Planning Performance Framework highlights excellent work

The Highland Council’s Planning Performance Framework has been agreed for submission to the Scottish Government.

All Planning Authorities in Scotland are required to submit an annual Planning Performance Framework to the Scottish Government, setting out how they have performed over the previous financial year.

The report presents some of the projects and developments that the planning service has helped to deliver and where it has worked closely with communities, developers and partner organisations and groups to deliver improvements to the services it provides.

Chair of the Places Committee of Highland Council, Councillor Allan Henderson said: “2016/17 was another year of growth for the Highlands, and the Council’s planning service has continued to deliver a number of key development projects over the year.

“In light of the challenging financial position of the Council, efforts have been made to improve efficiency in delivering our services to the customer whether that be at Local Development Plan or Development Management stage. I am particularly pleased that the levels of usage of ePlanning is one of the highest in Scotland, and that we have built on the benefits offered by ensuring a mobile working solution is available to all of our staff.

“Good progress is being made on the City-Region Deal which will bring significant investment and set a strong framework for future growth.

“This Planning Performance Framework reflects the good work of the Service over the course of the last year, illustrated through case studies, and also highlights some key improvements we will be progressing during the course of this year.”

The Planning Performance Framework is published on our website at item 9      



18 Aug 2017