sutherland in view of the decision to refuse planning permission for Coul Links Golf Course.

5. North Coast Campus Overview                                                                                          
Sealladh Coitcheann air Campas a’ Chost a Tuath

There had been circulated Report No SCC/03/20 dated 7 February 2020 by the Interim Chief Executive Officer Education and Learning.

Members were circulated with a written update on the North Coast Campus which provided further information on staffing, additional support needs, funding, buildings, lever destinations, exclusions and the school roll. The Head Teacher advised that the Campus structure was working well and had increased the range of opportunities available to children and staff, the pupils attained well in comparison to others and staffing issues were ongoing and of significant concern. The Campus continued to work to support children with additional needs and to ensure a positive destination for all pupils. 

In discussion, Members expressed their concern that the demountable unit which accommodated the music rooms at Farr High School was in a state of disrepair and could not be used and at the lack of alternative space within the School. It was understood there were surplus high quality demountable units available to the Council and therefore that a letter be sent to the Leader of the Council and Chair of the Education Committee seeking an urgent resolution to this matter.  It was also important that local Members were made aware of any issues within the Campus so that they could provide support and make representations where necessary.

During further discussion, Members welcomed the excellent performance within the Campus and raised the following main points- 

  • It was a credit to the ethos of the Campus to have so many pupils attending from other catchment areas;
  • confirmation was sought and provided that transport costs for those pupils travelling from outwith the catchment area was not funded by the School;
  • concern at the lack of support for children with additional support and other needs and an explanation was sought and provided on the level of support available to the School including outwith the education system and how this was accessed;
  • a point that High Life Highland had been allocated funding for mental health training through active schools coordinators, and the need to ensure this was being rolled out;
  • the need for a joined up approach within the Council on the potential to use vacant properties in the area to provide accommodation for probationary teachers;
  • confirmation was sought and provided that opportunities for staff to achieve dual accreditation in primary and secondary subjects was being progressed, on the basis flexibility within the system was required to address the staffing challenges outlined; and
  • the provision of video conferencing facilities at Farr High School be explored with the Sutherland Community Partnership.  

The Committee:-

i. NOTED following scrutiny, the content of the report; and
ii. AGREED to write to the Council Leader and the Chair of the Education  Committee expressing concern at the lack of  accommodation for the music rooms at Farr High School and seeking an urgent resolution to this matter.

6. Caithness & Sutherland Town Centre Strategy                                
Ro-innleachd Meadhan Baile Ghallaibh agus Chataibh

There had been circulated Report No SCC/04/20 dated 4 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Infrastructure and Environment.

In discussion, it was confirmed that comments received from interested groups in communities had been taken into consideration, specific reference being made to those submitted by the Go Golspie Development Trust. The Principal Planner explained that some of the comments received had been outwith the scope of the Strategy or related to settlements which had not been identified as town centres in the Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan.

Thereafter, clarification was sought on the potential action to work with Transport Scotland to assess the need for and identify traffic management measures and the improvement of accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists alongside and across the A9 trunk road in Golspie. The Principal Planner advised the wording of this action had been influenced by the consultation feedback, in particular comments received from Transport Scotland. The Action Programme would be more specific in terms of identifying responsibilities and timescales and it was anticipated Transport Scotland and the Council would be key parties. There would also be liaison with Ward Members and Golspie Community Council.

A further comment welcomed the fact officers had within the Strategy taken into account the local comments received in relation to Dornoch. 

The Committee:-

i. NOTED the issues raised in consultation responses to the Draft Caithness and Sutherland Town Centre Strategy (Section 5 and Appendix 1) and revisions to the Strategy (Appendix 2);
ii. AGREED that the Strategy, finalised in line with the decisions of the two Area Committees, be submitted to Scottish Ministers for consideration as per the statutory process for adoption of Supplementary Guidance;
iii. NOTED that the Strategy will be a material consideration for development management purposes with immediate effect;
iv. AGREED to the adoption and issuing of the submitted version of the Strategy as statutory Supplementary Guidance to the Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan upon completion of the requisite 28 day period for consideration by Scottish Ministers, subject to any directions from Ministers indicating otherwise; and
v. NOTED that the associated Action Programme will be drawn together by officers in consultation with Ward Members and the parties mentioned in it and subsequently will be published and promoted to those parties and the wider communities.

7. Housing Revenue Account: Garage Rents 2020/21                          
Cunntas Teachd A-steach Taigheadais: Màil Gharaidsean 2020/21

There had been circulated Report No SCC/05/20 dated 10 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Property and Housing.

In discussion, Members raised the following main issues:-

  • a cautious approach was required in regard to any decision to identify  garages as storage units and potentially increase the rent to reflect commercial charges;
  • a reasonably priced storage area could potentially be a popular option going forward;   
  • support was expressed for the proposed 3% rent increase to be applied to Garages and Garage Sites in Caithness for 2020/21;
  • a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee providing more detailed information and costings on the potential options for garages and garage sites in Sutherland, including a local assessment of demand and condition, to enable decisions on future investment and use.

The Committee AGREED that:-

i. a 3% rent increase be applied to Garages and Garage Sites in Caithness for 2020/21; and
ii. a report providing more detailed information and costs on the potential options for garages and garage sites in Sutherland be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee to enable decisions on future investment and use.

8. Dornoch Common Good Quarterly Monitoring Report                        
Aithisg Sgrùdadh Ràitheil Math Coitcheann Dhòrnaich

There had been circulated Report No SCC/06/20 dated 12 February 2020 by the Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place and Executive Chief Officer Resources and Finance.

The Ward Manager reported that following consultation with Members, the Council had rejected the offer made by Historylinks museum to purchase the museum site on the basis it was not in the best interests of the Dornoch Common Good Fund.

The Senior Ward Manager provided an update on the decision to withdraw the current consultation on a proposal to dispose, by new lease, of an area of Common Good land to Royal Dornoch Golf Club (RDGC) who were the existing tenants on the basis the terminology used and description in the consultation document of ‘a fair market rent’ could potentially be misleading. The Council was also now aware of a separate negotiation between Dornoch Area Community Council and RDGC which might have an impact on the lease.  On this basis, a review of the current position was required and negotiations had re-opened.  All those who had already responded to the consultation would be notified of the position and would have a further opportunity to respond once a new consultation was available.

In discussion, reference was made to the importance of negotiations progressing rapidly and seeking to adhere to the original time schedule for concluding this matter.  The Senior Ward Manager provided an assurance the Council’s legal officers had already acted timeously and were committed to responding as quickly as possible going forward.

A further point was raised in relation to the potential for the Fund’s current balance to be provided to Dornoch Area Community Council on a monthly/quarterly basis, and stated in the report. In response, it was confirmed officers would have informal discussions with the Chair of the Community Council in relation to this matter.

The Committee NOTED the position of the Dornoch Common Good Fund, as shown in the Q3 monitoring statement against budget.

9. Urgent Additional Item
Development of Care Home on North Coast of Sutherland

The Chair agreed the following item be considered as an urgent additional item to allow Members to discuss and consider a response to the delay in the development of a new care home in North Sutherland

Mrs L Munro expressed her concern at the significant delay in the development of a new care home in North Sutherland, this being sixth year of the North Coast redesign, and at the impact this delay was having on staff and families. Local GPs had written to the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive on this matter and a response was awaited. She had also written at the end of the previous week expressing her concern and seeking a response. There were suggestions this would be dealt with as part of the capital budget considerations, however it had been agreed previously that the new care home would be funded from slippage in the relevant NHS Highland budget.  She therefore suggested that a meeting of the Sutherland Members be held immediately after the Committee to discuss this and other current issues of concern in the area.

The Chair suggested this was a further example of the area being disregarded in a number of different ways and a lack commitment to the people and investment in the economy of Sutherland.

The Committee AGREED to express its concern at the significant delay around the development of a new care home in Sutherland and that Members have further discussions on the approach to be taken on this matter outwith the meeting.

10. Minutes                                                                                                                                                           

There had been circulated and NOTED Minutes of the Sutherland County Committee held on 14 November 2019 which were approved by the Council on 9 December 2019.

The meeting closed at 1.10pm.