‘Give it a go’ and help care for classic Cairngorms geology site

Volunteering with Highland Council Ranger Service and Volunteer Cairngorms

Would you like to get out into the fresh air? Get some exercise? Meet new people? Make a difference to a really special part of the Cairngorms? Or maybe you’ve never tried volunteering before but fancy giving it a go at a fun, friendly, relaxed event. If the answer is ‘Yes’ then Highland Council’s Ranger Service and Volunteer Cairngorms need you on Saturday 30 September at the rôche moutonnée site in Dulnain Bridge.

Everyone’s welcome to drop-in and join in for as much or as little time as they can spare at the ‘Give it a go’ day. Highland Council Ranger Service in partnership with Volunteer Cairngorms will be running the day for anyone willing to try their hand at taking care of this amazing site.

There will be the chance to repaint the beautiful interpretation of a rôche moutonnée; clear vegetation so that the rôche moutonnées can be seen more easily; and help take care of paths so the area can be enjoyed by all. There’s something for everyone to try and all help received will make a real difference!

Saranne Bish, Highland Council Countryside Ranger said: “The rôche moutonnée site is a very special location. Created by geological glacial processes they give an insight to the awesome power of the natural world.

“We’re not expecting folk to work hard for nothing! We will provide shelter in the form of a tarp and lots of cups of tea made using a camping kettle. If you’re lucky you may well get a cake too!

Mike Woolvin, Volunteer Coordinator, Cairngorms National Park Authority said: “This is a great opportunity to give volunteering a go in a unique environment. No matter if you’re a seasoned volunteer or never tried it before all are welcome for this fun and friendly event. It’s a great chance to take care of this special place, learn new skills, meet people, and of course have fun!”

The Give it a Go day on Saturday 30 September will run from 11am – 3pm, there will be plenty of chances for hot drinks and biscuits throughout the day, and all are welcome including those under 18 with a responsible adult. Please wear sturdy shoes and clothes to suit the weather, and bring a packed lunch if you’re staying for the day! If you’d like to know more, or have any questions, you can contact Saranne Bish on 07818 588 222 or Mike Woolvin on 01479 870 566. 

25 Sep 2017