Highland Roads Recovery – best foot forward with care in Nairn!

Pedestrian access and safety have been greatly improved in Nairn with the completion of major works by Highland Council roads and planning teams.
The Council has invested an extra £20 million capital and £1.3 million revenue on road and footway maintenance, reflecting the importance placed on improving Highland’s infrastructure.
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic and a long winter has delayed road recovery work over the past year; and recent improvements in the weather have enabled Council staff to complete prioritised projects.
Staff are delighted to have recently completed works to:
• resurface the footway on Cawdor Road, opposite Nairn hospital;
• lay a new footway at Balmakeith Industrial estate; and
• installed new traffic calming arrangements and speed indicator devices (SIDS) on Lochloy Road.

New traffic calming arrangements Nairn Lochloy Road
Chair of the Nairnshire Committee Cllr Tom Heggie said: “We continue to make every attempt to respond to local needs and our staff work with elected members and the local community to seek the best solutions to issues around traffic management within our Ward. The recently completed works indicate the knowledge and understanding of our experienced staff in completing necessary works within our local infrastructure.”

Resurfaced footway to Nairn hospital
These are some of the many road projects completed across that region that The Highland Council is highlighting and featuring on social media with the hashtag #HighlandRoadsRecovery.
The Highland Council has the longest local road network of any council in Scotland and is responsible for nearly 7,000km roads; 1,700km footways, 2,180 bridges and culverts and 100 car parks.
The Council is actively delivering prioritised roads works programmes within its allocated resources. It’s important to know how to report damaged Highland Council-maintained roads and pavements (including potholes). This can be done by using the online forms on the Council’s website at www.highland.gov.uk/report
Follow the positive progress being made on #HighlandRoadsRecovery @HighlandCouncil twitter.com/HighlandCouncil and www.facebook.com/highlandcouncil