Strathconon Primary pupils to relocate due to teacher shortage
The Highland Council has written to parents and carers of the 17 primary and 2 nursery pupils currently attending Strathconon Primary School to advise them that due to ongoing staffing challenges at Strathconon Primary School the Council has a critical situation in the New Year and pupils will have to transfer to Marybank Primary School until the Council recruits new staff for the school.
Bill Alexander, Director of Care and Learning explains: “As both existing teaching staff are moving to other posts it will not be possible to have new staff in place for the new term.
“We have considered various options for dealing with this situation, and have concluded that the least problematic option is to provide education for the children at an alternative location, until staffing can be put in place.
“Parents are being informed by letter today, that their children will, in the New Year, be transported each day to Marybank Primary School. Staff will plan this week for the children to visit the Marybank classes to help ease the transition.
“This is an unfortunate situation, but colleagues will work at making the best of it. We are interviewing for the position of Principal Teacher in the first week of term, and the class teacher post is being re-advertised.”