Public to have their say on investment plan for Skye and Raasay

Uig Bay

Steps to create a new Investment Plan for Skye and Raasay have moved forward this week with details being announced of engagement events to be held in the new year.

The Highland Council has this week issued an email to local groups and communities outlining how they can participate and share the priorities and projects they want to promote.

The process will build upon the wide range of priorities and known and aspirational projects already identified, including new and improved public buildings, community facilities, transport and Coastal Communities Fund bids.

The online and interactive engagement events, which are being organised by Highland Council in conjunction with Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), are seen as a way agreeing the headline priorities and projects for the area and how people can work together to make the most of any future investment.  This approach is also hoped to help make the case for any funding sought in the future.

The email circulated this week encourages local communities and local businesses to start thinking about key issues:

  • Confirming priorities – the outcomes that people wish to achieve for the area;
  • Identifying projects – which projects will deliver the greatest benefits? and
  • Making things happen - identifying the actions, responsibilities and funding for delivering together.

On Thursday 28 January (4pm to 7pm) an initial meeting will be held with key interest groups and those currently leading projects across the area – including key agencies, Development Trusts and key community representatives.  Feedback gathered will help prepare for a wider public event scheduled for Thursday 18 February.  Community Councils are also to be invited to an additional dedicated briefing on 25 January.

Chair of Highland Council’s Isle of Skye and Raasay Committee, Cllr John Gordon - speaking on behalf of fellow Ward Members Cllrs John Finlayson, Calum Macleod, and Calum Munro said: "I'm delighted that plans are now in place to draw up the investment strategy for Skye and Raasay early in the new year.

"It is going to allow us to work together to prioritise investment across our region and help tackle some of challenges we face and grab hold of the unique opportunities on offer.  At a time when Highland Council and other public sector resources are under such pressure, I’d encourage people to help shape this plan for the future.”

In the new year a webpage will be set up to keep people informed of planned events and progress.  Anyone wishing to take part or find out more can contact

Uig Bay 2


Photos: Gordon Willoughby - Uig Bay

17 Dec 2020