Highland Roads Recovery

Work on repairing Highland Council maintained roads is well under way.
As lockdown restrictions have eased and Spring temperatures increase, Highland Council teams across the region are parking up snowploughs and gritters and switching their duties to road surfacing, patching, lining, edging and verging of prioritised projects.
Cllr Trish Robertson, Chair of Highland Council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee said: “Over the coming days and weeks, the Council will be highlighting some of its roads maintenance works that have recently been completed and these will be featured on social media with the hashtag #HighlandRoadsRecovery.
“The Council has invested an extra £20 million capital and £1.3 million revenue on road maintenance, reflecting the importance placed on improving Highland roads.
“The Council is responding to the demand for road and pothole repairs across its region and assures the public that there are prioritised works programmes which are being actively tackled.
“The impact of the coronavirus pandemic and a long winter has delayed road recovery work over the past year, however investments in new plant and machinery are enabling staff to repair Highland Council roads quickly and efficiently.”
The Highland Council has the longest local road network of any council in Scotland and is responsible for nearly 7,000km roads; 1,700km footways, 2,180 bridges and culverts and 100 car parks.
It’s very important to know how to report damage to Highland Council-maintained roads and pavements (including potholes). This can be done by using the online forms on the Council’s website at www.highland.gov.uk/report
Follow the positive progress being made on #HighlandRoadsRecovery @HighlandCouncil and www.facebook.com/highlandcouncil