Tribute to former Lochaber Councillor

Tributes have been made following the news that former Lochaber Councillor Neil Clark has sadly passed away.

Neil represented his community on both Lochaber District Council and on The Highland Council, serving as Chairman of Lochaber District Council from 1993-1996.  

He was a British Telecom Engineer for 30 years, retiring in 1996 which allowed him to dedicate all his time and energy to his role as a local Councillor until he stood down in 2007.

He became chairman of the Nevis Partnership and also its predecessor Nevis Working Party. He also held the post of chair of the Fort William Steering Group and was also an active member of the Fort William Community Council for many years.

Council Leader Cllr Margaret Davidson said: “Neil was instrumental in getting key strategic development opportunity in Fort William underway - from the expansion of the town’s retail space and housing portfolio to spearheading the Waterfront regeneration project. 

He particularly enjoyed his role as chairman of the Nevis Working Party and the challenge of balancing conservation issues with providing facilities for the many visitors. One of his more memorable quotes on the subject was - "Glen Nevis and the Ben is our major attraction and we must be sure we do not kill the goose that lays the golden egg.” I think this sums up how as a Councillor he did a great job of not only representing the people who voted for him, but he also had the experience and skills to see the wider picture. His dedication and commitment to look to the future and ensure Lochaber was well placed to make the most of every opportunity is a lasting legacy. I’m sure everyone who had the privilege of serving with him will have their own special memories. Our thoughts go to his family at this sad time.”

Described as a Shinty fanatic, his other interests away from the debating chamber included gardening and walking.  Even when he was no longer a local councillor he supported his local community in his role as an employee of the Council’s housing service.

In his tribute Lochaber Committee Chair Cllr Andrew Baxter said: "Anyone who contacted Neil will know that he always dealt with issues with great patience and courtesy. Neil was at his most impressive when he was arguing for the best possible deal for Fort William and its residents, he continued to do that as an effective chairman of the community council. In that role he was determined that community council views should never be ignored and hear loud and clear by Highland Council. Fort William has lost a doughty community champion."

29 Oct 2020