Planned part-day Road Closure - B851 at Inverarnie – B851/B861 Junction to Dalvourn

Motorists are being advised by The Highland Council that there will be part-day road closures of the B851 at Inverarnie Village (south of Inverness) during Monday 6th April to Friday 10th April between 9am and 4pm each day.  

The five part-day road closures are required to carry out essential carriageway resurfacing works. The surfacing plant machinery and site constraints require a road closure to ensure safe working practices.

This work is from the B851/B861 Junction to Dalvourn, is part of the B851 Inverarnie Village Improvement Scheme works and is required to ensure safety for the public and workforce.  

A local diversion for light vehicles only will be in place using the Brin – Dunlichity - Balnafoich Road, during these times. 

Advance notification signs advising the public of this closure will be erected week commencing 16 March giving advance notice of the works.

Emergency vehicle access will be maintained and service buses, refuse collections and local access for residents living within the Closure extents will be managed through the works under the supervision of the contractor.  Pedestrians and cyclist access will also be provided access through the works via the new shared-use path under the supervision of the Contractor.

Highland Council apologises for any inconvenience.

16 Mar 2020