Dingwall & Seaforth Area Committee chair and vice chair appointed

Councillor Graham Mackenzie, who represents Ward 8, has been appointed as Chair of the new Dingwall & Seaforth Area Committee which met for the first time yesterday (Monday, 22 August).

After taking the Chair, Cllr Mackenzie thanked Members for their support and then called for nominations to the role of Vice-Chair. Cllr Margaret Paterson was elected as the Vice Chair of the Dingwall & Seaforth Area Committee and will take on the role of Civic Lead.

Speaking after the committee, the new Chair, Cllr Mackenzie said: “I would like to thank my colleagues for their support and it is a great honour to once again lead the Dingwall & Seaforth committee, continuing on from the previous Council term.

“I hope my fellow Ward members and I can build on the positive work from the previous Council term and can continue to work together constructively as a committee for the benefit of our local community and people."

Dingwall & Seaforth is a four-member ward (Ward 8).  The Committee members are Councillors Graham Mackenzie, Margaret Paterson, Angela MacLean and Sean Kennedy.

23 Aug 2022