Portree High School Follow-Through Report

An interim follow-through report on Portree High School has just been published which focuses on the progress made since the original inspection in May 2006.

The latest report describes the progress made as useful and promising in curricular areas and in the ethos of the school.The improvements to the existing accommodation are seen as effective.

The Director of Education, Culture and Sport, Mr Hugh Fraser said: “I am pleased to see the progress that the school has made.   We all recognise that more needs to be done, as the report points up.

“The impending appointment of a new head teacher and the opening of the new school, with its first-class facilities, give us an ideal opportunity to build on the good work of staff in the past year and secure the further improvement identified in the report. The school will be given the support it needs to ensure this happens.”

Leadership had been a concern and although the follow-through report suggests there is more to be done, the effective leadership and hard work of the three deputes are recognised.  Throughout the report, the positive contribution they have made in addressing the action points is highlighted.  The efforts made by school staff to improve and monitor the quality of learning and teaching are praised, while acknowledging further work is required.   Effective steps had been taken to improve communication, resulting in better working relationships among staff.

The report sums up by stating that with effective support from the education authority, encouraging steps had been taken by staff to address the action points, but emphasises the need to improve attainment in S4 and S6.

The inspectors are to continue to work with the school and another report will be issued in a year’s time.


28 Aug 2007