Highland Roads Recovery – More road works completed in Ross-shire

Stoney Road, Kyle of Lochalsh

Stoney Road, Kyle of Lochalsh


U3674 - Mellon Udrigle - Opinon, Laide

A896 Torridon Hotel - Annat

A896 Torridon Hotel - Annat

The Highland Council’s Roads Team has been very busy completing more road projects in Wester Ross according to the prioritised Area Capital Programme for 2021 – 2022.

Works recently carried out include:

  • Edge strengthening and more ‘hot tar’ pothole repairs and a surface dressing programme on the A896 just south of Kinlochewe.
  • Structural regulating of the Torridon Hotel - Annat section of the A896.
  • Structural overlay of various sections on the U3674 Mellon Udrigle – Opinon, Laide road.
  • At Stoney Road and Main Street in Kyle of Lochalsh - planing and overlay works.
  • At ‘The Fain’ on the A832 structural overlay and regulating works completed.
A896 just South of Kinlochewe

A896 just South of Kinlochewe

A832 The Fain

A832 The Fain



These are some of the many road projects completed on The Highland Council’s 6,754km of road network that the local authority is marking in its recent #HighlandRoadsRecovery campaign.

The Council is highlighting some of its roads maintenance works that have recently been completed and these are being featured on social media with the hashtag #HighlandRoadsRecovery.

It’s very important to know how to report damage to Highland Council-maintained roads and pavements (including potholes). This can be done by using the online forms on the Council’s website at www.highland.gov.uk/report.

Follow the positive progress being made on #HighlandRoadsRecovery @HighlandCouncil twitter.com/HighlandCouncil and www.facebook.com/highlandcouncil and www.highland.gov.uk/highlandroadsrecovery.

24 Jun 2021