Highland 20 mph speed limit programme benefits – help keep your community safe

Introducing the new norm, the safety benefits of speed limit adherence and changing and informing driver behaviour will be key to the Highland Council’s roll out of 20mph speed limits across the Highlands.

A report going to the Council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee will highlight additional actions and interventions the Road Safety Team are planning to  support the new 20mph speed limits which are currently getting rolled-out to 121 villages and towns across Highland, fully funded by Transport Scotland.

Chair of the Committee, Cllr Ken Gowans said: “The key to the success of this large-scale change to the speed limits is about drivers supporting local communities and the aspirations for an environment where vehicles are travelling at lower speed through them. One of the fundamental benefits of introducing 20 mph limits is to improve the safety of everyone using the roads be they drivers, cyclists, or walkers.

He added: “The report will cover the multi-agency approach that is planned to help drivers adjust to the new speed limits and help aid driver behaviour change. Developing key messages on safety and the importance of slowing down in the 20 mph limits and getting these across effectively, will be crucial. As we are part of the pilot for the whole of Scotland, we will be able to tap into resources Transport Scotland are developing specifically for the programme.

“In addition to having clear signage on the ground and providing information that helps influence current behaviour choices of drivers it is also about remembering why we are doing this. The very real safety benefits will be felt in each one of the 121 communities. Residents, including children, as well as visitors will be able to access schools, play spaces, local amenities, including shops and community centres, in a safer and more pleasant road environment.”

The Council’s Road Safety Team are in liaison with Police Scotland and will be actively promoting the programme in collaboration with its partner organisations.

The new limit extents for each area can be viewed online on the Highland Council website by selecting www.highland.gov.uk/20mph then the location in question.

The next stage in the delivery of the programme is the timetabling of the works required to introduce the new speed limits in the areas listed and this is ongoing with the first delivery date expected in summer 2023.

The report the committee will discuss is available on the Council’s website 


28 Apr 2023