Highland Council welcomes NHS Highland step towards purchase of Home Farm Care Home
The Highland Council welcomes confirmation from NHS Highland today (3 September 2020) that they have now signed an initial agreement with HC-One regarding the purchase of Home Farm Care Home in Skye.
Leader of The Highland Council, Cllr Margaret Davidson said: “The Council welcomes this significant step reached between NHS Highland and HC-One. The Highland Council is supportive of this positive move forward but is mindful of the potential impact this could have on the Council’s revenue budget if these costs are not met by government. I have written to the Minister for Health and Sport regarding these concerns and await a response.”
Cllr John Gordon, Chair (Cathraiche) of the Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee said: “Local Members have submitted a Motion to The Highland Council which will be considered at the next meeting of the Council on Thursday 10 September. The Motion seeks Highland Council support to seek Scottish Government financial assurance regarding Home Farm.”
The Motion by Ward: 10 Eilean a' Cheò, Skye Councillors John Gordon, John Finlayson, Calum Munro, and Calum MacLeod states:
“The Highland Council welcomes developments between HC-One and NHSH regarding the transfer of ownership to NHSH and for them to deliver care.
“Given the exceptional nature of the situation of the costs involved the Scottish Government have agreed to provide capital funding to NHSH for the purchase of Home Farm. These exceptional costs are also prevailing with the revenue costs and even more so as they will be re-occurring at an estimated £1.2m per annum, which Highland Council has not budgeted for.
“The impact of Covid-19 will have an impact on council budgets that are already overstretched and the Council agrees to write to the Scottish Government asking for an assurance that all revenue funding regarding Home Farm would be met by the Scottish Government.”
The matter will be discussed at full council on Thursday 10 September.