Town Centre Funding to benefit Strathpeffer projects

Members of the Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh Committee have agreed that their share of extra Town Centre Funding will be used to support several projects in Strathpeffer.

The Scottish Government has allocated The Highland Council an additional £1,066,000 ring-fenced Town Centre Fund as part of its national economic recovery stimulus package, particularly aimed at supporting construction activity across Scotland. At yesterday’s Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh Committee councillors confirmed that their share of over £56,000 will go towards additional financial support to a project underway which is being led by the Community Council as well as helping kick starting several “shovel ready” ones.

£9,000 will be provided so the community council can purchase an additional pump to ensure the long-term operation of the fountain and waterfall cascade features, with £1,000 to go towards extending the electricity supply to enhance the new gazebo by providing powerpoints and lights.

As part of the Town Centre Fund requirements works must start in March this year and be completed by September 2021 the councillors were keen to support two local shovel ready projects put forward by the community council.

Following the Committee’s decision yesterday £15,000 will go towards promoting local tourism and encouraging visitors to spend time in Strathpeffer and the surrounding area by improving signage and £28,000 will be used towards the cost of drainage works required at the site of the new community play park.

The residual balance of £3,104 will be held as contingency in case the actual costs of works associated with the projects exceed budget estimates. In the event that it is not required there is an opportunity to take advantage of and promote use of the improved Peffery Way - an all abilities route between Dingwall and Strathpeffer, with the Community Council using it as match funding to purchase an electric “trishaw”. The specific use of a “trishaw” would be to facilitate residents from local care homes accessing the countryside helping to improve personal well-being.

Chair of the Committee, Cllr Ian Cockburn said: “We welcome this extra funding for capital works and it can now  be injected into the community of Strathpeffer where a lot of collaboration has been taking place. The investment will not only help to bring long-term benefits by encouraging more people to visit and spend time in Strathpeffer but will hopefully also help to support local tradesmen and contractors who will be doing the work. We have a very tight timescale to get the money spent so I look forward to seeing things move forward and I am sure the projects will act as a catalyst for more improvements.”

15 Jan 2021