Agendas, reports and minutes

Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh Committee

Date: Thursday, 9 July 2020

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of the Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh Committee held remotely via Microsoft Teams on 9 July 2020 at 2.00 pm.


Mrs I Campbell
Dr I Cockburn
Mr A MacInnes
Mr D MacLeod

In attendance:

Mr M Rodgers, ECO, Property and Housing
Mr P Senior, ECO, Education and Learning
Mrs A Clark, Head of Policy and Reform
Jo Ford, Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations
Mrs D Ferguson, Senior Ward Manager, Communities and Place
Mrs A MacArthur, Administrative Assistant, Chief Executive’s Office

An asterisk in the margin denotes a recommendation to the Council.  All decisions with no marking in the margin are delegated to the Committee.


1.  Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

2.  Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

There were no declarations of interest.

3.  Appointment of Vice Chair
Cur lar-Chathraiche an Drechud

The Chairman invited nominations for the Vice Chair.

Mr A MacInnes, seconded by Dr I Cockburn nominated Mr D MacLeod as Vice Chair of the Committee.

The Committee therefore AGREED to appoint Mr D MacLeod as Vice Chair of the Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh Committee.

 4.  Schools Reopening
Sgoiltean a’ Fosgladh A-rithist

A verbal update was provided by the Executive Chief Officer, Education and Learning on the plans and preparations for schools reopening.

Paul Senior gave thanks to everybody involved in the work involved in preparing for the return to schools from parents, teachers and carers to colleagues in facilities management, catering and all support staff.

Option A was the preferred Scottish Government option with schools due to re-open fully in August 2020 with a 100% return to school and no social distancing.Other options available had been option B for a 100% return to school with one metre social distancing and option C for a 50% return to school with two metre social distancing and a blended method of learning.However, reassurance was given that crucial work on risk assessments was being undertaken with operational plans should social distancing measures come back into force.

There were challenges and pressure points within the provision of school transport.With social distancing a bus that would normally carry 70 passengers would only be able to carry 14 passengers.

An intensive programme of engagement had begun with many consultation events.Eleven sub groups had been set up through the Programme Office covering transport, catering, facilities and local agencies to ensure school settings were ready for August and information was being received daily from the Scottish Government and CoSLA.A webpage had also been created which included frequently asked questions (FAQs) for parents and carers at  This site would be updated as new information became available. 

The HMIE had given positive endorsement of the Highland plans for the return to school in their draft report.The finalised report would be issued later this month and reported to the HC Education Committee in August.

Members took the opportunity to recognise the huge contribution made to education in their communities by the Area Education and Learning Manager Norma Young who was due to retire this month. They praised her commitment, energy and work ethic, her exceptional knowledge and the very high respect she was held in across the whole area. Members wished Norma a happy retirement.

In discussion, the following main points were raised:-

  • Information was requested on transport, John Finlayson and David Summers were currently working on a transport study and the results would be reported in due course;
  • Information was requested and provided on a replacement Area Care and Learning Manager for the area and interim arrangements would be announced in the following week; and
  • Information was requested and provided on previously proposed renovation work to schools during the summer recess.

Members thanked Paul Senior for his presentation and welcomed him to the Highlands.

5.  Highland Council and Local Community COVID-19 Response
Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd agus Freagairt COVID-19 na Coimhearsnachd Ionadail

i. The Highland Council response to Covid 19

The Senior Ward Manager provided a verbal report on the Highland Council’s Local Community Hub.  The Ward Manager explained that humanitarian assistance centres (HACs) had been established as part of the emergency response to support key groups within the community that would be vulnerable to Covid.  The presentation provided detailed information on the types of support that had been provided; the local arrangements that had been established; the key learning opportunities; an outline of the next steps and how the Council would continue to work within the local communities; financial information on the local funding for community support and how this had been distributed; and information on the Business Grant support that had been awarded to businesses across the Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh area.

Due to the wide geography of the area, although the main hub was in Ullapool, deliveries were also made from vans in Gairloch and Plockton with further support from Kyle and across the geography.  There had also been a water delivery for people who had no water. 

Members paid tribute to Ward Manager Robbie Bain who had led the humanitarian hub for Wester Ross.  Robbie’s professionalism, knowledge, approachable manner, skills and excellent work over many years was particularly highlighted.  Robbie, who had recently left the Council, worked very closely with all communities and councillors and played a pivotal role in making things happen.

During discussion, the following main points were raised:-

  • Information was sought and provided on the withdrawal of support from Ward Management with their business as usual increasing with ward  business meetings and committees, there would be no withdrawal of support for the hubs until a new structure had been arranged;
  • In relation to the Ward Manager for Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh, Dot Ferguson, Senior Ward Manager would act as Interim Ward Manager until arrangements had been put in place, with support from the Assistant Ward Manager, Emma Tayler; and
  • Information was requested and would be provided on the hubs in Dingwall for key workers from Strathpeffer as following re-application their requests had been refused.

The Committee NOTED the verbal update and presentation and AGREED that information be forwarded on the hubs in Dingwall for key workers from Strathpeffer. 

ii. Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh Community Response

Jo Ford, Skye and Lochalsh Council for Voluntary Organisations provided an update on the Third Sector and community response.  The SLCVO did not cover Strathpeffer which was covered by Ross-shire Voluntary Action.  The community support had been truly amazing.  In Lochalsh, the Community Trust had brought all Community Councils and groups together to work as one.  A local help line was quickly set up and by working with the local Co-op they had redistributed £18,000 of food waste back into the community.  Working to support mental health a community newsletter had been distributed to all homes and the community was looking at ways this support could continue in the future.  In Ullapool the Community Trust had also set up a help line and voucher scheme and were now focussing on recovery.  A recent survey promoted within the community had received 425 responses which highlighted people’s fears, concerns about tourism restarting and their future and these responses were available on the SLVCO Facebook page.

GALE was the anchor organisation in SW Ross and Gairloch with local car schemes playing a very active role in delivering essential supplies.

Funding for all the organisations was an ongoing issue with key summer events no longer occurring they had to look to source financial assistance as a priority.

Members praised the work of volunteers and council staff for taking on such a vital and proactive role. The community support has been outstanding. To see so many people work together so well at a time of rapid change and great uncertainty has been truly inspiring.

6.  Minutes

There were circulated and NOTED the Minutes of Meeting of the Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh Committee held on 11 February 2020 which were approved by the Council on 12 March 2020.

The meeting closed at 3.00 pm.