Victorian Market - Academy Street entrance

Members of the City of Inverness Area Committee have today (Thursday 21 Feb) agreed to go forward with the refurbishment of stonework at the Inverness Victorian Market Academy Street entrance at a cost of £43,000.

The project has received a grant of £30,256.52 from the Inverness Townscape Heritage (TH) Project and £12,743.48 from the Inverness Common Good Fund totalling £43,000. The Inverness TH Project is a collaboration of funding partners including Inverness City Heritage Trust (ICHT), Historic Environment Scotland (HES), The National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) and the Highland Council.  It is coordinated and led by Highland Council.

In order to progress the stonework project, Members agreed to defer mechanical and electrical works along with new door installations at the Victorian Market, to tie the works in with the future shop front redesign project to gain economies of scale.

David Haas, City Area Manager explained: “with works on any old building there are often unforeseen costs. However, as a result of good project management, we have identified that additional costs are 70% higher than originally budgeted for hence why Members were asked to defer the mechanical, electrical and door replacement works today.”

Looking forward, £0.150m remains allocated towards the upgrading of shop fronts at the Victorian Market within the Market Arcade which will include new lighting and flooring.



21 Feb 2019