Highland Council response to increase of Covid-19 in Fort William area
Fort William Area - coronavirus help and support leaflet
The Highland Council is working with NHS Highland / Public Health Protection Team and other community group partners in a joint approach to tackle the situation in Fort William and to support people affected in the area.
Vice Convener of The Highland Council, Cllr Allan Henderson who is Chair of Communities and Place Committee said: "Council staff including Environmental Health and Education are working close with Public Health in the Fort William area. I understand that there will be anxieties among the community so there is support and assistance available from Environmental Health, and Benefits and Welfare and community partners. A leaflet has been produced to highlight the support available."
A positive case of COVID19 was diagnosed for a pupil associated with Lundavra Primary School. The pupil, however, has not attended recently and the health protection team have advised that no action is required by the school. The school continues to follow the advice from the Public Health Protection Team and has the appropriate hygiene procedures in place. Parents are reminded of the health advice should their child display any symptoms.
All Highland Council educational settings are following rigorous controls including enhanced cleaning, and hand hygiene, and the wearing of face coverings in Secondary Schools in corridors and at break-out times.
Highland Schools are following Scottish Government national guidelines, and individuals should follow the FACTS guidance:
• Face coverings in enclosed spaces
• Avoid crowded places
• Clean hands and surfaces regularly
• Two metre distancing; and
• Self-isolate and book a test if you have symptoms.
The Council’s Environmental Health team are liaising with businesses in the area with possible connections to positive Covid19 cases to check the Covid19 controls in place at the business.
The Environmental Health team is happy to provide advice to any businesses that have queries on the Covid-19 guidance and recommend businesses email queries to envhealth@highland.gov.uk This address can also be used by members of the public if they wish to raise concerns on Covid-19 controls at an establishment they have visited.
If anyone requires to self-isolate and they need support, e.g. with food supplies or financial assistance, they should contact the Council’s Freephone Helpline on 0300 303 1362 .