Inverness Common Good Fund ‘current’ tenancies model agreed

Inverness Councillors have today considered a report on ‘Inverness Common Good Fund - Tenancies (COVID-19) – Models for Financial Support’.

The report was considered - within the current national and local context - regarding the support of businesses who are Inverness Common Good Fund tenants.

Members considered the financial and legal implications of a number of proposed business models and agreed on the ‘current approach’ model where:

‘Tenants can continue to seek interest-free rent deferrals as the principal means of support but consideration for further financial assistance can be considered on a case by case basis where there is strong commercial, financial and economic reasoning.’

City of Inverness Area Committee Chair, Cllr Helen Carmichael thanked the various cross-service officers for the comprehensive report and sound advice presented to the Committee.

She said: “Highland Council has provided unprecedented support to Common Good Fund tenants - including tenants in the Victorian Market in Inverness both before and during the coronavirus pandemic.

“Council officers are still speaking with tenants on a one-to one basis.

“Members have made this decision today based on the sound information and legal advice presented before us.”

22 Apr 2021