Repairs and Improvements to Golspie Swimming Pool

The structural repairs to Golspie Swimming Pool are progressing well and The Highland Council have been considering how best to make improvements to the overall facility in Golspie along with the time it will take and the costs involved.

Essentially there are two choices:
• The first is to refill the pool, having undertaken only minor repairs to pool tiles, and open to the public once structural works are complete and close the facility completely for refurbishment in July 2007.
• The second option is to continue with the current limited use until July 2007, undertake retiling of the pool on completion of current works and commence refurbishment July 2007.
Area Education, Culture and Sport Manager, Bill Couston said:  “Careful consideration of option 1 suggests that, whilst the community would wish to see the pool open again, it would be only for a short period of time before the full closure of the facility thus recreating the frustrations felt by all concerned. Additionally, it is the advice of our structural engineers that refilling and emptying the pool within a short timescale would be potentially damaging to the current pool tiling. 
“Under these circumstances the option to keep the pool closed until refurbishment commences in July 2007 and retile the pool meantime is seen to be the most sensible option.
“Work is currently underway on the designs for the full refurbishment of Golspie Pool. The planned improvements include the upgrading of facilities to improve accessibility to all, the refurbishment and extension of the fitness suite including new fitness equipment, upgraded toilets and accessible change facilities, upgraded and remodelled reception and entrance area, provision of a steam room, new sauna and upgraded lighting, heating and ventilation systems. The anticipated completion of this work is Mid to late Dec 2007 and, given the length of closure to date, every effort is being made to improve on these timescales.”
The Proposed plans, along with an outline programme, are available for public viewing at the Leisure facility.
Local Councillor Ian Ross said: “I can readily share the undoubted frustration the wider community feels over the loss of this important facility for such an extended period. The initial and unforeseen structural problem in the pool area is in the process of being fully addressed by specialist contractors and with the additional works we will have a leisure centre with significant additional facilities and in a first class state of repair. This is a clear demonstration of Council’s commitment to the Golspie Leisure Centre.”

26 Jan 2007