Agendas, reports and minutes

North Planning Applications Committee

Date: Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Agenda: North Planning Applications Committee Agenda - 21 May 2013


A meeting of the North Planning Applications Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Tuesday 21 May 2013 at 10.30 am.

You are invited to attend and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

Members are reminded that during determination of any item before this Committee they must be present throughout the whole of that item in order to be entitled to participate.

Members are further reminded that mobile devices, including mobile phones, can be used for following the agenda/reports and delivering speeches but should not be used for any form of communication (text or tweet) during the meeting.

Yours faithfully,

Alaisdair Mackenzie, Legal Manager
(for Assistant Chief Executive)

1. Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Confirmation of Minutes
Dearbhadh a’ Gheàrr-chunntais

There is submitted for confirmation as a correct record:

i   Minutes of Meeting of the 16 April 2013;

4. Major Applications
Iarrtasan Mora

There is circulated Report No PLN-046-13 (103kb pdf) by the Head of Planning and Building Standards providing a summary of all cases within the “Major” development category currently with the Planning and Development Service for determination.

5. Continued Items

Cuspairean a' Leantain

5.1 Applicant:  SSE Generation Limited (12/02872/S36) (PLN-037-13 (1070kb pdf)   |Cumulative Map - Glencassley (765kb pdf)|Sallachy and Glencassley Route Map (1264kb pdf))
Location:  Land 2 km NE of Glencassley Estate, By Lairg, Sutherland (Ward 1)
Nature of Development:  To construct and operate Glencassley Wind Farm – 26 No turbines (78 MW total Output) with 80 m (max) hub height and 126.5 m tip height complete with anemeometer masts, access tracks, borrow pits, electricity sub-station, cabling, concrete batching plant, construction compound and welfare buildings
Recommendation: With the removal of three turbines, raise no objection.

5.2 Applicant:  WKN Sallachy Limited (11/04718/S36) (PLN-045-13 Part 1 (1833kb pdf)|PLN-045-13 Part 2 (1629kb pdf))
Location:  Sallachy Wind Farm, Sallachy and Duchally Estate, Lairg (Ward 1)
Nature of Development:  Wind farm 66 MW / 22 Turbines with associated infrastructure
Recommendation:  Raise no Objection.

6. Planning Applications to be Determined
Iarrtasan Dealbhaidh rin Dearbhadh

There are circulated Reports Nos PLN/047/13 - PLN/054/13 by the Area Planning Manager North as follows:-

6.1  Applicant:  Mr Martin MacPhee (11/04245/PIP) (PLN-047-13 (151kb pdf))
Location:  Land west of 26 Geary, Hallin, Dunvegan (Ward 11)
Nature of Development:  Erection of dwellinghouse
Recommendation:  Grant.

6.2  Applicant:  R R Mackay and Company Limited (12/03638/FUL) (PLN-048-13 Part 1 (1840kb pdf)|PLN-048-13 Part 2 (578kb pdf))
Location:  Land 550 m of Taigh na Muir, Dunnet (Ward 04)
Nature of Development: Erection of 1 no 500 kw wind turbine with a height to blade tip of 79.6 m, 55 m to hub and a rotor diameter of 48 m and ancillary works
Recommendation:  Refuse.

6.3  Applicant:  LSHA/The Highland Council (13/00149/FUL) (PLN-049-13 Part 1 (1995kb pdf)|PLN-049-13 Part 2 (1970kb pdf))
Location:  Former Dairy Site, The Square, Balmacara, Kyle (Ward 06)
Nature of Development:  Demolition of former dairy.  Erection of 4 semi- detached houses and 4 flats with associated parking and upgrading of existing access road
Recommendation:  Grant.

6.4  Applicant:  Mr Alpin MacDonald (13/00624/FUL) (PLN-050-13 (1789kb pdf))
Location:  Land 50 m SE of 4 Swordale Cottages, Evanton (Ward 07)
Nature of Development:  Erection of 3 houses and 3 garages
Recommendation:  Grant.

6.5  Applicant:  Mr Peter Bene (13/00933/FUL) (PLN-051-13 (1774kb pdf))
Location:  Balblair Farm, Edderton, Tain (Ward 05)
Nature of Development:  Alter and extend hours, demolishing previous extension; erect domestic garage/workshop; alter existing access arrangement – forming a new private access
Recommendation:  Grant.

6.6  Applicant:  Sutherland Sport Community and Recreation Hub (13/01194/FUL) (PLN-052-13 (1987kb pdf))
Location:  Blaes Park, Back Road, Golspie (Ward 05)
Nature of Development:  Provision of two sporting areas – football, and netball/basketball.  Erection of ball-stop fencing.  Installation of floodlighting to the football area
Recommendation:  Grant.

6.7  Applicant:  Openreach (13/01405/FUL) (PLN-053-13 (418kb pdf))
Location:  Royal Mail Delivery Office, High Street, Dingwall (Ward 09)
Nature of Development:  Installation of telecom cabinet
Recommendation:  Grant.

6.8  Applicant:  Openreach (13/01409/FUL) (PLN-054-13 (426kb pdf))
Location:  Land adjacent to St Clement’s Church, Tulloch Street, Dingwall  (Ward 09)
Nature of Development:  Installation of telecom cabinet
Recommendation:  Grant.

7. Decisions of Appeals to the Scottish Government Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals    
Co-dhùnaidhean Ath-thagraidhean do Bhuidheann-stiùiridh Riaghaltas na h-Alba airson Ath-thagraidhean Dealbhaidh agus Àrainneachd

7.1 Applicant: Bright Spark Energy Ltd (12/01650/FUL)
Location: Land at Davidston Farm, (1 km west of Mains of Eathie Farm), Cromarty (Ward 10)
Nature of Development: Erection of three (amended from five) 800 kw wind turbines on 49.7 m towers (rotor diameter 48m)

Committee will recall refusing the above application at their meeting of 15 January, contrary to recommendation. The appeal is to be considered under the written submissions procedure and a site visit.  Committee is asked to NOTE that the appeal has been lodged and will be advised of the outcome in due course.

7.2 Applicant: G and M Properties (12/03939/FUL) (PPA-270-2086 (73kb pdf))
Location: Ross-shire Business Centre, 1 Castle Street, Dingwall, IV15 9HU (Ward 9)
Nature of Development: Alterations and change of use from offices (Class 4) to guest house (Class 7)
Committee will recall refusing the above application at their meeting of 12 February, contrary to recommendation.  The appeal has been allowed and planning permission has been granted subject to conditions.  A copy of the decision letter is appended for Members information.  Committee is asked to NOTE the decision.

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