Temporary restrictions on Highland Council roads in Inverness and Tain
Location of works on Barn Church Road
Barn Church Road Culloden - Balloch
Road resurfacing works will commence on the Barn Church Road between Culloden and Balloch on Tuesday 17 November 2020 at 09:00.
The works will affect the part of Barn Church Road east of its junction with Moray Park Avenue to east of its junction with Cherry Park, Balloch.
The works are planned to take place from Tuesday 17 until Friday 20 November 2020.
Temporary traffic management will be in place from 09:00 on Tuesday 17 and will remain in place until completion of the works. The Council hopes that any disruption will be kept to an absolute minimum.
Location of road closure and diversion for Tain Christmas market
Tain Christmas Market
A Christmas Market in Tain will see a temporary closure of the B9174 on Lamington Street, High Street and Tower Streets on Saturday 28 November 2020 from 10:00 till 17:00.
With the exception of emergency services all vehicular traffic will be prohibited from the section of the B9174 (Lamington Street, High Street and Tower Street) extending from its junction with Geanies Street north westwards to its junction with Rose Street and Chapel Street for around 430 metres.
Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. An alternative route will be signed via Queen Street, Manse Street and Hill Street or Rose Street. Access to the car park adjacent to the Royal Hotel will be maintained on St. Duthus Street.