Road sweeper machine supports Highland Roads Recovery

A new road sweeping vehicle is the latest addition to The Highland Council’s roads fleet which is helping Highland Council’s roads and parking teams to deliver more projects across this region.
Cllr Allan Henderson, Chair of Communities and Place said: “The new Volvo Scarab road sweeper was recently used for the first time at a car park in Golspie in preparation for white lining works which were carried out as part of a prioritised programme of works. Well done to the Council staff for an excellent job which will improve parking for locals and visitors to Golspie just in time for the main summer holiday season.”
Councillor Trish Robertson added: “This new addition to Highland Council’s fleet will be of great benefit to the Council’s roads service. It will enable and support the crews that are carrying out specialist works in the council’s roads programme.”

The new Scarab Magnum sweeper mounted on an 18 tonne Volvo in operation at Golspie.
This new vehicle acquisition is assisting one of the many road projects being carried out on The Highland Council’s 6,754km of road network that the local authority is marking in its recent #HighlandRoadsRecovery campaign.
The Council is highlighting some of its roads maintenance works that have recently been completed and these are being featured on social media with the hashtag #HighlandRoadsRecovery.
It’s very important to know how to report damage to Highland Council-maintained roads and pavements (including potholes). This can be done by using the online forms on the Council’s website at .
Follow the positive progress being made on #HighlandRoadsRecovery @HighlandCouncil and and on the council’s website at: