Supporting Santa on the Isle of Skye this Christmas

Radio Skye is entering the 7th year of its ‘Cram The Van’ campaign, which helps local children and their families at Christmas time.
The station is appealing for the local community’s support in order to help fill the Radio Skye van with new toys and gifts for local children (from babies to teens) before distributing to families in need.
Details around donation points can be found on the Radio Skye website. The collection bins will be out for four weeks, starting 6 November until Sunday 6 December 2020.
This year a Just Giving Page has also been set up so that the station can raise extra money that will go towards more vouchers, including food, so that families get a few extras treats this festive season.
You can donate to their Just Giving Page campaign, and the money raised is then spent on food and gift vouchers to help as many people as possible this year.
This year has been particularly difficult for families due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and Highland Council is delighted that Radio Skye is once again putting in the work to help those in need.
Chair of the Isle of Skye and Raasay Area Committee, Cllr John Gordon, said: “There is no doubt that 2020 has been challenging for families across the country and that’s been no different in Skye.
“We appreciate that not everyone can afford to donate, but if you can we would urge you to do so and help bring a smile to those less fortunate at Christmas.”
The toys and vouchers are sorted and distributed through Radio Skye working alongside local groups, last year they worked with Community Children’s Worker, Children’s Service Worker, Family First, Social Work, Health Visitors, Skye and Lochalsh Community Food Bank, Skye and Lochalsh Citizens Advice Bureau and Skye And Lochalsh Young Carers.
All toys donated must be brand new and unwrapped, used toys cannot be accepted. If you would rather make a donation please use the Just Giving Page.