Council leader to write to SEPA and Scottish Water

The Highland Council has agreed that the Council Leader will write to SEPA and Scottish Water regarding combined sewer overflows (CSO’s).

At the recent meeting of The Highland Council on 29 June 2023, Councillors approved an amendment by Councillor David Fraser seconded by Councillor Karl Rosie to a motion which was brought to Council by Councillor Trish Robertson and seconded by Councillor David Gregg.

"Council notes official Scottish Water figures showing that sewage was dumped at least 952 times in Highland.

"Understands that across Scotland only 4% of sewage overflow points are monitored (144 out of 3,614), compared to around 90% in England, so the actual figure will be much worse!

"Council believes that the local environment and everyone who uses our rivers and beaches deserve the highest possible protection.

"Council requests that the Council leader writes to SEPA & Scottish Water seeking a member workshop on the impact of CSO’s on the rivers and beaches in Highland with a focus on delivering environmental improvements."

4 Jul 2023