Interest builds for public engagement event on Fort William’s future vision
Over 20 organisations and groups representing development and investments in Fort William are confirmed to take part in a major public engagement event taking place this week. The Fort William 2040 #FW2040 Exhibition runs from 2pm to 7.30pm on Wednesday afternoon at the Nevis Centre, Fort William, and is being billed as a gathering place for people to talk to the groups and organisations promoting developments in the area. Representatives confirmed to attend include Transport Scotland, NHS, Highland Council, UHI, Lochaber Chamber of Commerce, HIE, Forestry & Land Scotland, Scottish Canals, Crown Estate Scotland and major employers including Liberty. Attendance is expected from a number of Community Councils and local groups.
The #FW2040 event marks one year since an initial consultation held in September 2018, where feedback from participants helped to develop a vision, masterplan and delivery programme for the future of Fort William and Lochaber. One year on the public are being invited to review progress made over the last year, and to give their views on the next stages of the masterplan.
During the exhibition, workshops will be held allowing people to discuss the delivery of different aspects of the community’s vision for the future. For those unable to attend in person an online questionnaire has been set up at where comments can be submitted until Friday 18th October.
The results of the event will help feed into an updated version of the FW2040 Masterplan that will be considered by the Highland Council’s Lochaber Committee together with representatives of Community Councils in the area.