Councillors to discuss ‘Making Academy Street a Place for Everyone’

Watch the video on proposals for Academy Street, Inverness below and at this link.


A report on The Highland Council’s proposals for ‘Making Academy Street a Place for Everyone’ will be considered by Members of the City of Inverness Area Committee on Monday 28 August.

Councillors will be asked to:

  1. Note design progress, which strikes a balance between delivering sustainable transport, city centre regeneration, and supporting the city centre economy; and
  2. Agree that officers proceed with finalising the proposed design and consult on a Traffic Regulation Order, as explained in Section 10 of the report including appropriate equalities and economic impact assessments; and
  3. Agree that, if recommendation (ii) is not progressed that officers stop work on the design and remove temporary footpath widening measures (bollards) and reinstate the carriageway to its original width.

Leader of Inverness and Area Cllr Ian Brown said: “The project is in a live design process, and, subject to Members agreeing the recommendation next week, officers would look to continue the design process, including consultation and engagement, as explained in the report.

He added: “Whilst assessment of economic impact does not form part of the outputs for the design process officers are working through with Scottish Government, this will be undertaken as the project progresses, building on the work developed to date.”

Depute Leader of Inverness and Area, Cllr Chris Ballance said: “The Council has been looking at ways to improve Academy Street for several years – this is the culmination of these discussions, and a substantial amount of consultation with groups of stakeholders.

“The intention is to turn Academy Street from a road into a place to visit. The plans will allow vehicles to access every business in the area for shopping, deliveries, meetings etc. while discouraging through traffic.

“It will improve the public realm, making Academy Street a more attractive place to spend time in, whilst being respectful of the architectural history, identity and importance of Academy Street within Inverness city; and make Academy Street safer and more accessible for active travel users.”

The report can be viewed on The Highland Council’s website City of Inverness Area Committee agenda – item 6 at:

The committee meeting will be webcast live at: and a recording of the meeting will be published after the committee at: .

22 Aug 2023