Winter Payment to increase for people most in need in Inverness area.

Members of The Highland Council’s City of Inverness Area Committee have agreed to continue a winter payments scheme for eligible people in the Inverness area for 2019/20 with a £2 increase in the payment.

A one-off payment of £84 per person will be available through the Scheme to support members of the community most in need of financial assistance during the coldest months of the year when extra fuel is needed.

This discretionary funding is being provided from the Inverness Common Good Fund and therefore is only available to people living in the City of Inverness and the landward areas of the 7 city Wards. The scheme is not available to people out with these areas.

During winter 2018/19, 1,517 households received payments totalling £124,394.

Provost of Inverness and Area Cllr Helen Carmichael said: “The increase in uptake of the Inverness Winter Payment Scheme over the past 4 years by around 40% shows that during continued welfare reform, there is still an increasing demand for this type of financial assistance. Members recognise the difficulties that people face during winter, sometimes having to make a choice between eating or turning the heating on.

“We hope that by providing this discretionary payment, and through the Council’s continued work to promote the uptake of other sources of financial support and advice that we can improve the well-being of those most in need in Inverness.”

In addition, Council Officers will continue to provide advice and information on the UK Government’s Winter Fuel and Cold Weather Payments; the Warm Home Discount Scheme; and will encourage applicants to seek valuable advice on energy efficiency.

The Council will promote how to apply for the 2019/20 Inverness Winter Discretionary Payments Scheme in due course.

29 Aug 2019