Agendas, reports and minutes

Ross and Cromarty Local Access Forum

Date: Friday, 26 February 2021

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Ross and Cromarty Local Access Forum will be a virtual meeting held on the MS teams on Friday 26 February 2021 at 10.00 pm.

A note of the business to be transacted at the meeting is appended.  

Yours faithfully,

Claire McArthur
Principal Solicitor - Regulatory Services
(for Head of Corporate Governance)

(Chair – Mr Robin Forrest)

1.  Apologies for Absence

2.  Confirmation of Minutes  

There are submitted for confirmation as a correct record the Minutes of Meeting of the Ross and Cromarty Local Access Forum held on 16 January 2020.

3.  The Highland Core Path Plan Review update –

  1. West Highlands and Islands Amended Core Paths Plan- Wester Ross section approvals, objections and changes for consultation prior to submission to Scottish Government.
  2. Inner Moray Firth

4.  Access Issues

  1. Braes, Ullapool – proposed development with core path diversion
  2. Findon, Culbokie – access rights through steading
  3. Aultbea – cattle as obstruction?
  4. Aultgowrie, Fairburn – obstructing parking
  5. Strathconon – river obstruction

5.  National Access Forum Matters

6.  Any other business

7.  Date of Next Meeting