Last chance to have your say on who gets priority for Social Rented Housing
Highland Housing Register Allocation Policy – Public Consultation
There is still time to tell the Highland Housing Register landlords what you think about changes to the way that their houses are let and who gets priority. The consultation has been extended to Monday 7 December
The landlords contacted everyone who is on the Highland Housing Register re-housing list. Every HHR applicant got an email or a questionnaire though the post. Hundreds have already responded and sent in their views on the proposed changes.
There are several options for anyone else who wants to take part. They can get to the short survey by using this link
Alternatively they can find it on the Highland Council’s website or on the website of any of the other Highland Housing Register Landlords.
If they got a survey form through the post, there’s still time to send it back using the free-post envelope.
The Highland Housing Register Partnership is made up of Albyn Housing Society; Cairn Housing Association, Caledonia Housing Association, Lochaber Housing Association, Lochalsh & Skye Housing Association, Pentland Housing Association and The Highland Council. In total they provide over 20,000 homes across Highland. Each year around 1 in 10 of these become available to let. Last year, around 1,800 households moved into a new tenancy. There are another 9,000 households on the list waiting for an offer – many of them living in housing which is unsuitable for their needs whilst others have nowhere safe and secure to call home.
The landlords would like to hear from as many people as possible. They want to consider a wide range of views when they are deciding each of the changes. They particularly want to hear from anyone who is applying for housing as they will be affected by the changes.
They would like to thank everyone who has already given their views on the planned new approach.
For any questions about the consultation or needs any help with the survey, please contact Engage Scotland on Freephone 0800 433 7212 or email