Agendas, reports and minutes

Nairnshire Committee

Date: Monday, 8 August 2022

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Nairnshire Committee will take place Remotely on Monday 8 August 2022 at 10.30am.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Stewart Fraser

Head of Corporate Governance



1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.  Any Member making a declaration of interest should provide some information on the nature of the interest and leave the meeting at the appropriate time.  Advice may be sought from officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Recess Powers
Cumhachdan Fosaidh

The Committee is asked to note that the recess powers granted by the Council at its meeting on 30 June 2022 did not require to be exercised in relation to the business of the Nairnshire Committee.

4. Appointment of Chair
Cur Cathraiche an Dreuchd

Nominations will be sought at the meeting for the position of Chair of the Nairnshire Area Committee.

5.Appointment of Provost
Cur an Dreuchd Pròbhaist

Nominations will be sought at the meeting for the position of Provost of Nairn.

6. Appointments to Sub-Committee, Working Groups etc
Cur an Dreuchd gu Fo-Chomataidhean, Buidhnean-obrach is eile

The Committee is invited to appoint Members to the following groups:
i. Nairn Academy Stakeholder Group – 2 Members
ii. Nairn & Nairnshire Community Partnership - 1 Member
Nominations will be sought at the meeting.

7. Appointments to Outside Bodies
Cur an Dreuchd gu Buidhnean on Taobh A-muigh

The Committee is invited to agree the appointments to the following Outside Bodies:
i.   Nairn District Salmon Fishery Board -2 Members
ii.  Nairn Local Access Forum – 1 Member
iii. Nairn Community & Arts Centre – 2 Members
iv.  Nairn Citizens Advice Bureau – 1 Member
v.   Nairn Business Improvement District – 1 Member
Nominations will be sought at the meeting.

8. Scottish Fire and Rescue Area Committee Performance Report 
Aithisg Coileanaidh Comataidh Sgìreil Smàlaidh agus Teasairginn na h-Alba 

There is circulated Report No NC/06/22 dated 22 July 2022 by the Local Senior Officer.
The Committee is invited to comment on and scrutinise the Area Performance report.

9. Winter Service Plan 2022/23
Plana Seirbheis Geamhraidh 2022/23

There is circulated Joint Report No NC/07/22 dated 19 July 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer Infrastructure, Environment & Economy.
The Committee is asked to:

i. approve the Winter Service Plan for 2022/23; and
ii. note that Covid-19 and driver’s hours regulations will potentially have an impact on the winter service provided. PP.12-25

10. Nairn Common Good Fund
Maoin Math Coitcheann Inbhir Narann

a. Consultation on proposal to dispose, by sale, of Grant Street workshop and yard, Grant Street, Fishertown, Nairn
Co-chomhairle mu mholadh gus faighinn cuidhteas, le reic, de bhùth-obrach is lios Sràid nan Granndach, Sràid nan Granndach, Baile an Iasgaich, Inbhir Narann 

There is circulated Joint Report No NC/08/22 dated 6 July 2022 by the Acting Depute Chief Executive and Executive Chief Officer Performance and Governance and Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is asked to

i.   note the outcome of the consultation process undertaken as contained in the analysis at Appendix 1 to the report;
ii.  approve the responses to the issues raised in connection with the proposal for publication on the Council’s website as contained in the table in Appendix 1 to the report; and
iii. consider whether to:
a. agree that the proposal to dispose, by sale, should go ahead in the terms of the consultation document OR
b. amend the proposal to include the marketing of the property for lease instead of sale and agree that the proposal should go ahead on that basis OR
c. Amend the proposal to include the marketing of the property for lease as well as sale and the proposal to go ahead on that basis OR
d. Decide that the proposal should not go ahead.

b. Consultation on disposal and associated change of use at West Links, Nairn
Co-chomhairle mu fhaighinn cuidhteas agus atharrachadh cleachdaidh aig Machair an Iar, Inbhir Narann

There is circulated Joint Report No NC/09/22 dated 6 July 2022 by the Acting Depute Chief Executive and Executive Chief Officer Performance and Governance and Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place. 
In respect of the consultation concerning the existing and proposed additional land to be leased at West Links, the Committee is asked to:

i.   note the outcome of the consultation process undertaken as contained in the analysis at Appendix 1 to the report;
ii.  approve the responses to the issues raised in connection with the proposal which can be found at Appendix 1 to the report for publication on the Council’s website;
iii. agree the proposal to dispose, by lease, of the area of 178m² of land at West Links, Marine Road, Nairn;
iv.  agree to change the use of the additional 40.5m² area from public amenity to kiosk seating; and
v.   note that, if agreed, it will be necessary to seek Sheriff Court consent in respect of the proposal.

c.  Consultation on potential future development of Sandown Lands – Consultation Outcome
Co-chomhairle mu leasachadh san àm ri teachd aig Fearann Sandown – Toradh Co-chomhairle

There is circulated Joint Report No NC/10/22 dated 7 July 2022 by the Acting Depute Chief Executive and Executive Chief Officer Performance and Governance and Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is asked to:

i.   note the key outcomes from the work of the short life Reference Group at paragraph 4.4 of the report;
ii.  note the representations received in respect of the second phase of the consultation as contained at Appendix 1 to the report;
iii. agree the responses to the representations received within the additional period of consultation also outlined at Appendix 1 to the report; 
iv.  approve the publication of Appendix 1 to the report on the Council’s website and to notify those who have responded within the full consultation period, where contact details have been provided;
v.   note the analysis and key themes outlined in Section 5.2 of the report which is based upon the feedback from the two consultation periods; 
vi.  in terms of the future use or development for the Sandown Lands, Members are also asked to note the options contained within the report and agree the officer recommendation as follows:
• agree not to proceed with disposal of Sandown lands at this time and to agree the following next steps:
a. that options to establish further community growing opportunities on the Sandown Lands field (hatched in pink on the site plan contained in Appendix 2 to the report) are explored through a feasibility study, which will include further engagement with the community.  The scope for commissioning this feasibility study will be brought before a future meeting of this Committee; and
b. that further work to consider uses for the remainder of the Sandown Lands will be led by the Nairn and Nairnshire Community Partnership, and relevant sub-groups, in an Area Place Planning process.  Any future proposal will be subject to a further Community Empowerment Act Consultation and reports to meetings of this Committee.  PP.43-105

d. Nairn Common Good Fund (NCGF) 
Maoin Math Coitcheann Inbhir Narann

There is circulated Joint Report No NC/11/22 dated 29 July 2022 by the Executive Chief Officer Resources and Finance and Executive Chief Officer Communities and Place.
The Committee is asked to:

i. scrutinise and note the position of the NCGF as shown in the Quarter 1 Revenue Monitoring Statement against Budget for 2022/23;
ii. agree the use Nairn Common Good Fund cash reserves in 2022/23 to support Nairn events:
• Nairn Book & Arts Festival £2,000 
• Nairn Christmas lighting £3,000
iii. agree that proposals for an Events budget line in the 2023/24 Nairn Common Good Fund budget be presented to a future meeting of the Committee; and
iv. note that a report on the Invitation to Pay Parking Scheme at NCGF sites will be presented to a future meeting of this Committee.

11. Minutes

There is circulated for noting Minutes of Meeting of the Nairnshire Committee held on 8 March 2022 which were approved by the Council on 10 March 2022.